Annong River (Traditional Chinese: 安農溪), originally named Dianhuo River, is a river in Taiwan located in Sanxing Township, Yilan County, approximately 3 kilometers from the downtown area of Luodong Township. It is one of the tributaries of the Luodong River in the Lanyang River system and serves as the drainage channel for the tailwater of the Lanyang Power Plant. The river is about 17.2 kilometers long, with a watershed area of approximately 55.9 square kilometers. It flows through the prime areas of Sanxing Township, providing essential water for agricultural irrigation in Sanxing Township and downstream towns. It is regarded as the "River of Life" of Sanxing Township due to its abundant water resources, which also make it suitable for rafting activities. Currently, the Annong River is managed by the First River Management Office of the Water Resources Agency under the Ministry of Economic Affairs. It is the most important and water-rich river in Sanxing Township, serving purposes of hydropower generation, irrigation, and tourism and recreation
- 蘭陽新祕境-前瞻安農溪的前世今生
- 三星安農溪落羽松秘境
- 安農溪自行車道
- 最新消息-宜蘭秘境-安農溪之美
- 蘭陽戶外與海洋教學資源網
- 最新消息-走讀安農溪- 宜蘭
- 蘭陽溪水系
- 宜蘭水POWER 打造全台首座自發自用微水力示範場域
- 安農溪旅遊簡介
- 宜蘭縣政府
- 安農溪第三期河道環境改善計畫
- 宜蘭安農溪參訪
- 宜蘭祕境安農溪分洪堰自然生態園區週末假日踏青的好去處
- 安農溪泛舟
- 轄區範圍
- 112年度安農溪明星護岸改善工程
- 宜蘭縣三星鄉的安農溪分洪堰及風景區
- 一滴水用4次! 宜蘭安農溪微水利發電示範點啟動
- 安農溪水源暨水利發電尾水引灌之認識參訪行程
- 「安農之心—張公圍綠色旅遊驛站興建工程」 ... - 宜蘭縣政府
24°42′03″N 121°45′09″E / 24.7007°N 121.7526°E / 24.7007; 121.7526