Band Ladies is a Canadian comedy web series, which premiered in 2020 on Highball TV. The series centres on five adult women who feel restless and in need of change in their lives as they approach age 40, and decide to turn their book club into a punk rock band after a video of them drunkenly singing together goes viral on the internet.
The five main characters are Chloe (Lisa Michelle Cornelius), Marnie (Kate Fenton), Cindy (Vicki Kim), Penny (Dana Puddicombe) and Stephanie (Kirsten Rasmussen). The cast also includes Tricia Black, Kris Siddiqi, Natasha Negovanlis and Ishan Davé.
The series was written by Fenton and Puddicombe, and directed by Molly Flood.
The series received two Canadian Screen Award nominations at the 9th Canadian Screen Awards in 2020, for Best Lead Performance in a Web Program or Series (Cornelius) and Best Supporting Performance in a Web Program or Series (Black). Black won the award for Best Supporting Performance.
- Gabriel Sigler, "Five women morph from book club to punk band in the comedic web series BAND LADIES". Bad Feeling, April 29, 2020.
- Sarah Foulkes, "All about all-grrrl punk rock streaming series Band Ladies". Cult MTL, June 4, 2020.
- Juanita Mercer, "Women rock in comedy series 'Band Ladies,' starring Newfoundland actress Dana Puddicombe". The Telegram, May 14, 2020.
- Gabrielle Mulholland, "'Band Ladies' Has Enough Heart to Make Up for Its Lack of Cred". Exclaim!, May 15, 2020.
- Brent Furdyk, "Television Nominees Announced For 2021 Canadian Screen Awards, ‘Schitt’s Creek’ Leads The Pack With 21 Nominations". ET Canada, March 30, 2021.
- Victoria Ahearn, "Sarah Polley, Jayne Eastwood among winners on night 2 of Canadian Screen Awards". CP24, May 18, 2021.
External links
- Band Ladies at IMDb