In Thru the Out Door is a Canadian comedy special, which aired on CBC Television on June 22, 1998. Created by Andy Nulman and billed as "network television's first-ever all-queer, all-star sketch comedy show", the special was a sketch comedy program highlighting LGBT comedians who had performed in the Queer Comics program at the Just for Laughs festival.
Comedians appearing on the special included Maggie Cassella, Jaffe Cohen, Lea DeLaria, Craig Francis, Robin Greenspan, Elvira Kurt, Bob Smith, Suzanne Westenhoefer and Jonathan Wilson. Sketches included a game show where people with HIV/AIDS had to gamble their medications to get health coverage, a parody of The Honeymooners that recast the show's main characters as Gertrude Stein, Alice B. Toklas and Pablo Picasso, a "House Straighteners" service that helped LGBT people "de-gay" their homes when their parents were about to visit, and a sports bar for people who were not good at sports.
The special received two Gemini Award nominations at the 14th Gemini Awards in 1999, for Best Direction in a Variety, or Performing Arts Program or Series (Michael McNamara) and Best Music in a Variety Program or Series (Carole Pope).
- ^ Alan Conter, "Show tackles sex, gender full-tilt: Born at Just for Laughs, CBC's In Thru the Out Door brings gay comedy to the small screen". Montreal Gazette, June 20, 1998.
- Nelson Wyatt, "CBC gay special is comedy pure and simple". Canadian Press, June 18, 1998.
- Richard Burnett, "In Thru the Out Door with Andy Nulman". Fugues, November 20, 2017.
- "Major Gemini Awards nominations". Toronto Star, September 22, 1999.
External links
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- Canadian LGBTQ-related television episodes
- CBC Television original programming
- 1998 television specials
- 1998 in Canadian television
- LGBTQ comedy and humour
- Canadian LGBTQ-related television specials
- 1990s Canadian television specials
- Canadian comedy television series stubs
- LGBTQ-related television show stubs