This is a list of the annual meeting locations, themes, and student papers from the Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property (ANAGPIC).
- 1974, The Corning Museum of Glass
- November 11–15, 1974 Conservation Seminar on Glass and Library Materials
- 1976, Art Conservation Department, Winterthur-University of Delaware
- April 19–21, 1976 Outdoor Metal Sculpture and Conservation of Textiles
- 1977, Art Conservation Department, Queen's University at Kingston
- May 9–11, 1977 Ethnographic Conservation
- 1978, Cooperstown Graduate Program, State University College at Oneonta
- April 10–12, 1978 Problems in the Preservation of Paper
- 1979, Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University
- April 30-May 2, 1979 Interaction Between Curator and Conservator
- 1980, Art Conservation Department, Winterthur-University of Delaware
- April 28–29, 1980 History of Artists' Techniques
- 1981, Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
- March 26–27, 1981 The Construction of the House: An Overture
- 1982, Art Conservation Department, Queen's University
- May 5–7, 1982 Paper and Archival Conservation in Canada and The Federal and Provincial Presence in Canadian Conservation
- 1983, Art Conservation Department, Buffalo State College
- May 1–3, 1983 Careers in Conservation
- 1984, Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University
- May 2–4, 1984 History and Future Directions of Conservation Training in North America
- 1985, Art Conservation Department, Winterthur-University of Delaware
- May 2–3, 1985 The Conservation of Contemporary Art
- 1986, Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts New York University with the Conservation Education Program, School of Library Service, Columbia University
- April 30-May 2, 1986 Environment and Collections: Extrinsic Conservation Strategies
- 1987, Art Conservation Program, Queen's University at Kingston
- May 6–8, 1987 Conservation Management
- 1988, Art Conservation Department, Buffalo State College
- May 4–6, 1988 Coping with Disaster: The Conservator's Role
- 1989, Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University
- April 28–29, 1989 Ethics in Conservation
- 1990, Art Conservation Department, Winterthur-University of Delaware
- April 26–28, 1990 Beyond Fine Art: The Preservation of Large and Varied Collections
- 1991, Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
- April 25–27, 1991 The Price of Preservation: Our Access to Egypt's Past
- 1992, Art Conservation Program, Queen's University at Kingston
- May 7–9, 1992 First Peoples' Art and Artifacts: Heritage and Conservation Issues
- 1993, Art Conservation Department, Buffalo State College
- April 15–17, 1993 The Conservation of the Photographic Image
- 1994, Furniture Conservation Training Program, Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education
- April 21–23, 1994 Using and Preserving Research Collections
- 1995, Art Conservation Department, Winterthur-University of Delaware
- April 20–22, 1995 Preventive Conservation and Exhibits: Management Strategies
- 1996, Straus Center for Conservation, Harvard University
- April 18–20, 1996 Conservation Laboratory Design and Renovation
- 1997, Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
- April 24–26, 1997 Preserving the Library
- 1998, Art Conservation Program, Queen's University at Kingston
- May 1–2, 1998 Research the Object: The Evidence
- 1999, Art Conservation Department, Buffalo State College
- April 22–24, 1999 The Past as Prologue: Conservation Tomorrow
- 2000, Smithsonian's Museum Conservation Institute
- April 27–29, 2000
- The student papers below were presented on April 28, 2000 at the S. Dillon Ripley Center of the Smithsonian Institution.
- Jon Brandon, Smithsonian Center, The Specialized Framing Technology in the Undercarriage of Preindustrial American Windsor Chairs
- Betsy Geiser, Buffalo State College, Barbie's Great-Great Grandmother: A Study of the Manufacture and Materials of Queen Anne Style Dolls
- Scott Gerson, Heather Hendry, and Bonnie MacLean, Queen's University, 10,000 Fragments: Piecing Together a 19th-Century Wall Map
- Meghan Goldman, New York University, Examination of Early Andy Warhol Hand-Colored Lithographs
- Dulce Maria Grimaldi, Queen's University, New Research on the Technique of the Mural Paintings at Templo Mayor Archaeological Site of the Aztecs
- Jennifer Hain, University of Texas at Austin, Collections Conservation in a Natural History Museum Library: Preserving Oversized Journals
- Tara Kennedy, University of Texas at Austin, Spectrofluorometric Examination of Ball Point Inks - A Preliminary Analytical Study
- Molly McNamara, Harvard University, Technical Examination of Ancient Greek Helmets in the Harvard University of Art Museums
- Holly Salmon, Winterthur-University of Delaware, Samurai Kote: Research and Treatment of Flood Damaged Armor Sleeves
- Sandra Sardjono, New York University, Detection of Hidden Infestation by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
- Sara Shpargel, Buffalo State College, Photo Buttons on the Mend
- Ellen D. Tully, Winterthur-University of Delaware, Your Objects Don't Dance and Your Paintings Don't Rock and Roll: Storage Solutions for Earthquake Prone Areas
- Friederike Zimmern, Harvard University, Kandinsky's Winter Landscape: A Question of Authenticity
- The student papers below were presented on April 28, 2000 at the S. Dillon Ripley Center of the Smithsonian Institution.
- 2001, Art Conservation Department, Winterthur-University of Delaware
- April 19–21, 2001
- 2002, Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University
- April 18–20, 2002
- The student papers below were presented on April 18–20, 2002 at the Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University.
- Tatiana Bareis, Winterthur-University of Delaware, Maxfield Parrish’s Mural for Granogue: An Exploration of the History, Materials, Technique, and Conservation
- Kate Smith Maurer, Harvard University, A Study of George Inness’s Underdrawing
- Geneviève Saulnier, Queen’s University, Cleaning Unvarnished Acrylic Emulsion Films Using Dry Cleaning Methods
- Nora Lockshin, University of Texas at Austin, Schnitzelbank – A Case Study of Deteriorating Cellulose Acetate in Books
- Kristi Dahm, New York University, A Technical Study of Seven 15th Century Italian Metalpoint Drawings: Techniques for Metalpoint Identification and Implications for Attribution Studies
- Sarah Reidell, University of Texas at Austin, Testing Texas History: The José Enrique de la Peña Diary
- Amy Jones, Harvard University, Establishing the Restoration History of Harvard’s Marble Statue of a Young Boy Running
- Éowynn Kerr, Buffalo State College, The Not So Secret Formulas of Jacques Maroger: An Inve4stigation of the Manufacture and use of Maroger Mediums
- Cheryl Podsiki, Queen’s University and Iris Koch, Ellen Lee, Chris Ollsen, Kenneth Reimer, Environmental Sciences Group, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Pesticide Contaminated Artifacts and the Conservator
- Sarah Barack and Beth Edelstein, New York University, Conservation of Decorative Plasterwork at the Merchant’s House Museum, New York City
- Judy L. Dion, Winterthur-University of Delaware, The Treatment, Examination, and History of a 19th Century Painted Leather Fire Bucket from Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- Emily O'Brien, Buffalo State College, The Examination and treatment of a Painted Gilt Leather Folding Screen
- The student papers below were presented on April 18–20, 2002 at the Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University.
- 2003, Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
- April 24–26, 2003
- 2004, Art Conservation Department, Queen's University at Kingston
- 2005, Art Conservation Department, Buffalo State College
- The student papers below were presented.
- Brian Baade and Natasha Loeblich, Winterthur-University of Delaware, Collaborative Efforts for Paint Analysis: Two Opportunities for Technical Examination of Major Works in Tandem With Outside Institutions
- Katherine Beaty, Buffalo State College, 21st- Century Remedies to 19th- Century Repairs of an 18th- Century Turkish Koran
- Kim Cullen Cobb, Queen’s University, Charred Wood Consolidated with Thermoplastic Resins
- Susan Costello, Harvard University, An Investigation of Early Chinese Bronze Mirrors at The Harvard University Art Museums
- Corey D’Augustine, New York University, Drill Team: Vaseline, Hair, and Paperclips
- Bart Devolder, Harvard University, Two 15th- c. Italian Paintings on Fine-Weave Supports and Their Relationship to Netherlandish Canvas Painting
- Angela Elliott, Buffalo State College, A Comparative Study of Basket Cleaning Methods Including Nd:YAG Lasers
- Maria Gonzalez, University of Texas at Austin, Revealing Networks: A Case Study of Disaster Response and Recuperation
- Dana Melchar, Winterthur-University of Delaware, Investigation of a High Chest and Dressing Table, en suite
- Holly Robertson, University of Texas at Austin, An Exploration of Non-adhesive Binding Structures Found in the Archives at Vilassar de Dalt
- David Turnbull, Queen’s University, Fishing for Answers: Dorothy Cameron’s “The Lost Goddess”
- Gawain Weaver, New York University, Capital Portraits: Conservation of the Topley Studio Index
- The student papers below were presented.
- 2006, Art Conservation Department, Winterthur-University of Delaware
- The student papers below were presented.
- Tish Brewer, University of Texas at Austin, The Nature of Forgeries: Iron Gall Ink and Paper Aging in Relation to Forged Historical Documents - An Independent Study
- Rebecca Capua, New York University, Materials and Techniques of George Grosz: American Watercolors
- Catherine Coueignoux, Winterthur-University of Delaware, An Exploration of Surface: Deciphering the History and Meaning of the Winterthur Peter Stretch Clock's Finish
- Amy Crist, Buffalo State College, An Investigation of the Characteristics, Compositions, and Identification Methods of Wax Crayons and Colored Pencils, Including a Case Study of a Drawing by Roberto Matta
- Matt Cushman, Winterthur-University of Delaware, A New Method for the Treatment of Iron-Stained Architectural Marble: in situ reduction of iron(III) using photovoltaic polymers and the introduction of a new chelating agent for conservation
- Lindsay Haynes, Queen's University, An Investigation into the Materials, Structure and Degradation Behavior of Portraits by William Sawyer
- Jo-Fan Huang, Harvard University, A Technical Examination of 7 Thai Manuscripts in the 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries
- Sandra Kelberlau, Harvard University, How One Landscape-Painter Paints: The Technique of Sanford Robinson Gifford
- Mary Oey, New York University, Some Problems in Musical Instrument Conservation in Museum Collections
- Sara Ribbans, Queen's University, Past Practices Causing Modern Problems: The Conservation of Three Jules Cheret Posters
- Dana K. Senge, Buffalo State College, Analysis and Treatment of a Chinese Ceramic Mortuary Figure
- Jim Thurn, University of Texas at Austin, Research on Methods to Remove Mold from Cellulose Acetate Audiotape
- The student papers below were presented.
- 2007, Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University
- The student papers below were presented.
- Snowden Becker, University of Texas at Austin, See No Evil, Hear No Evil: Audiovisual Evidence, Forensics, and Preservation in Law Enforcement
- Morwenna Blewett, Harvard University, A Puzzle to the Critics: The Technical Analysis and Treatment of a 16th Century Panel Painting of Possible French Origin
- Marie-Catherine Cyr, Queen's University, Conservation Issues: The Case of Time-Based Media Installations
- Alisa Eagleston, New York University, The Conservation of a Baining Headdress
- Anne R. Grady, Buffalo State College, Technical Examination and Treatment of an African Sword
- Amber Kerr-Allison, Winterthur-University of Delaware, Outdoor Public Murals: Materials, Advocacy and Conservation
- Jennifer Kim, New York University, Jaime Davidovich's Foam TV: An Interplay of Research, Interview, and Discussion to Determine Appropriate Treatment Avenues and the Acceptability of Replication
- Crystal Maitland, Queen's University, Where Archival and Fine Art Conservation Meet: Antioxidant and Deacidification Treatments of Corrosive Copper Watercolours Associated with Iron Gall Ink in Works of Art on Paper
- Samantha Sheesley, Buffalo State College, Artist Interviews as a Tool for Diligent Conservation Practice
- Theresa Smith, Harvard University, Bleaching and Color Reversion in Ingres Drawings at the Fogg Museum
- Samantha Springer, Winterthur-University of Delaware, An Examination of Alterations to Mississippian Period Native Copper Artifacts from the Collection of the National Museum of the American Indian
- The student papers below were presented.
- 2008, Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
- The student papers below were presented.
- Aimee Ducey, New York University, Conservation of Installation Art: Joseph Beuys's Aus Berlin: Neues vom Kojoten
- Lisa Duncan and Jessica Keister, Winterthur-University of Delaware, In Pursuit of Reality: A Technical Study of 2 Obscure Photographic Processes of the 19th Century
- Fletcher Durant, University of Texas at Austin, Revisiting the (Recent) History of Publishers’ Bindings as Artifacts
- Jocelyn Evans, Harvard University, Sacrifice of Isaac by Antonio di Donnino del Mazziere: Technical Analysis and Conservation Treatment
- Erin Gordon, Queen's University, Comparing Paper Extract to Traditional Toning Materials
- Ainslie Harrison, Queen's University, The Effects of Butvar B-98 on Bronze
- Elizabeth Homberger, Buffalo State College, Contextualizing the Nontangible: The Research and Treatment of a Collection of African Medicine
- Tara Hornung, Anna Serotta, and Diana Johnson, New York University, The Challenge of Attribution: Technical Examination of a Bronze Ding
- Sharon Norquest, Winterthur-University of Delaware, Preventing Poultice Problems: A Study of Ceramic Stain Reduction
- The student papers below were presented.
- 2009, Art Conservation Department, Buffalo State College
- The student papers below were presented.
- Sharra Grow, Winterthur-University of Delaware, When New and Improved Becomes Outdated and Degraded: The Technical Study and Treatment of a 1964 Pop Art Painted Collage
- Lauren Anne Horelick, University of California, Los Angeles/Getty, The Occurrence and Detection of Gunpowder in Haitian Vodou Charms; The Pakèt Kongo
- Eliza Spaulding, New York University, Evolving Authenticity in Henri Matisse's The Swimming Pool
- Marie Stewart, Winterthur-University of Delaware, The Investigation and Treatment of a Javanese Shadow Puppet from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
- The student papers below were presented.
- 2010, Art Conservation Department, Queen's University at Kingston
- The student papers below were presented.
- Nicole Ledoux, University of California, Los Angeles/Getty, Treatment and Technical Study of a Lakota Beaded Hide
- Meaghan Monaghan, Queen's University, Effects of Concentration and Artificial Ageing on the Strength and Reversibility of Dynamic® 208 Wallcovering Adhesive
- Cindy Lee Scott, Elizabeth Drolet, and Rita Blaik, University of California, Los Angeles/Getty and Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles, The Chemical Characterization and Removal of Lac Dye Staining on White-Ground Ceramics
- The student papers below were presented.
- 2011, Art Conservation Department, Winterthur-University of Delaware
- April 14–16, 2011
- The student papers below were presented April 15, 2011.
- Elizabeth Drolet, University of California, Los Angeles/Getty, Time, Erosion and Earthen Architecture: Documenting the Effectiveness of Protective Shelters for Mud-Brick Structures
- Amber Harwood, Queen's University, Analysis of the Physical Characteristics of Transparent Cellulosic Nanofiber Paper
- Hai-Yen Nguyen, Queen's University, Low-Flux Neutron and Megavoltage Gamma Computed Tomography for the Non-Destructive Imaging for Archaeology and Art Conservation
- Robin O'Hern, University of California, Los Angeles/Getty, On the Surface: A Cultural and Scientific Analysis of the Applied Surface from Two West African Komo Masks
- The student papers below were presented April 15, 2011.
- 2012, Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
- April 12–14, 2012
- The student papers below were presented April 13, 2012 in the Gilder Lehrman Hall auditorium.
- Kristin Bradley and Sophie Scully, New York University, Preserving a Palimpsest: The History and Treatment of the Saletta delle Rovine
- Margaret Wessling, New York University, Characterizing United Press International’s Unifax Facsimile Prints
- The student papers below were presented April 13, 2012 in the Gilder Lehrman Hall auditorium.
- April 25–27, 2013 L-A-NAGPIC 2013
- The student papers below were presented April 26, 2013 at the Getty Center.
- Dina Anchin, Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Refining Style: Technical Investigation of an Early Work by Georges Pierre Seurat in the Maurice Wertheim Collection
- Annika Finne, New York University, Flora or Folly? Assessing the Risks of Plant-Based Art
- Jessica Ford and Courtney Von Stein Murray, Winterthur-University of Delaware, Arabian Knights: Conserving a 1953 Pinball Back Glass
- Ashley Freeman, Michael Doutre, George Bevan, and Alison Murray, Queen's University, Craquelure Documentation and Analysis: A Preliminary Process Using Reflectance Transformation Imaging and ImageJ
- Tessa Gadomski, Winterthur-University of Delaware, The Miscellaneous Works of Charles Barrell
- Sonia Kata, Queen's University, Chitosan as a Consolidant for Fragile Silk
- Caitlin Mahony, University of California, Los Angeles/Getty, Mending Leather and Quillwork on a Native American Vest: The Challenges and Achievements
- Casey Mallinckrodt, University of California, Los Angeles/Getty, This Old Foot: Technical Analysis of a Ptolemaic Child Sarcophagus to Identify Structural Components Repurposed from Other Ancient Coffins
- Harry Metcalf, Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Corita Kent: A Technical Study of a Group of Screen Prints
- Laura Neufeld, Buffalo State College, Problem Children: Technical Analysis and Conservation Treatment of Two Works on Paper by Karel Appel
- Fran Ritchie, Buffalo State College, The Investigation and Conservation Treatment of a Mounted Juvenile Orangutan
- The student papers below were presented April 26, 2013 at the Getty Center.
- 2014, Art Conservation Department, Buffalo State College
- April 10–13, 2014 Extreme Conservation
- The student papers below were presented April 11, 2014.
- Megan Salazar-Walsh, Buffalo State College, Learning from The Governess: The treatment and technical study of a Chardin replica
- Georgina Rayner, Harvard University, Elemental identification of pigments used in traditional bark paintings in the Northern Territory
- Claire Curran, Winterthur-University of Delaware, Conserving the Contemporary: A look into the challenges of conserving cuttlefish bone and egg
- Kari Rayner, New York University, Cast in Flames: A Finish Analysis of Robert Chanler’s Whitney Studio Fireplace
- Alexis North, University of California, Los Angeles, Analysis and Conservation of a Pair of Cherokee Black-dyed Buckskin Moccasins: Preliminary Results
- Erin Kraus, Queen's University, Comparison of the Preparation of Klucel G Pre-made Mending Tissue Using Isopropanol and Ethanol and Three Methods of Reactivation
- Melissa Swanson, Columbia University, The Performance of Consolidants of Three North American Sandstones
- Kevin Wohlgemuth, University of Pennsylvania, Revisiting Gordion’s Pebble Mosaic Pavement: Recent research, analysis and testing
- Aaron Burgess, Buffalo State College, Shattered Earth: The Treatment of an Illuminated Art Deco Clock and Globe
- Shannon Brogdon-Grantham and Michelle Sullivan, Winterthur-University of Delaware, New Approaches to Cleaning Works on Paper and Photographic Materials
- Betsy Burr, University of California, Los Angeles, Chemical Analysis of Archaeological Peruvian Textiles
- Stephanie Barnes, Queen's University, Severe Delamination in Nu Féminin (1967) by Montreal Artist Jori Smith: A Case Study
- Eve Mayberger, New York University, Radiography & Replication as Investigative Tools for Conservation Research: The Dummy Mummy Project
- Nicole Ledoux, Harvard University, Delaying the Inevitable: An Investigation of Plastic Deterioration in Joseph Beuys Multiples
- The student papers below were presented April 11, 2014.
- ANAGPIC 2000
- Association of North American Graduate Programs in Conservation., & Harvard University. (2002). Twenty-eighth annual ANAGPIC student conference: April 18-20, 2002. Cambridge, Mass: Straus Center for Conservation, Harvard University Art Museums.
- ANAGPIC Student Papers, 2005
- ANAGPIC Student Papers, 2006
- ANAGPIC Student Papers, 2007
- ANAGPIC Student Papers, 2008
- ANAGPIC Student Papers, 2009
- ANAGPIC Student Papers, 2010
- ^ MAC Newsletter 2011-2012
- ^ NYU Newsgram, Issue 18, July 2012
- ANAGPIC Student Papers, 2013
- ANAGPIC Meeting 2014 Archived 2014-04-15 at
- ANAGPIC. North American Graduate Programs in the conservation of cultural property: histories, alumni.. Buffalo, NY: ANAGPIC, 2000.
- Buffalo State College. "ANAGPIC 2014 Buffalo | Art Conservation | Buffalo State." Art Conservation | Buffalo State. (accessed April 18, 2014).
- Conservation OnLine (CoOL). "The Association of North American Graduate Programs in Conservation." The Association of North American Graduate Programs in Conservation. (accessed April 22, 2014).
- New York University. "Newsgram: News in Brief from the Conservation Center, Issue 18, July 2012." Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, Art Conservation Department. (accessed April 18, 2014).
- Queen's University at Kingston. "Queen's Art Conservation Newsletter, 2011-2012." Queen's Art Conservation Department. (accessed April 22, 2014).
- Smithsonian's Museum Conservation Institute. "Museum Conservation Institute 2000 ANAGPIC26." Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute. (accessed April 22, 2014).