Patrie is a 1917 French film by Albert Capellani after the drama of Victorien Sardou. The film featured Henry Krauss as the Count of Rysoor, Paul Capellani as Karloo Van der Noot, Léon Bernard as Ionas, and Maxime Desjardins as the Duke of Alba.
- De Pathé Frères à Pathé Cinéma 1999 - PATRIE (1885 m) Production S.C.A.G.L. - OPT/MA (1914) scène dramatique Sc. et Réal. :Albert Capellani d'après le drame de Victorien Sardou Photographie : Karémine Mérobian Interprètes : Henry Krauss ( le comte de Rysoor), Paul ...
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Categories:- 1917 films
- French silent feature films
- Films directed by Albert Capellani
- French films based on plays
- Films based on works by Victorien Sardou
- Films set in the 16th century
- Films set in Flanders
- Works about the Eighty Years' War
- Cultural depictions of Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of Alba
- French black-and-white films
- French drama films
- 1917 drama films
- Silent drama films