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Reykjavík College of Music

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Icelandic gymnasium and music conservatory

The Reykjavík College of Music (Icelandic: Menntaskóli í tónlist) is an Icelandic gymnasium (junior college) and music conservatory founded in 2017.

It was created by the merger of the graduate levels of Tónlistarskólinn í Reykjavík (also known as Reykjavík College of Music) and Tónlistarskóli FÍH (Conservatory of the Icelandic Musicians Union). Non-music classes are offered by the Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð. Two degree paths are offered: A gymnasium degree path (in classical, rhythmic, or pop music) and a general path. As of 2019 it had around 200 students.


Tónlistarskólinn í Reykjavík

Tónlistarskólinn í Reykjavík was founded in 1930 and was the oldest surviving college of music in the country. It offered music education at intermediate, continuing, and university levels. Students graduated with a degree equivalent to a B.A. in performance, singing or composition or a B.Ed. in music education. It also operated a symphony orchestra (Orchestra of the Reykjavík College of Music).


  1. "Tónlist er risastór atvinnugrein". Morgunblaðið. 2017-08-08. p. 30.
  2. "Fyrsti menntaskólinn í tónlist stofnaður - RÚV.is". RÚV. Retrieved 2023-10-10.
  3. ^ "Sjálfsmatsskýrsla 2019-2020" (PDF). Menntaskóli í tónlist. 2020.
  4. ^ Tónlistarskólinn í Reykjavík at ismennt.is (Icelandic), retrieved 23 June 2010.
  5. Bjarki Sveinbjörnsson, "Tónlistarskólinn í Reykjavík", "Tónlist á Íslandi á 20. öld: Með sérstakri áherslu á upphaf og þróun elektrónískrara tónlistar á árunum 1960-90" (Icelandic - Music in Iceland in the 20th Century: With Particular Reference to the Origins and Development of Electronic Music in the Years 1960-90), PhD Dissertation, Aalborg University 1997, at ismennt.is.

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64°08′24″N 21°53′56″W / 64.140007°N 21.898917°W / 64.140007; -21.898917
