Composer |
Piece and original source |
Standard catalogue reference or accessible sheet music |
Recent audio recording
Montesardo, Girolamo (dates unknown) |
(1606) Chaconne bass line in 3 keys (G major, C major, F major) for guitar, from Nuova inventione d'intavolatura (Florence, 1606) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxiv & 1 |
anonymous |
(1619) 2 chaconne bass lines (in G major, F major) for guitar, from a manuscript in the Biblioteca Musicale Governativa del Conservatorio, Rome (1619) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxiv, xxxvi, 3 & 10 |
Vallet, Nicolas (c. 1583-c. 1642) |
(1615) Chaconna in B major for lute, from Le secret des muses, premier livre (Amsterdam, 1615) |
Nicolas Vallet, Le secret des muses, premier & second livres, ed. André Souris & Monique Rollin (Paris, 1970), p. 132 |
Paul O'Dette, Nicolas Vallet: Le Secret Des Muses (CD, Harmonia Mundi, 2004)
Falconieri, Andrea (1585/86-1656) |
(1616) "O vezzosetta dalla chioma d'oro," aria sopra la ciaccona in F major for 2 voices and continuo, from Libro primo di villanelle (Rome, 1616) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvi & 12 |
Yoshimichi Hamada, Anthonello, Ciaccona: La gioia della musica nell'Italia dell '600 (CD, Symphonia, 2002)
Sanseverino, Benedetto (dates unknown) |
(1620) 5 chaconne bass lines (in F major, F major, F major, d minor, g minor) for guitar, from Intavolatura facile (Milan, 1620) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxiv-xxxv, 1-4 & 8 |
Colonna, Giovanni Ambrosio (dates unknown) |
(1620) 5 chaconne bass lines (in G, G, C, F, A, all major) for guitar, from Intavolatura di chitarra alla spagnuola (Milan, 1620) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxiv & 2-4 |
Briceño, Luis de (dates unknown) |
(1626) 1 chaconne bass line in F major and 1 chaconne chord accompaniment in b minor for guitar, from Método mui facilissimo (Paris, 1626) |
Richard Hudson, The the Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxv, 8 & 10 |
Millioni, Pietro (dates unknown) |
(1627) Chaconne bass line in D major for guitar, from Quarta impressione del quarto libro d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola (Rome, 1627) |
Richard Hudson, The the Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxiv & 4 |
Millioni, Pietro (dates unknown) |
(1627) Chaconne bass line in F major for guitar, from Seconda impressione del quarto libro d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola (Rome, 1627) |
Richard Hudson, The the Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxv & 9 |
Costanzo, Fabritio (dates unknown) |
(1627) Chaconne bass line in G major for guitar, from Fior novello, Libro primo (Bologna, 1627) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxv & 8 |
anonymous |
(1620–29) 8 chaconne bass lines for guitar, from Italian manuscripts |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxiv & 1-4 |
anonymous |
(1620 c.) 2 French chaconnes (in F major, B major) for lute, both from a manuscript from Saumur, France, in the British Library, London |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxviii & 94-95 |
Stefani, Giovanni (dates unknown) |
(1621) "Amante felice," sopra l'aria della ciaccona, in F major, from Affetti amorosi canzonette ad una voce sola (Venice, 1621) |
Giovanni Stefani, Affetti amorosi canzonette, in Biblioteca di rarità musicali, ed. Oscar Chilesotti, 9 vols. (Milan, 1884-1914), v. 3, p. 44 |
Raquel Andueza, Pierre Pitzl, Private Musicke, Alfabeto Songs: Guitar Songs from the 17th century (CD, Accent, 2013)
Piccinini, Alessandro (1566-c. 1638) |
(1623) Chiaccona in partite variate in G major for chitarrone, from Intavolatura di liuto e di chitarrone, Libro primo (Bologna, 1623) |
Alessandro Piccinini, Intavolatura di liuto e di chitarrone, Libro primo (reprint: Bologna, 1962), v. 1, p. 121 |
Rafael Bonavita, Música Moderna (CD, Enchinadis, 2007)
Arañés, Juan ("Joan Araniés" in Catalan, d. 1649) |
(1624) Chacona for 4 voices, "A la vida bona," from Libro segundo de tonos y villancicos (Rome, 1624) |
Nueva Sarao, El Sarao De La Chacona: Juan Arañés, "Libro Segondo de Tonos y Villancicos" (CD, Musiepoca, 2013)
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1643) |
(1627) Partite sopra ciaccona in C major for harpsichord, from Secondo libro di toccata (Rome, 1627) |
Girolamo Frescobaldi, Il secondo libro di toccate (Roma, 1637) (reprint: Florence, 1978), pp. 87–88 |
Richard Lester, Frescobaldi: Harpsichord Works, v. 2 (CD, Nimbus, 2010)
Manelli, Francesco (1594-1667) |
(1629) "Acceso mio core," ciaccona in C major for 3 voices and continuo, from Ciaccona et arie (Rome, 1629) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvi & 16-18 |
Richard Savino, El Mundo, The Kingdoms of Castille: Spanish, Italian . . . Music of the 17th & 18th Centuries (CD, Sono Luminus, 2011)
anonymous |
(1630-35 c.) 34 chaconne bass line or chord accompaniments for guitar |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxiv-xxxvi & 1-11 |
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1643) |
(1630) "Deh, vien da me pastorella," ceccona in C major for 2 tenors, from Arie musicali per cantarsi, libro secondo (Rome, 1630) |
Alexander Silberger, "Passacaglia and Ciaccona: Genre Pairing and Ambiguity from Frescobaldi to Couperin," Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, v. 2, no. 1 (1996) |
Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano, Girolamo Frescobaldi: Arie musicali, secondo libro (CD, Opus 111, 2000)
Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643) |
(1632) "Zefiro torna, e di soavi accenti," ciaccona for 2 tenors, from Scherzi musicali cioè arie e madrigali (Venice, 1632) |
Claudio Monteverdi, Tutte le opere, ed. Gian Francesco Malipiero (Vittoriale degli Italiani, 1926–66), 17 vols., v. 9, pp. 9–20 |
L'Arpeggiata, Monteverdi: Teatro d'amore (CD, Warner, 2009)
Sances or Sanci, Giovanni Felice (1600-1679) |
(1633) "Accenti queruli spiegate all'aure," Cantata a voce sola sopra la ciaccona, from Cantade a voce sola, libro secondo (Venice, 1633) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Ensemble for the Seicento, Forbidden Dance: Dances and Diminutions of the Italian Baroque (CD, MSR Classics, 2001)
Sances or Sanci, Giovanni Felice (1600-1679) |
(1633) "Lagrimosa beltà," cantada a doi voci in ciacona, from Cantade a voce sola, libro secondo (Venice, 1633) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Agnès Mellon, Dominique Visse, Ensemble Barcarole, Madrigali a due voci (CD, Zig Zag Territoires, 2010)
Merula, Tarquinio (1594/95-1665) |
(1633) "Su la cetra amorosa," aria in ciaccona for soprano, from Madrigali et altre musiche concertate (Venice, 1633) |
Alexander Silberger, "On Frescobaldi's recreation of the chaconne," The Keyboard in Baroque Europe, ed. Christopher Hogwood (Cambridge, 2003), p. 8 |
Montserrat Figueras, Jordi Savall, et al., Tarquinio Merula: Arie e capricci a voce sola (CD, Astrée, 2000)
Merula, Tarquinio (1594/95-1665) |
(1635) "Chi prend'amor a gioco," sopra la chiccona in C major for 3 voices, 2 violins, continuo, from Musiche concertate, libro 2 (Venice, 1635) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvi & 20-31 |
Ensemble Suonare e Cantare, Merula: Madrigali e altre musiche concertate (CD, Arion, 2001)
anonymous |
(1635 c.) Ciaccona per B (in C major) for guitar, from a manuscript in the Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, Perugia (c. 1635) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvi & 19 |
anonymous |
(1635 c.) Ciaccona per E (in d minor) for guitar, from a manuscript in the Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, Perugia (c. 1635) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvi & 19 |
Gregori, Annibale (?-1633) |
(1635) "Mai non disciolgasi dal mi cor misero," ciacona a 2 soprani in C major, from Ariosi concerti (Venice, 1635) |
Gary Tomlinson, ed., Italian Secular Song, 1606-1636 (New York, 1986), 7 vols., v. 2, pp. 168–189 |
Le Nuove Musiche, Giovanni Felice Sances: Arie & Duetti (CD, Stradivarius, 2000)
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1643) |
(1637) Two ciaccone (in F major, a minor) for harpsichord in "Cento partite sopra passacagli," from Toccate d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo, partite di diverse arie . . . (Rome, 1637) |
Alexander Silberger, "Passacaglia and Ciaccona: Genre Pairing and Ambiguity from Frescobaldi to Couperin," Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, v. 2, no. 1 (1996) |
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1643) |
(1637) Ciaccona in G major for harpsichord, from Toccate d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo, partite di diverse arie . . . (Rome, 1637) |
Alexander Silberger, "Passacaglia and Ciaccona: Genre Pairing and Ambiguity from Frescobaldi to Couperin," Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, v. 2, no. 1 (1996) |
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1643) |
(1637) Ciaccona in a minor for harpsichord, from Toccate d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo, partite di diverse arie . . . (Rome, 1637) |
Alexander Silberger, "Passacaglia and Ciaccona: Genre Pairing and Ambiguity from Frescobaldi to Couperin," Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, v. 2, no. 1 (1996) |
Merula, Tarquinio (1594/95-1665) |
(1637) Sonata 20: Ciaccona, for 2 violins & basso obligato, from Canzoni overo sonate concertate (Venice, 1637) |
Alexander Silberger, "On Frescobaldi's recreation of the chaconne," The Keyboard in Baroque Europe, ed. Christopher Hogwood (Cambridge, 2003), p. 8 |
L'Arpeggiata, Via Crucis (CD, Warner, 2010)
Ferrari, Benedetto (1603/4-1681) |
(1637) "Voglio di vita uscir," ciaccona in ? for soprano, from Musiche varie a voce sola, libro secondo (Venice, 1637) |
Benedetto Ferrari, Musiche varie a voce sola (reprint: Florence, 1985), libro secondo, pp. 24–29 |
Mona Spägele, Ensemble Incantato, Benedetto Ferrari: Madrigali e Canzonette (CD, CPO, 2000)
Piccinini, Alessandro (1566-c. 1638) |
(1639) Chiaccona "Mariona alla vera spagnola" in F major for lute, from Intavolatura di liuto, libro secondo (Bologna, 1639) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvi & 33-37 |
Francesca Torelli, Alessandro Piccinini: Intavolatura di liuto e di chitarrone, libro secondo (CD, Tactus, 2012)
Piccinini, Alessandro (1566-c. 1638) |
(1639) Chiaccona "Cappona alla vera spagnola" in E major for lute, from Intavolatura di liuto, libro secondo (Bologna, 1639) |
Axel Wolf, Chiaccona: Musik für Laute und Chitarrone (CD, Raumklang, 2004)
Corbetta, Francesco (c. 1615-1681) |
(1639) 5 chaconne bass line or chord accompaniments for guitar, from De gli scherzi armonici (Bologna, 1639) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxv-xxxvi & 7-10 |
Corbetta, Francesco (c. 1615-1681) |
(1639) Chiaccona in C major for guitar, from De gli scherzi armonici (Bologna, 1639) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvi & 32 |
María Luz Álvarez & Lex Eisenhardt, Canta Venetia! (CD, EtCetera, 2007)
Kapsberger, Johannes Hieronymus (1580-1651) |
(1640) 5 ciaconne for chitarone, from Libro Quarto d'Intavolatura di Chitarone (Rome, 1640) |
Johannes Hieronymus Kapsberger, Libro Quarto d'Intavolatura di Chitarone, ed. Richard Civiol (s.l., 2002), 2nd part, nos. 31-35 |
Rolf Lislevand, Johannes Hieronymus Kapsberger: Libro Quarto d'Intavolatura di Chitarone (CD, Astrée, 1993) (only 1 of the 5)
Carbonchi, Antonio (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciaccone passeggiate per A (in G major) for guitar, from Sonate di chitarra spagnola (Florence, 1640) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 38-39 |
Marco Beasley, Pierre Pitzl, Private Musicke, Meraviglia d'amore (CD, ORF Alte Musik, 2002) (this ciaccona or the next one)
Carbonchi, Antonio (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciaccone passeggiate per G (in F major) for guitar, from Sonate di chitarra spagnola (Florence, 1640) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 39-40 |
see preceding entry
Bartolotti, Angelo Michele (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciaccona in C major for guitar, from Libro primo di chitarra spagnola (Florence, 1640) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 40-41 |
Yoshimichi Hamada, Anthonello, Ciaccona: La gioia della musica nell'Italia dell '600 (CD, Symphonia, 2002)
anonymous |
(1640 c.) Ciacone in F major for keyboard, from a manuscript in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome (c. 1640) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 42 |
anonymous |
(1640 c.) Ciacone in C major for keyboard, from a manuscript in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome (c. 1640) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 43-44 |
anonymous |
(1640 c.) Ciaccona in C major for keyboard, from a manuscript in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome (c. 1640) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 44-46 |
anonymous |
(1640 c.) Ciaccone in C major for keyboard, from a manuscript in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome (c. 1640) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 46-48 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciaconne sopra l'B (in C major), from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), p. 8 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Capriccio sopra la ciaccona sopra la lettera A (in G major), from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), p. 17 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Capriccio sopra la Ciaccona, in D major, from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), p. 28 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Capriccio della Ciaccona sopra la lettera G (in F major), from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), p. 59 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Capriccio sopra la Ciaccona, in C major?, from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), p. 63 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Capriccio sopra la Ciaccona sopra la lettera B (in a minor), from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), p. 66 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciaccona, in D major?, from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), p. 69 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciacone variate sopra l'B (in C major), from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), pp. 91–92 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciacone variate sopra l'C (in D major), from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), pp. 93–94 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciacone variate sopra l'G (in F major), from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), pp. 95–96 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciacone variate sopra l'H (in B major), from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), pp. 97–98 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciacona capona con variatione del B (in C major), from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), p. 107 |
Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo (dates unknown) |
(1640) Ciacona sopra l'C (in D major), from Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (Rome, 1640) |
Giovanni Paolo Foscarini, Li cinque libri della chitarra alla spagnola (reprint: Florence, 1979), p. 113 |
Raquel Andueza, Pierre Pitzl, Private Musicke, Alfabeto Songs: Guitar Songs from the 17th century (CD, Accent, 2013)
Ferrari, Benedetto (1603/4-1681) |
(1641) "Amanti, io vi sò dire," ciaccona in G major for soprano, from Musiche varie a voce sola, libro terzo (Venice, 1641) |
Benedetto Ferrari, Musiche varie a voce sola (reprint: Florence, 1985), libro terzo, p. 22 |
Philippe Jaroussky, Ensemble Artaserse, Benedetto Ferrari: Musiche varie a voce sola (CD, Ambroisie France, 2003)
Uccellini, Marco (1603/10-1680) |
(1642) Aria sopra la Ciacona in A minor for two violins and continuo, from Sonate, arie, et correnti (Venice, 1642) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Giramo, Pietro Antonio (dates unknown) |
(1645 c.) Varie partite sopra la Ciaccona in C major for three voices and continuo, "Questo crudo d'amor," from Arie a più voci (s.l., s.d., c. 1645) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 59-61 |
Granata, Giovanni Battista (1620/21-1687) |
(1646) Chiaccone sopra C in D major for guitar, from Capricci armonici sopra la chittarriglia spagnuola (Bologna, 1646) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 62 |
Calvi, Carlo (1612-1669) |
(1646) "La moda" e Sua chiaccona in D major for guitar, from Intavolatura di chitarra e chitarriglia (Bologna, 1646) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 62-63 |
Calvi, Carlo (1612-1669) |
(1646) "La mia donna importuna" e Sua chiaccona in C major for guitar, from Intavolatura di chitarra e chitarriglia (Bologna, 1646) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 63 |
Rossi, Luigi (c. 1597-1653) |
(1647) "Al imperio d'amore," chaconne from act 2 of the opera Orfeo (Paris, 1647) |
The Dublin Drag Orchestra, The Lost Discs (CD, Heresy Records, 2012)
Schütz, Heinrich (1585-1672) |
(1647) "Es steh Gott auf," chaconne (based on Monteverdi's "Zefiro torna") from Symphoniarum sacrarum II, op. 10 (Dresden, 1647) |
Werner Bittinger, Schütz-Werke-Verzeichnis (Kassel, 1960) & Werner Breig, supplement (Schütz-Jahrbuch, 1979), SWV 356 |
Michel Becquet, Les Sacqueboutiers, La Sacqueboute (CD, Flora, 2012)
Corbetta, Francesco (c. 1615-1681) |
(1648) Chiacona in C major for guitar, from Varii scherzi de sonate per la chitara spagnola (Brussels, 1648) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 64-65 |
anonymous, perhaps Alessandro Piccinini (1566-c. 1638) |
(16??) Chiaccona in ? for lute, from a manuscript in Modena (date unknown) |
Francesca Torelli, Alessandro Piccinini: Intavolatura di liuto e di chitarrone, libro secondo (CD, Tactus, 2012)
Falconieri, Andrea (1585/86-1656) |
(1650) Ciaccona for 2 violins and continuo, from Il primo libro de canzone, sinfonie, fantasie (Naples, 1650) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 65-68 |
Jordi Savall, Hesperion XXI, Ostinato: Falconiero, Marini, Merula, Ortiz, Pachelbel, Purcell, Valenti & anonimi (CD, Alia Vox, 2002)
Pellegrini, Domenico (c. 1600-c. 1662) |
(1650) Chiaccona in parte varíate alla vera spagnuola in C major for guitar, from Armoniosi concerti sopra la chitarra spagnuola (Bologna, 1650) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 69-71 |
anonymous |
(1650 c.) Ciaccone in G major for cittern, from a manuscript in the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence (c. 1650) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxvii & 71 |
Granata, Giovanni Battista (1620/21-1687) |
(1651) Caprici di Ciacone in C major for guitar, from Nuova scielta di capricci armonici (Bologna, 1651) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, hte Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxviii & 72 |
Giamberti, Giuseppe (1600-1662) |
(1657) Ciaccona for two melody instruments, from Duo (Rome, 1657) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxviii & 73-74 |
anonymous |
(1657) "Ciaccona di Paradiso e dell'Inferno," from Canzonette spirituali e morali, (Milan, 1657) |
L'Arpeggiata, Via Crucis (CD, Warner, 2010)
Granata, Giovanni Battista (1620/21-1687) |
(1659) Capriccio sopra la chiaccona in C major for guitar with bass courses, from Soavi concenti . . . per la chitarra spagnuola (Bologna, 1659) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxviii & 75-78 |
Cazzati, Maurizio (1616-1678) |
(1659) Ciaccona a tre con il suo balletto, for 2 violins & violone, from Correnti, balletti, galiarde a 3 è 4 (Venice, 1659) |
Maurizio Cazzati, Correnti, balletti, galiarde a 3 è 4 (reprint: Bologna, 1971), final piece |
Couperin, Louis (1626-1661) |
(1650s c.) Chaconne in C major for harpsichord (Paris, c. 1650s) |
Bruce Gustafson, French Harpsichord Music of the 17th Century: A Thematic Catalogue (Ann Arbor, 1979), Couperin's harpsichord work no. 26 |
Couperin, Louis (1626-1661) |
(1650s c.) "La bergeronnette," chaconne in c minor for harpsichord (Paris, c. 1650s) |
Bruce Gustafson, French Harpsichord Music of the 17th Century: A Thematic Catalogue (Ann Arbor, 1979), Couperin's harpsichord work no. 34 |
Bob van Asperen, Louis Couperin Edition, vol. 3 (CD, Aeolus, 2013)
Couperin, Louis (1626-1661) |
(1650s c.) Chaconne in d minor for harpsichord (Paris, c. 1650s) |
Bruce Gustafson, French Harpsichord Music of the 17th Century: A Thematic Catalogue (Ann Arbor, 1979), Couperin's harpsichord work no. 55 |
Bob van Asperen, Louis Couperin Edition, vol. 1 (CD, Aeolus, 2007)
Couperin, Louis (1626-1661) |
(1650s c.) "La complaignante," chaconne in d minor for harpsichord (Paris, c. 1650s) |
Bruce Gustafson, French Harpsichord Music of the 17th Century: A Thematic Catalogue (Ann Arbor, 1979), Couperin's harpsichord work no. 57 |
Couperin, Louis (1626-1661) |
(1650s c.) Chaconne in D major for harpsichord (Paris, c. 1650s) |
Bruce Gustafson, French Harpsichord Music of the 17th Century: A Thematic Catalogue (Ann Arbor, 1979), Couperin's harpsichord work no. 62 |
Richard Egarr, Four Harpsichord Suites for the Sun King (CD, Globe, 1996)
Couperin, Louis (1626-1661) |
(1650s c.) Chaconne in F major for harpsichord (Paris, c. 1650s) |
Bruce Gustafson, French Harpsichord Music of the 17th Century: A Thematic Catalogue (Ann Arbor, 1979), Couperin's harpsichord work no. 78 |
Bob van Asperen, Louis Couperin Edition, vol. 1 (CD, Aeolus, 2007)
Couperin, Louis (1626-1661) |
(1650s c.) Chaconne in F major for harpsichord (Paris, c. 1650s) |
Bruce Gustafson, French Harpsichord Music of the 17th Century: A Thematic Catalogue (Ann Arbor, 1979), Couperin's harpsichord work no. 80 |
Bob van Asperen, Louis Couperin Edition, vol. 1 (CD, Aeolus, 2007)
Couperin, Louis (1626-1661) |
(1650s c.) Chaconne in G major for harpsichord (Paris, c. 1650s) |
Bruce Gustafson, French Harpsichord Music of the 17th Century: A Thematic Catalogue (Ann Arbor, 1979), Couperin's harpsichord work no. 89 |
Bob van Asperen, Louis Couperin Edition, vol. 1 (CD, Aeolus, 2007)
Couperin, Louis (1626-1661) |
(1650s c.) Chaconne ou passacaille in g minor for harpsichord (Paris, c. 1650s) |
Bruce Gustafson, French Harpsichord Music of the 17th Century: A Thematic Catalogue (Ann Arbor, 1979), Couperin's harpsichord work no. 96 |
Bob van Asperen, Louis Couperin Edition, vol. 2 (CD, Aeolus, 2008)
Couperin, Louis (1626-1661) |
(1650s c.) Chaconne in g minor for harpsichord (Paris, c. 1650s) |
Bruce Gustafson, French Harpsichord Music of the 17th Century: A Thematic Catalogue (Ann Arbor, 1979), Couperin's harpsichord work no. 121 |
Bob van Asperen, Louis Couperin Edition, vol. 3 (CD, Aeolus, 2013)
Chambonnières, Jacques Champion de (1601-1672) |
(1660 c.) Chaconne in C major for harpsichord, from the manuscript Bauyn in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (c. 1660) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Chambonnières, Jacques Champion de (1601-1672) |
(1660 c.) Chaconne in F major for harpsichord, from the manuscript Bauyn in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (c. 1660) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Davitt Moroney, Marc Roger Normand Couperin: Livre de Tablature de Clavescin (CD, Hyperion, 1999)
Chambonnières, Jacques Champion de (1601-1672) |
(1660 c.) (Another) chaconne in F major for harpsichord, from the manuscript Bauyn in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (c. 1660) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Chambonnières, Jacques Champion de (1601-1672) |
(1660 c.) Chaconne in G major for harpsichord, from the manuscript Bauyn in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (c. 1660) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Cazzati, Maurizio (1616-1678) |
(1660) Ciaccona in E major for 2 violins & violone, from Trattenimenti per camera d'arie, correnti, e balletti (Bologna, 1660) |
International Music Score Library Project |
L'Arpeggiata, All'Improvviso: Ciaccone, Bergamasche . . . & un po' di Follie (CD, Alpha, 2004)
anonymous |
(1662) Chiaccona a 3, in C major for 2 violins, viola, & continuo, from the manuscript "Partiturbuch Ludwig" (1662) in the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel |
International Music Score Library Project |
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich (c. 1623-1680) |
(1664) Mvt. 1. , in Sonata no. 4 in D major for violin & continuo, from Sonate unarum fidium (Nuremburg, 1664) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Hélène Schmitt et al., Johann Heinrich Schmelzer: Sonatae a violino solo (CD, Alpha, 2007)
Storace, Bernardo (dates unknown) |
(1664) Ciaccona in C major for keyboard, from Selva di varie compositioni per cimbalo ed organo (Venice, 1664) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Fabio Bonizzoni, Storace: "Selva Di Varie Compositione" (CD, Glossa, 2003)
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) |
(1667) Chaconne in C major, from Trios de la chambre du Roi (Paris, 1667) |
Herbert Schneider, Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully (Tutzing, 1981), LWV 35:9 |
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich (c. 1623-1680) |
(1670 c.) Ciaconna a 3 chori, in D major, from a manuscript in the Chrám sv. Mořice (Church of St. Maurice), Kroměříž, Czech Republic (c. 1670) |
Charles Brewer, The Instrumental Music of Schmeltzer, Biber, Muffat and Their Contemporaries (Farnham, Surrey, U.K., 2011), p. 153 |
Tafelmusik, J. H. Schmelzer: Sonatas, Balletti francesi, Ciaconna (CD, Sony Classical, 1993)
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) |
(1670) "Chaconne des Scaramouches," incidental music in G major for the play of Molière, Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (Paris, 1670) |
Herbert Schneider, Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully (Tutzing, 1981), LWV 43:36 |
Corbetta, Francesco (c. 1615-1681) |
(1670) Caprice de chaconne in D major for guitar, from La guitarre royalle dédiée au Roy de la Grande Bretagne (Paris, 1670) |
Francesco Corbetta, La guitarre royalle dédiée au Roy de la Grande Bretagne (reprint: Geneva, 1975), p. 72-73 |
William Carter, Francesco Corbetta: La Guitarre Royalle (CD, Linn, 2004)
Corbetta, Francesco (c. 1615-1681) |
(1670) Chaconne in C major for guitar, from La guitarre royalle dédiée au Roy de la Grande Bretagne (Paris, 1670) |
Francesco Corbetta, La guitarre royalle dédiée au Roy de la Grande Bretagne (reprint: Geneva, 1975), p. 75 |
William Carter, Francesco Corbetta: La Guitarre Royalle (CD, Linn, 2004)
Corbetta, Francesco (c. 1615-1681) |
(1674) Chacone in C major for guitar, from La guitarre royalle dediée au Roy (Paris, 1674) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxviii & 102-103 |
William Carter, Francesco Corbetta: La Guitarre Royalle (CD, Linn, 2004)
Sanz, Gaspar (1640-1710) |
(1674) Chacona in A major for guitar, from Instrucción de música sobre la guitarra española (Saragossa, 1674) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxix & 103 |
Pezel, Johann Christoph (1639-1694) |
(1675) Ciacona in A major for two violins and continuo, from Bicinia variorum instrumentorum (Leipzig, 1675) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxix & 104 |
Pezel, Johann Christoph (1639-1694) |
(1675) Ciacona in B major for two violins and continuo, from Bicinia variorum instrumentorum (Leipzig, 1675) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxix & 105 |
Kerll, Johann Caspar (1627-1693) |
(1676) Ciaccona in C major for organ, from a manuscript in the ?, Vienna (1676) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Rinaldo Alessandrini, Chaconne (CD, Naïve, 2010)
Ruiz de Ribayaz, Lucas (1626-after 1677) |
(1677) Chaconas in C major for harp, from Luz y norte musical (Madrid, 1677) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxix & 106 |
Andrew Lawrence-King, The Harp Consort, Spanish Dances: Selections from Ruiz de Ribayaz's "Luz y norte" (CD, BMG Music, 1995)
anonymous |
(1679) Ciaccona in B major for violin and continuo, from a manuscript in the British Library, London (1679) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxviii & 79-83 |
Vitali, Giovanni Battista (1632-1692) |
(1680 c.) Chiacona per la lettera B (in C major) for viola de gamba, from a manuscript in the Biblioteca Estense, Modena (c. 1680) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxviii & 84 |
Mouton, Charles (c. 1626-1710) |
(1680 c.) Chaconne in a minor for lute, from Pièces de luth sur différents modes, livre 1 (Paris, c. 1680) |
Charles Mouton, Pièces de luth sur différents modes, ed. Richard Civiol (s.l., 2001), p. 12 |
Hopkinson Smith, Charles Mouton: Pièces de luth (CD, Naïve-Astrée Auvidis, 2002)
Mouton, Charles (c. 1626-1710) |
(1680 c.) "La belle espagnole," chaconne in c minor for lute, from Pièces de luth sur différents modes, livre 1 (Paris, c. 1680) |
Charles Mouton, Pièces de luth sur différents modes, ed. Richard Civiol (s.l., 2001), pp. 24–25 |
Konrad Junghänel, Pièces de luth: Französische Lautenmusik 17. Jh. (CD, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, 1989)
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695) |
(1680) Chacony a 4 in g minor for strings and continuo, from Fantasies and In nomines (London, 1680) |
Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An analytical catalogue of his music (London, 1963), Z 730 |
Musica Antiqua Köln, Chaconne: Blow, Corelli, Muffat, Pezel, Purcell, Lully, Marini, Mayr (CD, Arkiv, 1997 & Deutsche Grammophon, 2010)
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695) |
(1680 c.) Chaconne-Sonata in g minor for 2 violins, viola, and continuo (London, written c. 1680) |
Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An analytical catalogue of his music (London, 1963), Z 807 |
Musica Antiqua Köln, Chaconne: Blow, Corelli, Muffat, Pezel, Purcell, Lully, Marini, Mayr (CD, Arkiv, 1997 & Deutsche Grammophon, 2010)
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643-1704) |
(1680) Chaconne, "Sans frayeur dans ce bois," for soprano and continuo (Paris, 1680) |
Hugh W. Hitchcock, Les œuvres de Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Catalogue raisonné (Paris, 1982), H 467 |
Vitali, Giovanni Battista (1632-1692) |
(1682) Ciaccona in C major for two violins and continuo, from Varie partite del passemezo, ciaccona, capricii, e passgalli, a tre (Modena, 1682) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxviii & 85-90 |
Visée, Robert de (1655-1732/33) |
(1682) Chaconne in F major, from Livre de guittarre, dédié au roi (Paris, 1682) |
Robert de Visée, The Complete Guitar Works, ed. Robert Strizich (Saint-Nicolas, Québec, 2008), p. 73 |
David Jacques, Robert de Visée: The Complete Works for Guitar (3 CDs, Disques XXI, 2007)
Visée, Robert de (1655-1732/33) |
(1682) Mvt. 7. Chacone, in Suite 7 in G major from Livre de guittarre dédié au roi (Paris, 1682) |
Robert de Visée, The Complete Guitar Works, ed. Robert Strizich (Saint-Nicolas, Québec, 2008), pp. 80–81 |
David Jacques, Robert de Visée: The Complete Works for Guitar (3 CDs, Disques XXI, 2007)
Kusser, Johann Sigismund (1660-1727) |
(1682) Mvt. 9. Chaconne, in Suite 2 in B major for orchestra, from Composition de musique suivant la méthode françoise (Stuttgart, 1682) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Les Enchantants, Johann Sigismund Kusser: Composition de musique (CD, Musicaphon, 2006)
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) |
(1683) Chaconne in G major for orchestra, from the opera Phaëton (Paris, 1683) |
Herbert Schneider, Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully (Tutzing, 1981), LWV 61:40 |
Musica Antiqua Köln, Chaconne: Blow, Corelli, Muffat, Pezel, Purcell, Lully, Marini, Mayr (CD, Arkiv, 1997 & Deutsche Grammophon, 2010)
Gallot, Jacques (c. 1625-after 1690) |
(1684) "Le doge de Venise," chaconne in f minor for lute, from Pièces de luth composées sur differens modes (Paris, ) |
Jacques Gallot, Pièces de luth, composées sur différents modes (reprint: Geneva, 1978), pp. 25–28 |
Joachim Held, Musique pour le Roi: French Lute Music of the Baroque (CD, Haenssler Classics, 2009)
Gallot, Jacques (c. 1625-after 1690) |
(1684) "La Montespan," chaconne in a minor for lute, from Pièces de luth composées sur differens modes (Paris, ) |
Jacques Gallot, Pièces de luth, composées sur différents modes (reprint: Geneva, 1978), pp. 57–58 |
Rolf Lislevand, La Belle Homicide (CD, Naïve, 2003)
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) |
(1685) Chaconne in G major for orchestra, from Act 3 of the opera Roland (Paris, 1685) |
Herbert Schneider, Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully (Tutzing, 1981), LWV 65:56 |
Christophe Rousset, Les Talens Lyriques, Les Musiques de Louis XIV: Du Ballet à l'Opéra (CD, Naïve, 2009)
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643-1704) |
(1685) Chaconne, from the opera Les arts florissants (Paris, 1685) |
Hugh W. Hitchcock, Les œuvres de Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Catalogue raisonné (Paris, 1982), H 487 |
William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, M.-A. Charpentier: Les Arts Florissants (CD, Harmonia Mundi France, 1992)
Corelli, Arcangelo (1653-1713) |
(1685) Ciacona in G major, sonata no. 12, from the Sonate da camera a tre: doi violini, e violone o cembalo, op. 2 (Rome, 1685) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Musica Antiqua Köln, Chaconne: Blow, Corelli, Muffat, Pezel, Purcell, Lully, Marini, Mayr (CD, Arkiv, 1997 & Deutsche Grammophon, 2010)
Visée, Robert de (1655-1732/33) |
(1686) Mvt. 7. Chaconne, in Suite 9 in g minor, from Livre de pieces pour la guittarre, dédié au roi (Paris, 1686) |
Robert de Visée, The Complete Guitar Works, ed. Robert Strizich (Saint-Nicolas, Québec, 2008), pp. 102–103 |
David Jacques, Robert de Visée: The Complete Works for Guitar (3 CDs, Disques XXI, 2007)
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) |
(1686) "Qu'une injuste fierté," chaconne, from Act 2 of the opera Acis et Galatée (Paris, 1686) |
Herbert Schneider, Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully (Tutzing, 1981), LWV 73:32 |
Marc Minkowski, Musiciens du Louvre, Lully: "Acis et Galatée" (CD, DG Arkiv, 2006)
Steffani, Agostino (1654-1728) |
(1686) "Ogni core può sperar," ciaccona in F major, from act 2 of the opera Servio Tullio (Munich, 1686) |
Cecilia Bartoli, Diego Fasolis, I Barocchisti, Mission (CD, Decca, 2012)
Pezel, Johann Christoph (1639-1694) |
(1686) Sonata-Ciacona in B major, from Opus Musicum Sonatarum Praestantissimarum (Frankfurt am Main, 1686) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Musica Antiqua Köln, Chaconne: Blow, Corelli, Muffat, Pezel, Purcell, Lully, Marini, Mayr (CD, Arkiv, 1997 & Deutsche Grammophon, 2010)
Jacquet de la Guerre, Élisabeth (1665-1729) |
(1687) "L’Inconstante," Mvt. 8. Chaconne in Suite No. 1 in d minor, from Pièces de clavessin, livre 1 (Paris, 1687) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Karen Flint, Le Clavecin Français: Elizabeth Jacquet de la Guerre's Complete Works for Harpsichord (CD, Plectra, 2010)
Jacquet de la Guerre, Élisabeth (1665-1729) |
(1687) Mvt. 7. Chaconne, in Suite No. 3 in a minor, from Pièces de clavessin, livre 1 (Paris, 1687) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Karen Flint, Le Clavecin Français: Elizabeth Jacquet de la Guerre's Complete Works for Harpsichord (CD, Plectra, 2010)
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643-1704) |
(1688) Chaconne, from act 2 of the opera David et Jonathas (Paris, 1688) |
Hugh W. Hitchcock, Les œuvres de Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Catalogue raisonné (Paris, 1982), H 490 |
William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Marc-Antoine Charpentier: David & Jonathas (2 CDs, Harmonia Mundi, 1998)
Matteis, Nicola (c. 1650-c. 1714) |
(1688) "Diverse bizzarie sopra la vecchia sarabanda o pur ciaccona," from Arie diverse per il violino, libro primo (London, 1688) |
International Music Score Library Project |
The Palladian Ensemble, An Excess of Pleasure (CD, Linn, 1995)
Marais, Marin (1656-1728) |
(1686) Chaconne in G major, for two violas da gamba and continuo, no. 47 from the Pièces de violes, premier livre (Paris, 1686) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Jordi Savall, Christophe Coin, Ton Koopman, & Hopkinson Smith, Marin Marais: Pièces à deux violes du premier livre, 1686 (CD, Astrée, 1989)
Anglebert, Jean-Henri d' (1629-1691) |
(1689) Mvt 10. Chaconne en rondeau, in Suite 1 in G major, from Pièces de clavecin (Paris, 1689) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Christophe Rousset, D'Anglebert: Intégrale des "Pièces De Clavecin" (2 CDs, L'Oiseau Lyre, 2000)
Anglebert, Jean-Henri d' (1629-1691) |
(1689) Mvt. 16. Chaconne de Phaeton de M. de Lully, in Suite 1 in G major, from Pièces de clavecin (Paris, 1689) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Christophe Rousset, D'Anglebert: Intégrale des "Pièces De Clavecin" (2 CDs, L'Oiseau Lyre, 2000)
Anglebert, Jean-Henri d' (1629-1691) |
(1689) Mvt. 6. Chaconne de Galatée de M. de Lully, in Suite 4 in D major, from Pièces de clavecin (Paris, 1689) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Christophe Rousset, D'Anglebert: Intégrale des "Pièces De Clavecin" (2 CDs, L'Oiseau Lyre, 2000)
Anglebert, Jean-Henri d' (1629-1691) |
(1689) Mvt. 7. Chaconne en rondeau, in Suite 4 in D major, from Pièces de clavecin (Paris, 1689) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Christophe Rousset, D'Anglebert: Intégrale des "Pièces De Clavecin" (2 CDs, L'Oiseau Lyre, 2000)
Anglebert, Jean-Henri d' (1629-1691) |
(1689) Chaconne du vieux Gautier in C major for harpsichord, from the manuscript version of Pièces de clavecin |
Christophe Rousset, D'Anglebert: Intégrale des "Pièces De Clavecin" (2 CDs, L'Oiseau Lyre, 2000)
Mazzella, Salvatore (of Naples, dates unknown) |
(1689) Ciaccona alla spagnola in C major for violin and continuo, from Balli, correnti, gighe, sarabande, gavotte, brande, e gagliarde (Rome, 1689) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxviii & 91-92 |
anonymous |
(1689 c.) 2 chacones, both in C major, for keyboard, from a manuscript in the Bibliothèque du conservatoire national de musique, Paris (c. 1689) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxix & 111-114 |
Muffat, Georg (1653-1604) |
(1690) Ciacona in G major for organ, from Apparatus Musico-Organisticus (Vienna, 1690) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Martin Haselböck, Georg Muffat: Organ Works, vol. 2 (CD, Naxos, 2000)
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695) |
(1690) Chaconne in ? for 2 recorders from act 3 of the semi-opera Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian (London, 1690) |
Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An analytical catalogue of his music (London, 1963), Z 627 |
Collegium Musicum 90, "Dioclesian," complete; Masque from "Timon of Athens" (2 CDs, Chandos, 1995)
Lalande, Michel-Richard de (1657-1726) |
(1691) Chaconne in D major for trumpets, timpani and continuo, from a manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (1691) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxix & 115-118 |
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695) |
(1691) Chaconne in F major for 2 violins, viola, continuo, from the prelude to the semi-opera King Arthur or The British Worthy (London, 1691) |
Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An analytical catalogue of his music (London, 1963), Z 628 |
The English Concert, Purcell: King Arthur (2 CDs, Brilliant Classics, 2009)
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695) |
(1691) Chaconne in f minor for 2 violins, viola, continuo, from the prelude to the semi-opera King Arthur or The British Worthy (London, 1691) |
Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An analytical catalogue of his music (London, 1963), Z 628 |
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695) |
(1691) Chaconne in d minor for 2 violins, viola, and continuo, from incidental music for the play The Gordian Knot Unty'd (London, 1691) |
Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An analytical catalogue of his music (London, 1963), Z 597 |
Academy of Ancient Music, Purcell: Theatre Music (6 CDs, L'Oiseau-Lyre, 1990)
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695) |
(1692) "Dance for Chinese Man & Woman," chaconne in C major for 2 violins, viola, continuo, from act 5 of semi-opera Fairy-Queen (London, 1692) |
Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An analytical catalogue of his music (London, 1963), Z 629 |
Roger Norrington, Schütz Choir of London, London Classical Players, Purcell: The Fairy Queen (2 CDs, Virgin Classics, 1994)
Marais, Marin (1656-1728) |
(1692) Mvt. 10. Chaconne, in Suite no. 1 in C major, from Pièces en trio pour les flûtes, violon, et dessus de violes (Paris, 1692) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Musica Pacifica, Marin Marais: Pièces en trio (2 CDs, Virgin, 1997)
Marais, Marin (1656-1728) |
(1692) Chaconne, in Suite no. 6 in B major, from Pièces en trio pour les flûtes, violon, et dessus de violes (Paris, 1692) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Musica Pacifica, Marin Marais: Pièces en trio (2 CDs, Virgin, 1997)
Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich (1657-1714) |
(1693) Mvt. 10. Chaconne, in Overture II in B major for 6 stringed instruments, from VI Ouvertures (Nürnberg, 1693) |
Philipp Heinrich Erlebach, VI Ouvertures, ed. Mihoko Kimura (Offenburg, Germany, 2004) |
Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich (1657-1714) |
(1693) Mvt. 9. Chaconne, in Overture V in F major for 6 stringed instruments, from VI Ouvertures (Nürnberg, 1693) |
Philipp Heinrich Erlebach, VI Ouvertures, ed. Mihoko Kimura (Offenburg, Germany, 2004) |
The Bach Players, Every One a Chaconne (CD, Hyphen, 2009)
Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich (1657-1714) |
(1693) Mvt. 9. Chaconne, in Overture VI in g minor for 6 stringed instruments, from VI Ouvertures (Nürnberg, 1693) |
Philipp Heinrich Erlebach, VI Ouvertures, ed. Mihoko Kimura (Offenburg, Germany, 2004) |
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643-1704) |
(1694) Chaconne, from act 2 of the opera Médée (Paris, 1694) |
Hugh W. Hitchcock, Les œuvres de Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Catalogue raisonné (Paris, 1982), H 491 |
William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Médée (3 CDs, Erato, 1995 & Harmonia Mundi, 1999)
Muffat, Georg (1653-1604) |
(1695) Mvt. 7. Chaconne, in Suite 4 in B major, "Impatientia," from Florilegium Primum (Augsburg, 1695) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Muffat, Georg (1653-1604) |
(1695) Mvt. 4. Chaconne, in Suite 6 in G major, "Blanditiae," from Florilegium Primum (Augsburg, 1695) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Musica Antiqua Köln, Chaconne: Blow, Corelli, Muffat, Pezel, Purcell, Lully, Marini, Mayr (CD, Arkiv, 1997 & Deutsche Grammophon, 2010)
Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (c. 1656-1746) |
(1695) Mvt. 6. Chaconne, in Suite 1 in C major for 2 violins, 2 violas, continuo, from Le journal du printemps (Augsburg, 1695) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Michi Gaigg, Orfeo Barockorchester, Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer: Le Journal du Printemps (CD, CPO, 2007)
Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (c. 1656-1746) |
(1695) Mvt. 4. Chaconne, in Suite 3 in B major for 2 violins, 2 violas, continuo, from Le journal du printemps (Augsburg, 1695) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Michi Gaigg, Orfeo Barockorchester, Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer: Le Journal du Printemps (CD, CPO, 2007)
Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (c. 1656-1746) |
(1695) Mvt. 3. Chaconne, in Suite 5 in G major for 2 violins, 2 violas, continuo, from Le journal du printemps (Augsburg, 1695) |
International Music Score Library Project |
James Johnstone, John Blow's Anthology (CD, Meridian, 2009)
Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (c. 1656-1746) |
(1696) Mvt. 2. Chaconne, in Suite 8 in G major for harpsichord, from Pièces de clavessin (Schlackenwerth, 1696) |
William Christie, Fischer: Pièces de clavecin (CD, Musique d'abord, 1980)
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695) |
(1696) Chaconne in g minor for harpsichord (London, published posthumously, 1696) |
Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell: An analytical catalogue of his music (London, 1963), ZT 680 |
Richard Egarr, Purcell: Keyboard Suites & Grounds (CD, Harmonia Mundi, 2008)
Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz (1644-1704) |
(1696) Mvt. 6. Ciaccona, in Partita no. 3 in A major for 7 string instruments, from Harmonia artificioso-ariosa (written 1696) |
Eric Thomas Chafe, The Church Music of Heinrich Biber (Ann Arbor, 1987), C 64 |
Musica Antiqua Köln, Biber: Harmonia Artificiosa (CD, Arkiv, 2004)
Lalande, Michel-Richard de (1657-1726) |
(1698) Chaconne in G major for orchestra, from incidental music for the play Mirtil et Mélicerte (Paris, 1698) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxix & 119-124 |
Buxtehude, Dieterich (c. 1638-1707) |
(1690s?) Prelude, Fugue, and Ciacona in C Major for organ |
Georg Karstädt, Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis (2nd ed.: Wiesbaden, 1985), BuxWV 137 |
Walter Kraft, Buxtehude: Complete Organ Music (6 CDs, Vox, 2007)
Buxtehude, Dieterich (c. 1638-1707) |
(1690s?) Ciacona in c minor for organ |
Georg Karstädt, Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis (2nd ed.: Wiesbaden, 1985), BuxWV 159 |
Walter Kraft, Buxtehude: Complete Organ Music (6 CDs, Vox, 2007)
Buxtehude, Dieterich (c. 1638-1707) |
(1690s?) Ciacona in e minor for organ |
Georg Karstädt, Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis (2nd ed.: Wiesbaden, 1985), BuxWV 160 |
Walter Kraft, Buxtehude: Complete Organ Music (6 CDs, Vox, 2007)
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706) |
(1690s) Mvt. 5. Ciaconna, in Partie 4 in e minor for 2 violins and continuo, from Musicalische Ergötzung (1690s) |
Hideo Tsukamoto, Archive of J.Pachelbel's Works (2002) (, T334 |
Pro Arte Antiqua Praha, Pachelbel: Chamber Music Works (CD, Pony Canyon, 1996)
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706) |
(1690s) Mvt. 4. Ciaconna, in Partie 5 in C major for 2 violins and continuo, from Musicalische Ergötzung (1690s) |
Hideo Tsukamoto, Archive of J.Pachelbel's Works (2002) (, T335 |
Pro Arte Antiqua Praha, Pachelbel: Chamber Music Works (CD, Pony Canyon, 1996)
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706) |
(1699) Chaconne in C major for organ, from Hexachordum Apollinis (Nuremberg, 1699) |
Hideo Tsukamoto, Archive of J.Pachelbel's Works (2002) (, T201 |
Antoine Bouchard, Pachelbel: The Complete Organ Works, v. 2 (CD, Dorian, 1999)
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706) |
(1699) Chaconne in D major for organ, no. 1, from Hexachordum Apollinis (Nuremberg, 1699) |
Hideo Tsukamoto, Archive of J.Pachelbel's Works (2002) (, T202 |
Antoine Bouchard, Pachelbel: The Complete Organ Works, v. 7 (CD, Dorian, 2000)
Gaultier, Ennemond (1575-1651) |
(16??) Chaconne in F major for lute, "Cascade de M. de Launay," from the manuscript Vaudry de Saizenay, Bibliothèque de la Ville de Besançon (1682–86) |
André Souris & Monique Rollin, eds., Œuvres du vieux Gautier (Paris, 1966), pp. xxiii & 61-63 |
Anthony Bailes, Apollon Orateur (CD, Ramée, 2010)
Gaultier, Ennemond (1575-1651) |
(16??) Chaconne in C major for lute, from the manuscript Vaudry de Saizenay, Bibliothèque de la Ville de Besançon (1682–86) |
André Souris & Monique Rollin, eds., Œuvres du vieux Gautier (Paris, 1966), pp. xxiii & 60 |
Anthony Bailes, Apollon Orateur (CD, Ramée, 2010)
Gaultier, Ennemond (1575-1651) |
(16??) Chaconne in C major for harpsichord, from the manuscript "Pièces de clavecin de différents auteurs" in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
André Souris & Monique Rollin, eds., Œuvres du vieux Gautier (Paris, 1966), pp. xxvi & 109 |
Caccini, Francesca (1587-1641) |
(16??) Ciaccona |
Elena Cecchi Fedi & Cappella di Santa Maria degli Angiolini, Francesca Caccini: Maria, dolce Maria (CD, Brilliant Classics, 2013)
Ferrini, Giovanni Battista (c. 1601-1674) |
(16??) Ciaccona in F major for keyboard (undated) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Gaultier, Denis (c. 1603-1672), probable composer |
(16??) Ciaconne in A minor for lute, from a manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Richard Hudson, The Folia, the Saraband, the Passacaglia, and the Chaconne, v. 4, The Chaconne (Neuhausen-Stuttgart, 1982), pp. xxxviii & 96-98 |
Bertali, Antonio (1605-1669) |
(16??) Ciaccona in C major for violin and continuo (undated) |
Edith Hines, "From Imitatio to Pronuntiatio . . . Antonio Bertali's Chiacona" (Ph.D. diss.: Univ. of Wisconsin, 2008) |
L'Arpeggiata, All'Improvviso: Ciaccone, Bergamasche . . . & un po' di Follie (CD, Alpha, 2004)
La Pierre, Paul de (c. 1620-1689) |
(16??) Chaconne in d minor for harpsichord, from the manuscript "Livre de tablature de clavescin" by Marc-Roger Normand Couperin (c. 1690s) |
Marc-Roger Normand Couperin, Livre de tablature de clavescin, ed. Davitt Moroney (Geneva, 1998) |
Davitt Moroney, Marc Roger Normand Couperin: Livre de Tablature de Clavescin (CD, Hyperion, 1999)
La Pierre, Paul de (c. 1620-1689) |
(16??) Chaconne in G major for harpsichord, from the manuscript "Livre de tablature de clavescin" by Marc-Roger Normand Couperin (c. 1690s) |
Marc-Roger Normand Couperin, Livre de tablature de clavescin, ed. Davitt Moroney (Geneva, 1998) |
Davitt Moroney, Marc Roger Normand Couperin: Livre de Tablature de Clavescin (CD, Hyperion, 1999)
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich (c. 1623-1680) |
(16??) Ciaccona in A major for violin, from a manuscript in Vienna (undated) |
Hélène Schmitt et al., Johann Heinrich Schmelzer: Sonatae a violino solo (CD, Alpha, 2007)
Gallot, Jacques (c. 1625-after 1690) |
(16??) "La comète," chaconne for lute, from a manuscript in the Musikbibliothek, Städtische Bibliotheken, Leipzig (undated) |
Hopkinson Smith, Jacques de Gallot: Pièces de luth (CD, Astrée Auvidis, 1994)
Gallot, Jacques (c. 1625-after 1690) |
(16??) "Dialogue, ou La Mouche," chaconne in c minor for lute, from the manuscript Barbe, Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (c. 1690) |
"Music of Gallot le Vieux, from the Barbe Manuscript, ca. 1690," ed. Kemer Thomson (2006) |
Gallot, Jacques (c. 1625-after 1690) |
(16??) "Le petit seraille," chaconne in f minor for lute, from ? |
Catherine Liddell, La Belle Voilée: 17th Century French Lute Music (CD, Centaur, 1997)
Launay, Henry de (dates unknown) |
(16??) "Cascades," chaconne in ? for lute, from ? |
Catherine Liddell, La Belle Voilée: 17th Century French Lute Music (CD, Centaur, 1997)
Capricornus (Latinization of Bockshorn), Samuel Friedrich (1628-1665) |
(16??) Chaconne in D major for violin, viola da gamba, continuo, from a manuscript in the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel (undated) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) |
(16??) Chaconne in C major, from a manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Herbert Schneider, Chronologisch-Thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully (Tutzing, 1981), LWV 75:42 |
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) |
(16??) Chaconne italienne in G major, from a manuscript in the Bibliothèque municipale, Versailles (undated) |
Herbert Schneider, Chronologisch-Thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully (Tutzing, 1981), LWV 75:43 |
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) |
(16??) Chaconne, from a manuscript in the Bibliothèque Inguimbertine et Musée, Carpentras (undated) |
Herbert Schneider, Chronologisch-Thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully (Tutzing, 1981), LWV 75:44 |
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) |
(16??) Chaconne, from a manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Herbert Schneider, Chronologisch-Thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully (Tutzing, 1981), LWV 75:55 |
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) |
(16??) Petite chaconne italienne, from a manuscript in the St. Michael's College Library, Tenbury (undated) |
Herbert Schneider, Chronologisch-Thematisches Verzeichnis sämtlicher Werke von Jean-Baptiste Lully (Tutzing, 1981), LWV 78:14 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 10. Chaconne, in Suite in c minor for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 1, pp. 14–15 |
Aurélien Delage, Geoffroy: Pièces de clavessin (CD, Passacaille, 2013)
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 11. Chaconne, in Suite in d minor for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 1, pp. 42–43 |
Aurélien Delage, Geoffroy: Pièces de clavessin (CD, Passacaille, 2013)
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Chaconne in d minor for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 1, pp. 44–45 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 11. Chaconne, in Suite in e minor for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 1, pp. 74–75 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 8. Chaconne, in Suite in f minor for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 1, pp. 92–93 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 11. Chaconne, in Suite in F major for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 1, pp. 106–107 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 10. Chaconne on 4 measures, in Suite in g minor, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 1, pp. 120–121 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 19. Chaconne on 4 notes, in Suite in a minor, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 1, p. 162 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 13. Chaconne, in Suite in A major for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 1, p. 176 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 6. Chaconne, in Suite in B major for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 1, p. 196 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 8. Chaconne, in Suite in F major for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 2, p. 10 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 8. Chaconne, in Suite in g minor for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 2, pp. 22–23 |
Aurélien Delage, Geoffroy: Pièces de clavessin (CD, Passacaille, 2013)
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 7. Chaconne, in Suite in a minor for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 2, pp. 32–33 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Chaconne in C major on 4 notes for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 2, p. 88-93 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Chaconne in D major on 4 notes for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 2, pp. 94–95 |
Hervé Niquet, Concert Spirituel Orchestra & Chorus Ensemble, Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy: Music for Choir and Organ (CD, Naxos, 1997)
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Chaconne in G major on 4 notes for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 2, pp. 96–99 |
Ewa Mrowca, Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy: Pièces de clavessin (CD, Dux (U.K.), date?)
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Chaconne in G major on 4 notes for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 2, pp. 101–113 |
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694) |
(16??) Mvt. 16. Chaconne, in Suite in G major for harpsichord, from the "Livre des pièces de clavecin" manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, Works by Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy, ed. Mary Tilton (New York, 2007), 2 vols., v. 2, pp. 128–129 |
Rittler, Philip Jacob (1637-1690) |
(16??) Chaconne for 2 trumpets, 1 violin, 3 violas, 1 cello, and harpsichord (undated) |
Philip Jacob Rittler, Ciaccona à 7, für zwei Clarini, Violine, 3 Violen, Violone und Cembalo (Ebersberg, Germany, 1994) |
Buxtehude, Dieterich (c. 1638-1707) |
(16??) Laudate, pueri Dominum, cantata-ciacona in d minor for strings (undated) |
Georg Karstädt, Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis (2nd ed.: Wiesbaden, 1985), BuxWV 69 |
Buxtehude, Dieterich (c. 1638-1707) |
(16??) Quemadmodum desiderat cervus, cantata-chiaccona in F major for voice, 2 violins, continuo (undated) |
Georg Karstädt, Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis (2nd ed.: Wiesbaden, 1985), BuxWV 92 |
Victor Torres, Stylus Phantasticus, Dietrich Buxtehude: Ciaccona, "Il mondo che gira" (CD, Alpha, 2004)
Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz (1644-1704) |
(16??) Ciacona in D major for violin and continuo, from a manuscript in Kroměříž, Czech Republic (undated) |
International Music Score Library Project |
Blow, John (1649-1708) |
(16??) Chaconne in G major for 2 violins, viola, and continuo (undated) |
Musica Antiqua Köln, Chaconne: Blow, Corelli, Muffat, Pezel, Purcell, Lully, Marini, Mayr (CD, Arkiv, 1997 & Deutsche Grammophon, 2010)
Blow, John (1649-1708) |
(16??) Chacone in C major for harpsichord (undated), found in at least 3 manuscripts |
Musica Brittanica, v. 73, John Blow: Complete Harpsichord Music, ed. Robert Klakowich (London, 1998), pp. 19–22 |
Blow, John (1649-1708) |
(16??) Chacone in F major for harpsichord (undated), found in at least 4 manuscripts |
Musica Brittanica, v. 73, John Blow: Complete Harpsichord Music, ed. Robert Klakowich (London, 1998), pp. 54–59 |
Robert Woolley, John Blow: Music for Harpsichord and Spinet (CD, Meridian, 2003)
Blow, John (1649-1708) |
(16??) Chacone in g minor for harpsichord (undated), found in at least 6 manuscripts |
Musica Brittanica, v. 73, John Blow: Complete Harpsichord Music, ed. Robert Klakowich (London, 1998), pp. 89–91 |
Robert Woolley, John Blow: Music for Harpsichord and Spinet (CD, Meridian, 2003)
Blow, John (1649-1708) |
(16??) Chacone in C major for harpsichord (undated), found in at least 7 manuscripts |
Musica Brittanica, v. 73, John Blow: Complete Harpsichord Music, ed. Robert Klakowich (London, 1998), pp. 99–100 |
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706) |
(16??) Chaconne in D major for organ, no. 2 (undated) |
Hideo Tsukamoto, Archive of J.Pachelbel's Works' (2002) (, T203 |
Antoine Bouchard, Pachelbel: The Complete Organ Works, v. 11 (CD, Dorian, 2001)
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706) |
(16??) Chaconne in d minor for organ with 16 variations (undated) |
Hideo Tsukamoto, Archive of J.Pachelbel's Works (2002) (, T204 |
Antoine Bouchard, Pachelbel: The Complete Organ Works, v. 3 (CD, Dorian, 1999)
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706) |
(16??) Chaconne in F major for organ (undated) |
Hideo Tsukamoto, Archive of J.Pachelbel's Works (2002) (, T205 |
Antoine Bouchard, Pachelbel: The Complete Organ Works, v. 4 (CD, Dorian, 1999)
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706) |
(16??) Chaconne in f minor for organ with 22 variations (undated) |
Hideo Tsukamoto, Archive of J.Pachelbel's Works (2002) (, T206 |
Antoine Bouchard, Pachelbel: The Complete Organ Works, v. 1 (CD, Dorian, 1999)
Visée, Robert de(1655-1732/33) |
(16??-17??) Chaconne in d minor for guitar, from a manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
The Complete Guitar Works of Robert de Visée, ed. Robert Strizich (Saint-Nicolas, Québec, 2008), p. 138 |
David Jacques, Robert de Visée: The Complete Works for Guitar (3 CDs, Disques XXI, 2007)
Visée, Robert de (1655-1732/33) |
(16??-17??) Chaconne in D major for guitar, from a manuscript in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (undated) |
The Complete Guitar Works of Robert de Visée, ed. Robert Strizich (Saint-Nicolas, Québec, 2008), pp. 146 |
David Jacques, Robert de Visée: The Complete Works for Guitar (3 CDs, Disques XXI, 2007)