* '''16 March 1355''' (1355, 2nd day of the 2nd month): Han Lin'er ascended the throne as emperor of the Song dynasty with the era name Longfeng.<ref>{{cite wikisource|title=History of Yuan, Annals, Volume 44, Emperor Shun 7|last=Song Lian (宋濂)|wslink=zh:元史/卷044}}〔至正十五年〕二月己未,劉福通等自碭山夾河迎韓林兒至,立為皇帝,又號小明王,建都亳州,國號宋,改元龍鳳。</ref><ref>{{cite wikisource|title=New History of Yuan, Annals, Volume 25, Huizong 3|last=Ke Shaomin (柯劭忞)|wslink=zh:新元史/卷025}}〔至正十五年〕二月己未,劉福通立韓林兒為皇帝,僭號宋,又稱小明王,建元龍鳳。</ref><ref>{{cite wikisource|title=History of Ming, Annals, Volume 1, Taizu 1|last=Zhang Tingyu (張廷玉)|wslink=zh:明史/卷1}}〔至正十五年〕三月,郭子興卒。時劉福通迎立韓山童子林兒於亳,國號宋,建元龍鳳。……〔二十六年〕十二月,韓林兒卒。</ref><ref>{{cite wikisource|title=History of Ming, Biographies, Volume 10, Han Lin'er|last=Zhang Tingyu (張廷玉)|wslink=zh:明史/卷122}}〔至正〕十五年二月,福通物色林兒,得諸碭山夾河;迎至亳,僭稱皇帝,又號小明王,建國曰宋,建元龍鳳。</ref><ref>Li Zhaoluo (李兆洛). ''Ji yuan bian'' (紀元編), Volume 1:韓林兒,龍鳳〈至正十五年二月〉。</ref> |
* '''16 March 1355''' (Yuan dynasty Zhizheng 15, 2nd day of the 2nd month): Han Lin'er changed the era to Longfeng 1 (龍鳳元年, "the first year of Longfeng").<ref>{{cite wikisource|title=History of Yuan, Annals, Volume 44, Emperor Shun 7|last=Song Lian (宋濂)|wslink=zh:元史/卷044}}〔至正十五年〕二月己未,劉福通等自碭山夾河迎韓林兒至,立為皇帝,又號小明王,建都亳州,國號宋,改元龍鳳。</ref><ref>{{cite wikisource|title=New History of Yuan, Annals, Volume 25, Huizong 3|last=Ke Shaomin (柯劭忞)|wslink=zh:新元史/卷025}}〔至正十五年〕二月己未,劉福通立韓林兒為皇帝,僭號宋,又稱小明王,建元龍鳳。</ref><ref>{{cite wikisource|title=History of Ming, Annals, Volume 1, Taizu 1|last=Zhang Tingyu (張廷玉)|wslink=zh:明史/卷1}}〔至正十五年〕三月,郭子興卒。時劉福通迎立韓山童子林兒於亳,國號宋,建元龍鳳。……〔二十六年〕十二月,韓林兒卒。</ref><ref>{{cite wikisource|title=History of Ming, Biographies, Volume 10, Han Lin'er|last=Zhang Tingyu (張廷玉)|wslink=zh:明史/卷122}}〔至正〕十五年二月,福通物色林兒,得諸碭山夾河;迎至亳,僭稱皇帝,又號小明王,建國曰宋,建元龍鳳。</ref><ref>Li Zhaoluo (李兆洛). ''Ji yuan bian'' (紀元編), Volume 1:韓林兒,龍鳳〈至正十五年二月〉。</ref> |
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* '''January 1367''' (1366, 12th month): Zhu Yuanzhang sent Liao Yongzhong (廖永忠) to welcome Han Lin'er to Yingtian Prefecture. Han Lin'er's boat sank while crossing the Yangtze River, and Han Lin'er was killed.<ref>{{cite wikisource|title=New History of Yuan, Annals, Volume 26, Huizong 4|last=Ke Shaomin (柯劭忞)|wslink=zh:新元史/卷026}}〔至正二十六年〕十二月,朱元璋迎韓林兒至建康,中道殺之。</ref><ref>{{cite wikisource|title=History of Ming, Annals, Volume 1, Taizu 1|last=Zhang Tingyu (張廷玉)|wslink=zh:明史/卷1}}〔至正二十六年〕十二月,韓林兒卒。</ref> |
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* '''January 1367''' (Longfeng 12, 12th month): Zhu Yuanzhang sent Liao Yongzhong (廖永忠) to welcome Han Lin'er to Yingtian Prefecture. Han Lin'er's boat sank while crossing the Yangtze River, and Han Lin'er was killed.<ref>{{cite wikisource|title=New History of Yuan, Annals, Volume 26, Huizong 4|last=Ke Shaomin (柯劭忞)|wslink=zh:新元史/卷026}}〔至正二十六年〕十二月,朱元璋迎韓林兒至建康,中道殺之。</ref><ref>{{cite wikisource|title=History of Ming, Annals, Volume 1, Taizu 1|last=Zhang Tingyu (張廷玉)|wslink=zh:明史/卷1}}〔至正二十六年〕十二月,韓林兒卒。</ref> |