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Revision as of 17:57, 15 September 2006 by (talk)(diff) ← Previous revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff)A listing of Greek mythological beings. Many of the gods and goddesses had Roman and Etruscan equivalents. See also family tree of the Greek gods and the list of Greek mythological creatures.
Olympian deities
Greek name (transliteration) | English name | Description |
Aφροδίτη (Aphroditē) | Aphrodite | Goddess of beauty and love. |
Απόλλων (Apollōn) | Apollo | God of the light, music, healing, prophecy, the sun, and poetry. |
Ἀρης (Arēs) | Ares | God of war, primarily violent war and bloodshed. |
Άρτεμις (Artemis) | Artemis | Goddess of the hunt and the moon. |
Ἀθηνά (Athēna) | Athena | Goddess of wisdom, strategy, and war. |
Δήμητρα (Dēmētra) | Demeter | Goddess of agriculture. |
Ἡαδης (J Ellisinator) | Hades | God of the Dead and Lord of the Underworld. Brother of Poseidon and Zeus |
Ἡφαιστος (Hēphaistos) | Hephaestus | God of fire and the forge. |
Ἡρα (Hēra) | Hera | Goddess of marriage and the family. Also motherhood and childbirth; wife of Zeus. |
Ἡρμής (Hērmēs) | Hermes | God of travel, thieves, and commerce. Messenger of the gods. |
Ἑστία (Hestia) | Hestia | Goddess of the hearth and domestic life. Eventually replaced by Dionysus. |
Ποσειδων (Poseidōn) | Poseidon | God of the sea. Brother of Hades and Zeus |
Ζεύς (Zeus) | Zeus | King of the gods. God of air, thunder and lightning. Brother of Poseidon and Hades |
Primordial deities
Greek name | English name | Description |
Αιθήρ (Aithēr) | Aether | God of the upper air. |
Χάος (Khaos) | Chaos | Non-gendered deity of the nothingness that all else sprung from. |
Χρόνος (Khronos) | Chronos | Titan of eternal time. |
Έρεβος (Erebos) | Erebus | God of darkness. |
Έρος | Eros | God of love. |
Γαία (Gaia) | Gaea | Goddess of the Earth. |
Ημέρα | Hemera | Goddess of daylight. |
Νύξ | Nyx | Goddess of night. |
Τάρταρος (Tartaros) | Tartarus | The Titan (father of the gods) lives in the pit of tartaros in the darkest deepest part of the underworld control by HADES. |
Ουρανός (Ouranos) | Uranus | God of the heavens. |
|- | Ουρανός (timeous) || Timeous || God of Time. |}
Other deities
- Achelois
- Achelous
- Acheron
- Aeolus (Aiolos)
- Agdistis
- Alastor
- Alectrona
- Amphitrite
- Anakes
- Antheia
- Aphaea
- Aristaeus
- Asclepius
- Astraea
- Ate
- Attis
- Bia
- Boreas
- Brizo
- Cabiri
- Caerus
- Calypso
- Ceto
- Charon
- Circe (Kirkê)
- Cotys
- Cragus
- Cybele
- Dinlas
- Dionysus (Dionysos) or Bacchus
- Dioscuri
- Doris
- Efreisone
- Eileithyia
- Elpis
- Enyalius
- Enyo
- Eos
- Eosphorus
- The Erinyes, or "Furies"
- Eris
- Eros
- Ethehofos
- Eurus (Euros)
- Glaucus
- Hades
- Hêbê
- Hecate
- Hêlios
- Heracles
- Hespera
- Horae
- Hybris
- Hygeia
- Hypnos
- Iris
- Moira
- The three Moirae, or "Fates":
- Mania
- Metis
- Momus
- Morpheus (Morpheos)
- Muses
- Nemesis
- Nereus
- Nike
- Notus
- Pan
- Perséphonê
- Peitho
- Pleiades
- Phorcys
- Proteus (Proteos)
- Priapus
- Selene
- Thanatos
- Thetis
- Triton
- Typhon
- Zephyrus (Zephyros)
- Asteria
- Astraeus
- Atlas
- Clymene
- Coeus
- Crius
- Cronus (Cronos)
- Dione
- Epimetheus (Epithemeos)
- Hyperion
- Iapetus
- Leto
- Mnemosyne
- Oceanus (Oceanos)
- Phoebe
- Prometheus (Prometheos)
- Rhea
- Tethys
- Theia
- Themis
The Hundred-Handed (Hecatoncheires)
River gods
- Abas
- Abderus
- Acacallis
- Acamas
- Acarnan
- Acastus
- Acestes
- Achaeus
- Achilles (Akhilleus)
- Acoetes
- Acrisius
- Actaeon (Aktaion)
- Actaeus
- Actor
- Admetus
- Adonis
- Adrastus
- Aeacus (Aiakos)
- Aeetes
- Aegeus
- Aegialeia
- Aegialeus
- Aegimius
- Aegina
- Aegisthus
- Aegyptus
- Aeneas (Aineas)
- Aeolus
- Aepytus
- Aerope
- Aesacus
- Aeson (Aison)
- Aethalides
- Aethlius
- Aethra
- Aetolus
- Agamedes
- Agamemnon
- Agapenor
- Agasthenes
- Agave
- Agelaus (Ageláos)
- Agenor
- Aglaea
- Agraulus
- Agrius
- Agron
- Ajax the great (Aîas the great)
- Ajax the lesser (Aîas the lesser)
- Alcaeus (Alkaios)
- Alcathous
- Alcestis
- Alcidice
- Alcimede
- Alcinous
- Alcmaeon
- Alcmene (Alkmênê)
- Alcyone
- Aleus
- Almus
- Aloeus
- Alope
- Althaea
- Althaemenes
- Amarynceus
- Amphiaraus
- Amphictyon
- Amphidamas
- Amphilochus
- Amphimachus
- Amphinomus (Amphínomos)
- Amphion
- Amphinomus
- Amphithea
- Amphitryon (Amphitrion)
- Amyclas
- Amycus
- Amymone
- Amyntor
- Amythaon
- Anaxagoras
- Anaxibia
- Anaxo
- Ancaeus
- Anchialus
- Anchises
- Andraemon
- Andreus
- Androgeus
- Andromache
- Andromeda
- Anius
- Antenor
- Anticlea (Antiklia)
- Antigone
- Antilochus
- Antimachus
- Antinous (Antinoös)
- Antion
- Antiope
- Antiphates
- Antiphus
- Aphareus
- Apheidas
- Apis
- Apsyrtus
- Arachne (Arakhne)
- Arcas
- Arcesius (Arkêsios)
- Arete
- Argea
- Argeius
- Argos
- Ariadne
- Arion
- Aristodemus
- Aristomachus
- Arsinoe
- Asclepius
- Asius
- Assaracus
- Astacus
- Asterius
- Astyanax
- Astydameia
- Astypalaea
- Astyoche
- Atalanta
- Athamas
- Atreus
- Atymnius
- Auge
- Augeas
- Autesion
- Autolycus
- Automedon
- Autonoe
- Bateia
- Battus
- Baucis
- Bellerophon
- Belus
- Bias
- Borus
- Briseis
- Briseus
- Britomartis
- Broteas
- Bunus
- Busiris
- Butes
- Byblis
- Cadmus
- Caeneus (Caenis when female)
- Calchas
- Callidice
- Callirhoe
- Callisto
- Calyce
- Calydon
- Canace
- Canthus
- Capaneus
- Capys
- Car
- Carme
- Carnabon
- Cassandra
- Cassiopeia
- Castor
- Catreus
- Caunus
- Cebriones
- Cecrops
- Ceisus
- Celeus
- Cephalus
- Cepheus
- Cerdo
- Cestrinus
- Ceyx
- Chalciope
- Chalcodon
- Chione
- Chloris
- Chryseis
- Chryses
- Chrysippus
- Chrysothemis
- Chthonius
- Cilix
- Cinyras
- Cleite
- Cleodaeus
- Cleopatra
- Clymene
- Clymenus
- Clytemnestra
- Clytius
- Codrus
- Comaetho
- Copreus
- Corcyra
- Corinthus
- Coronis
- Coronus
- Cranaus
- Creon
- Cresphontes
- Crete
- Cretheus
- Creusa
- Crisus
- Croesus
- Cychreus
- Cycnus
- Cylla
- Cynortas
- Cyparissus
- Cypselus
- Cytisorus
- Cyzicus
- Daedalion
- Daedalus
- Danae
- Danaus
- Dardanus
- Dascylus
- Deianeira
- Deimachus
- Deion
- Deiphobus
- Deiphontes
- Deipyle
- Demonassa
- Demonice
- Demophon
- Deucalion
- Dexamenus
- Dia
- Dictys
- Diomedes
- Diores
- Dioscuri (Castor and Polydeuces)
- Dirce
- Dius
- Dolius
- Dolon
- Dorus
- Dryope
- Echemus
- Echetus
- Echion
- Eetion
- Elatus (Élatos)
- Electra
- Electryon
- Eleius
- Elephenor
- Eleusis
- Elpenor
- Elymus (Elumos)
- Endeis
- Endymion
- Epaphus
- Epeius
- Epicasta
- Epidaurus
- Epopeus
- Erechtheus
- Erginus (Erginos)
- Erichthonius
- Eriphyle
- Eteocles
- Eumaeus (Eumaios)
- Eumelus
- Europa
- Eurotas
- Euryalus
- Euryclea (Eurýkleia)
- Eurylochus
- Eurymachus
- Eurypylus
- Eurystheus
- Eurytion
- Eurytus
- Ganymede
- Haemon
- Hector (Hektor)
- Hecuba (Hekuba)
- Helen
- Helenus
- Helle
- Heracles (Heraklês)
- Hermaphroditus
- Hermione
- Hippocoon
- Hippodamia
- Hippolyta
- Hippolytus
- Hippomedon
- Hylas
- Iambe
- Icarius
- Icarus
- Idomeneus
- Ino
- Io
- Iolaus
- Iole
- Iphicles
- Iphigenia
- Irus
- Ismene
- Ixion
- Jason
- Jocasta
- Labdacus
- Laërtês
- Laius
- Laodamas
- Laomedon
- Leda
- Lelex
- Lycaon
- Lycus
- Machaon
- Medea
- Medôn
- Melampus
- Melanthus
- Meleager
- Memnon
- Menelaus
- Menestheus
- Messene
- Midas
- Minos
- Munippus
- Myles
- Myrrha
- Myrtilus
- Narcissus
- Nausicaa
- Neleus
- Neoptolemus
- Nephele
- Nestor
- Niobe
- Nycteus
- Odysseus
- Oebalus
- Oedipus
- Oeneus
- Oenomaus
- Ogygus
- Oileus
- Olenus
- Orestes
- Orion
- Orpheus
- Oxyntes
- Pandion I
- Pandion II
- Pandarus
- Pandora
- Paris
- Parthenopeus
- Patroclus
- Peleus
- Pelias
- Pelopia
- Pelops
- Penélopê (Penelopeia)
- Peneus
- Penthesilea
- Pentheus
- Periphetes
- Perseus (Perseos)
- Phegeus
- Philemon
- Philoctetes
- Phineas
- Phineus
- Phocus
- Phoenix (Phoinix)
- Phrixus
- Phyleus
- Pirithous
- Pittheus
- Podalirius
- Polites
- Polycaon
- Polydorus
- Polynices
- Polyxena
- Priam
- Procrustes
- Proetus
- Protesilaus
- Psyche
- Pterelaos
- Pygmalion
- Pylades
- Pyramus
- Pyrrha
- Rhadamanthys
- Rhesus
- Sarpedon
- Semele
- Sisyphus
- Sparta
- Sthenelus
- Tantalus
- Telamon
- Telemachus (Telémakhos, Telemachos)
- Telephus
- Teucer
- Theoclymenus
- Thersander
- Thersites
- Theseus (Theseos)
- Thisbe
- Thyestes
- Thymoetes
- Tlepolemus
- Trophonius
- Tydeus
- Tyndareus
- Xuthus
- Zetes
- Zethus