< User:DannyS712
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// <nowiki>
// Script to experiment with a Vue version of Special:NewPagesFeed
// @author DannyS712
/* jshint maxerr: 999, esversion: 9, esnext: false */
$(() => {
const VueNPP = {};
window.VueNPP = VueNPP;
VueNPP.init = function () {
// So that messages and styles are loaded
VueNPP.run = function () {
const VueCompositionAPI = mw.loader.require( '@vue/composition-api' );
// Exposed globally for simplicity
window.VueCompositionAPI = VueCompositionAPI;
Vue.use( VueCompositionAPI );
const wvuiComponents = mw.loader.require( 'wvui' );
VueNPP.listItemComponent.components = wvuiComponents;
VueNPP.loadMoreBarComponent.components = wvuiComponents;
// Object.assign for the components that have other non-wvui components
Object.assign( VueNPP.feedControlMenuComponent.components, wvuiComponents );
Object.assign( VueNPP.feedContentsComponent.components, wvuiComponents );
* Add styles for our interface.
VueNPP.addStyle = function () {
.mwe-vue-pt-metadata-warning:before {
color: initial;
content: " · ";
.mwe-vue-pt-button-green {
/* From core and vector styles for green ui buttons */
border-color: #294 !important;
background: #295 !important;
background: linear-gradient( to bottom, #3c8 0%, #295 90%) !important;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0 1px 3px;
.mwe-vue-pt-button-green:disabled {
opacity: .35;
.mwe-vue-pt-navigation-bar {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
.mwe-vue-pt-control-gradient {
background: #c9c9c9;
#mwe-vue-pt-menu-heading {
padding: 0.5em 1em 1em 1em;
position: sticky;
top: 0;
z-index: 10;
box-shadow: 0 7px 10px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.4 );
.mwe-vue-pt-control-section {
min-width: 200px;
margin: 0.4em 0.4em 0 0.4em;
z-index: 51;
#mwe-vue-pt-refresh-button {
float: right;
.mwe-vue-pt-control-options {
margin-left: 1em;
margin-right: 0.5em;
white-space: nowrap;
.mwe-vue-pt-control-buttons {
margin: 0.2em 0 0 -0.4em;
#mwe-vue-pt-control-dropdown {
position: absolute;
z-index: 50;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
padding: 0.5em 1em 0.2em 1em;
margin-left: 48px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
box-shadow: 0 7px 10px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.4 );
width: min-content;
.mwe-vue-pt-control-section__row1 {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
#mwe-vue-pt-filter-user {
width: 100px;
#mwe-vue-pt-sort-buttons {
margin-right: 0.3em;
#mwe-vue-pt-radio-afc {
margin-left: 10px;
#mwe-vue-pt-control-menu-toggle {
color: #0645ad;
cursor: pointer;
#mwe-vue-pt-feed-load-more {
text-align: center;
font-size: 17px;
background-color: #e8f2f8;
margin: 0;
padding: 0.4em;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-top: 0;
#mwe-vue-pt-feed-load-more .wvui-progress-bar {
margin: auto;
/* Override WVUI styles to make a quieter version */
background-color: inherit;
border: none;
.mwe-vue-pt-article-row-even {
background-color: #f1f1f1;
.mwe-vue-pt-article-row-odd {
background-color: #fff;
.mwe-vue-pt-info-pane {
padding: 0.5em 0.6em 0.6em 2.7em;
min-height: 4.8em;
display: table;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
.mwe-vue-pt-info-row {
display: table-row;
vertical-align: top;
.mwe-vue-pt-info-row > div {
display: table-cell;
.mwe-vue-pt-status-icon {
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
left: 5px;
.mwe-vue-pt-article-row {
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-top: 0;
/* info about the article */
.mwe-vue-pt-article {
font-size: 1.1em;
line-height: 1.6em;
.mwe-vue-pt-bold {
font-weight: bold;
.mwe-vue-pt-issue {
color: #c00;
font-weight: bold;
/* Info on the right hand side: creation date, updated date, potential isues, etc. */
.mwe-vue-pt-article-col-right {
text-align: right;
white-space: nowrap;
/* the article snippet */
.mwe-vue-pt-snippet {
color: #808080;
padding-right: 1em;
vertical-align: top;
/* Navigation bar at the bottom */
#mwe-vue-pt-stats-navigation {
min-height: 50px;
border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
position: sticky;
bottom: 0;
z-index: 1;
box-shadow: 0 -7px 10px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.4 );
#mwe-vue-pt-stats-navigation-content {
padding: 0.5em 1em;
//const VueNPP = {};
//#region devCode
* Component for rendering a list item.
VueNPP.listItemComponent = {
// wvuiButton is added later, once it has been loaded
// defaults for props are from ] for now
props: {
position: { type: Number, default: 1 },
afdStatus: { type: Boolean, default: false },
blpProdStatus: { type: Boolean, default: false },
csdStatus: { type: Boolean, default: false },
prodStatus: { type: Boolean, default: false },
patrolStatus: { type: Number, default: 0 },
title: { type: String, default: 'FDP Hamburg' },
isRedirect: { type: Boolean, default: false },
categoryCount: { type: Number, default: 3 },
linkCount: { type: Number, default: 0 },
referenceCount: { type: Number, default: 1 },
recreated: { type: Boolean, default: false },
pageLen: { type: Number, default: 3760 },
revCount: { type: Number, default: 2 },
creationDateUTC: { type: String, default: '20220523131514' },
creatorName: { type: String, default: 'Wanquanbiantai' },
creatorAutoConfirmed: { type: Boolean, default: true },
creatorRegistrationUTC: { type: String, default: '20220317205608' },
creatorUserId: { type: Number, default: 43566998 },
creatorEditCount: { type: Number, default: 66 },
creatorIsBot: { type: Boolean, default: false },
creatorBlocked: { type: Boolean, default: false },
creatorUserPageExists: { type: Boolean, default: true },
creatorTalkPageExists: { type: Boolean, default: true },
afcState: { type: Number, default: 1 },
reviewedUpdatedUTC: { type: String, default: '20220523131514' },
snippet: { type: String, default: 'Chair Logo Michael Kruse FDP LV Hamburg Basis data Established: September 20, 1945 Place of establishment: Hamburg Chairman: Michael Kruse Vice chairmen: Katarina BlumeRia SchröderAndreas MoringSonja Jacobsen Treasurer: Ron Schumacher Executive direct...' },
oresArticleQuality: { type: String, default: 'Start' },
oresDraftQuality: { type: String, default: '' },
copyvio: { type: Number, default: 0 },
data: function () {
return {
showOres: true || mw.config.get( 'wgShowOresFilters' ),
showCopyvio: true || mw.config.get( 'wgShowCopyvio' ),
enableReviewButton: true || mw.config.get( 'wgPageTriageEnableReviewButton' ),
draftNamespaceId: mw.config.get( 'wgPageTriageDraftNamespaceId' ),
timeOffset: parseInt( mw.user.options.get( 'timecorrection' ).split( '|' ) )
methods: {
prettyTimestamp: function ( utcTimestamp ) {
const parsedTimestamp = moment.utc( utcTimestamp, 'YYYYMMDDHHmmss' );
return parsedTimestamp.utcOffset( this.timeOffset ).format(
mw.msg( 'pagetriage-creation-dateformat' )
getjQueryLink: function ( url, text, exists ) {
// Needed to be able to embed links in the byline
const $link = $( '<a>' );
if ( !exists ) {
const uri = new mw.Uri( url );
uri.query.action = 'edit';
uri.query.redlink = 1;
url = uri.toString();
$link.addClass( 'new' );
$link.attr( 'href', url );
$link.text( text );
return $link;
computed: {
oddEvenClass: function () { return this.position % 2 == 0 ? 'mwe-vue-pt-article-row-even' : 'mwe-vue-pt-article-row-odd'; },
isDraft: function () {
const pageNamespaceId = ( new mw.Title( this.title ) ).getNamespaceId();
return pageNamespaceId === this.draftNamespaceId;
iconImageSrc: function () {
const imageBase = mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/PageTriage/modules/ext.pageTriage.views.list/images/';
if ( this.isDraft ) {
return imageBase + 'icon_not_reviewed.png';
} else if ( this.afdStatus || this.blpProdStatus || this.csdStatus || this.prodStatus ) {
return imageBase + 'icon_marked_for_deletion.png';
} else if ( this.patrolStatus !== 0 ) {
return imageBase + 'icon_reviewed.png';
} else {
return imageBase + 'icon_not_reviewed.png';
titleUrl: function () {
const params = {};
if ( this.isRedirect ) {
params.redirect = 'no';
return mw.util.getUrl( this.title, params );
titleUrlFormat: function () { return mw.util.wikiUrlencode( this.title ); },
historyUrl: function () { return mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' + this.titleUrlFormat + '&action=history'; },
creationDatePretty: function () {
return this.prettyTimestamp( this.creationDateUTC );
creatorBylineHtml: function () {
const bylineMessage = ( this.creatorUserId > 0 && !this.creatorAutoConfirmed )
? 'pagetriage-byline-new-editor'
: 'pagetriage-byline';
const creatorUserPageUrl = mw.util.getUrl( 'User:' + this.creatorName );
const creatorTalkPageUrl = mw.util.getUrl( 'User talk:' + this.creatorName );
const contribsUrl = mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Contributions/' + this.creatorName );
return mw.message(
mw.msg( 'sp-contributions-talk' ),
mw.msg( 'pipe-separator' ),
mw.msg( 'contribslink' ),
creatorRegistrationPretty: function () {
return this.prettyTimestamp( this.creatorRegistrationUTC );
reviewedUpdatedPretty: function () {
return this.prettyTimestamp( this.reviewedUpdatedUTC );
lastAfcActionLabel: function () {
if ( this.afcState === 2 ) {
return 'pagetriage-afc-date-label-submission';
} else if ( this.afcState === 3 ) {
return 'pagetriage-afc-date-label-review';
} else if ( this.afcState === 4 ) {
return 'pagetriage-afc-date-label-declined';
return '';
reviewRightHelpText: function () {
if ( this.enableReviewButton ) {
return '';
return this.$i18n( 'pagetriage-no-patrol-right' );
copyvioLink: function () {
if ( this.copyvio === 0 ) {
// Shouldn't be used
return '';
return 'https://tools.wmflabs.org/copypatrol/en?filter=all&searchCriteria=page_exact'
+ '&searchText=' + ( new mw.Title( this.title ) ).getMainText()
+ '&drafts=' + ( this.isDraft ? '1' : '0' )
+ '&revision=' + this.copyvio;
template: `<div class="mwe-vue-pt-article-row" :class="oddEvenClass">
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-status-icon">
<img :src="iconImageSrc" width="21" height="21" />
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-info-pane">
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-info-row">
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-article">
<span class="mwe-vue-pt-bold"><a :href="titleUrl" target="_blank">{{ title }}</a></span>
(<a :href="historyUrl">{{ $i18n( "pagetriage-hist" ) }}</a>)
{{ $i18n( "pagetriage-bytes", pageLen ) }}
{{ $i18n( "pagetriage-edits", revCount ) }}
<span v-if="!isDraft">
<span v-if="categoryCount === 0 && !isRedirect" class="mwe-vue-pt-metadata-warning">{{ $i18n( "pagetriage-no-categories" ) }}</span>
<template v-if="categoryCount !== 0">
· {{ $i18n( "pagetriage-categories", categoryCount ) }}
<span v-if="linkCount === 0 && !isRedirect" class="mwe-vue-pt-metadata-warning">{{ $i18n("pagetriage-orphan") }}</span>
<span v-if="recreated" class="mwe-vue-pt-metadata-warning">{{ $i18n("pagetriage-recreated") }}</span>
<span v-if="referenceCount === 0 && !isRedirect" class="mwe-vue-pt-metadata-warning">{{ $i18n( "pagetriage-no-reference" ) }}</span>
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-article-col-right mwe-vue-pt-bold">{{ creationDatePretty }}</div>
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-info-row">
<span v-if="creatorName">
<!-- Using v-html because the messages used embed links within them -->
<span v-if="creatorBylineHtml" v-html="creatorBylineHtml"></span>
<span v-if="creatorUserId > 0">
{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-editcount', creatorEditCount, creatorRegistrationPretty ) }}
<span v-if="creatorIsBot">
{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-author-bot' ) }}
<span v-if="creatorBlocked" class="mwe-vue-pt-metadata-warning">{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-author-blocked' ) }}</span>
<span v-else>
{{ $i18n('pagetriage-no-author') }}
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-article-col-right">
<span v-if="lastAfcActionLabel">
<span>{{ $i18n( lastAfcActionLabel ) }}</span>
<span>{{ reviewedUpdatedPretty }}</span>
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-info-row">
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-snippet">{{ snippet }}</div>
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-article-col-right">
<a :href="titleUrl" target="_blank" :title="reviewRightHelpText">
<wvui-button action="progressive" type="primary">Review</wvui-button>
<div v-if="showOres" class="mwe-vue-pt-info-row">
<span>{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-filter-predicted-class-heading' ) }}</span>
<span>{{ oresArticleQuality }}</span>
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-article-col-right">
<span>{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-filter-predicted-issues-heading' ) }}</span>
<span v-if="!oresDraftQuality && !( copyvio && showCopyvio )">
{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-filter-stat-predicted-issues-none' ) }}
<span v-if="oresDraftQuality" class="mwe-vue-pt-issue">{{ oresDraftQuality }}</span>
<span v-if="copyvio && showCopyvio">
<span v-if="oresDraftQuality">·</span>
<span class="mw-parser-output mwe-vue-pt-issue">
<a :href="copyvioLink" target="_blank" class="external">
{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-filter-stat-predicted-issues-copyvio' ) }}
* Helper for controls form, contains a specific section with a message label
* and slot content
VueNPP.controlSectionComponent = {
props: { label: { type: String, required: true } },
template: `
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section">
<span class="mwe-vue-pt-control-label"><b>{{ $i18n( label ) }}</b></span>
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-options">
* Helper for controls form, contains controls for date ranges
VueNPP.dateControlSectionComponent = {
props: {
type: { type: String, required: true },
fromModel: { type: String, required: true },
toModel: { type: String, required: true }
components: { controlSection: VueNPP.controlSectionComponent },
methods: {
updateFrom: function ( newValue ) {
this.$emit( 'update:fromModel', newValue.target.value );
updateTo: function ( newValue ) {
this.$emit( 'update:toModel', newValue.target.value );
template: `
<control-section label="pagetriage-filter-date-range-heading">
<label :for="'mwe-vue-pt-filter-' + type + '-date-range-from'">{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-filter-date-range-from' ) }}</label>
<input type="date" :value="fromModel" @input="updateFrom" :id="'mwe-vue-pt-filter-' + type + '-date-range-from'" :placeholder="$i18n( 'pagetriage-filter-date-range-format-placeholder' )" /> <br/>
<label :for="'mwe-vue-pt-filter-' + type + '-date-range-to'">{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-filter-date-range-to' ) }}</label>
<input type="date" :value="toModel" @input="updateTo" :id="'mwe-vue-pt-filter-' + type + '-date-range-to'" :placeholder="$i18n( 'pagetriage-filter-date-range-format-placeholder' )" />
VueNPP.lastGeneratedIdNum = 0;
VueNPP.labeledInputComponent = {
// For some reason things break if I try to just use v-model, though v-model:model-value
// works (in the places where this component is used), but since it needs to be named
// anyway its called input-model to make it clear that its used for the <input>
props: {
// id is used to associated input with the <label> via `for`, if not
// provided auto generate one
inputId: {
type: String,
default: () => `mwe-vue-pt-generated-${++VueNPP.lastGeneratedIdNum}`
inputModel: { type: , required: true },
labelMsg: { type: String, required: true },
type: { type: String, required: true },
// only needed for radios, not checkboxes
value: { type: String, default: '' },
noBreak: { type: Boolean, default: false }
emits: ,
setup( props, { emit } ) {
const isChecked = VueCompositionAPI.computed( () => {
if ( props.type === 'radio' ) {
return ( props.inputModel === props.value );
} else if ( props.type === 'checkbox' ) {
return ( props.inputModel === true );
} else {
return false;
} );
const onChange = function ( event ) {
const newValue = ( props.type === 'radio' ? event.target.value : event.target.checked );
emit( 'update:inputModel', newValue );
const haveBreak = VueCompositionAPI.computed( () => !props.noBreak );
return { isChecked, onChange, haveBreak };
template: `
<input :type="type" :id="inputId" :value="value" :checked="isChecked" @change="onChange" />
<label :for="inputId">{{ $i18n( labelMsg ) }}</label> <br v-if="haveBreak" />
* Convert afc submission state name to api value
* PageTriage extension uses literal 'all' with breaks things, use `false` so
* that mw.Api() filters it out, T304574
VueNPP.getAfcStateForApi = function ( stateName ) {
const submissionNumbers = ;
const stateIndex = submissionNumbers.indexOf( stateName );
return ( stateIndex <= 0 ? false : stateIndex.toString() );
* Menu for controlling the filters for the pages feed
VueNPP.feedControlMenuComponent = {
components: {
controlSection: VueNPP.controlSectionComponent,
dateControlSection: VueNPP.dateControlSectionComponent,
labeledInput: VueNPP.labeledInputComponent
props: {
currentlyShowingText: { type: String, default: 'currentlyShowingText-value' },
currentFilteredCount: { type: Number, default: -1 },
// Some form elements, sorting direction and which view we are in, trigger
// updates to the feed immediately, others need to be submitted. Regardless,
// we initialize the references with the current prop value, and then either
// when the property changes or the menu is submitted, we emit the overall
// updated object
startOptions: {
type: Object,
default: () => ( {
currentView: 'npp',
nppSortDir: 'newestfirst',
nppNamespace: 0,
nppIncludeUnreviewed: true,
nppIncludeReviewed: true,
nppIncludeNominated: true,
nppIncludeRedirects: false,
nppIncludeOthers: true,
nppFilter: 'all',
nppFilterUser: '',
nppPredictedRating: {
stub: false,
start: false,
c: false,
b: false,
good: false,
featured: false
nppPossibleIssues: {
vandalism: false,
spam: false,
attack: false,
copyvio: false,
none: false
nppDateFrom: '',
nppDateTo: '',
afcSortDir: 'newestfirst',
afcSubmissionState: 'all',
afcPredictedRating: {
stub: false,
start: false,
c: false,
b: false,
good: false,
featured: false
afcPossibleIssues: {
vandalism: false,
spam: false,
attack: false,
copyvio: false,
none: false
afcDateFrom: '',
afcDateTo: '',
} )
data: function () {
return {
haveDraftNamespace: true || !!mw.config.get( 'wgPageTriageDraftNamespaceId' ),
showOresFilters: true || mw.config.get( 'wgShowOresFilters' ),
showCopyvio: true || mw.config.get( 'wgShowCopyvio' ),
// pure data, not needed in setup()
nppFilters: [
// user specific filter, and then show all, handled individually
afcSubmissionStates: [
setup( props, { emit } ) {
// Shortcuts
const ref = VueCompositionAPI.ref;
const computed = VueCompositionAPI.computed;
const watch = VueCompositionAPI.watch;
//#region startValues
const currentView = ref( props.startOptions.currentView );
const nppSortDir = ref( props.startOptions.nppSortDir );
const nppNamespace = ref( props.startOptions.nppNamespace );
const nppIncludeUnreviewed = ref( props.startOptions.nppIncludeUnreviewed );
const nppIncludeReviewed = ref( props.startOptions.nppIncludeReviewed );
const nppIncludeNominated = ref( props.startOptions.nppIncludeNominated );
const nppIncludeRedirects = ref( props.startOptions.nppIncludeRedirects );
const nppIncludeOthers = ref( props.startOptions.nppIncludeOthers );
const nppFilter = ref( props.startOptions.nppFilter );
const nppFilterUser = ref( props.startOptions.nppFilterUser );
const nppPredictedRating = ref( { ...props.startOptions.nppPredictedRating } );
const nppPossibleIssues = ref( { ...props.startOptions.nppPossibleIssues } );
const nppDateFrom = ref( props.startOptions.nppDateFrom );
const nppDateTo = ref( props.startOptions.nppDateTo );
const afcSortDir = ref( props.startOptions.afcSortDir );
const afcSubmissionState = ref( props.startOptions.afcSubmissionState );
const afcPredictedRating = ref( { ...props.startOptions.afcPredictedRating } );
const afcPossibleIssues = ref( { ...props.startOptions.afcPossibleIssues } );
const afcDateFrom = ref( props.startOptions.afcDateFrom );
const afcDateTo = ref( props.startOptions.afcDateTo );
// if the submitted/declined sort options should be included, the end of
// the message key to use (pagetriage-afc-(old|new)est-*), or false to
// not include as options
const afcSortUpdated = computed( () => {
if ( afcSubmissionState.value === 'declined' ) {
return 'declined';
} else if (
afcSubmissionState.value === 'pending'
|| afcSubmissionState.value === 'reviewing'
) {
return 'submitted';
return false;
} );
// Make sure that afcSortDir isn't invalid
( newState ) => {
if ( newState !== 'unsubmitted' && newState !== 'all' ) {
// oldest/newest submitted/declined are valid
if ( afcSortDir.value === 'newestreview' ) {
afcSortDir.value = 'newestfirst';
} else if ( afcSortDir.value === 'oldestreview' ) {
afcSortDir.value = 'oldestfirst';
// Need to include at least one of reviewed/unreviewed, and at least
// one of nominated for deletion/redirects/normal articles
const canSaveSettings = computed( () => {
return (
( nppIncludeUnreviewed.value || nppIncludeReviewed.value )
&& (
|| nppIncludeRedirects.value
|| nppIncludeOthers.value
} );
// Whether the control menu is even shown at all
const controlMenuOpen = ref( false );
const doSaveSettings = function () {
// need to convert the objects to raw (ores filters)
const toRaw = VueCompositionAPI.toRaw;
const settings = {
currentView: currentView.value,
nppSortDir: nppSortDir.value,
nppNamespace: nppNamespace.value,
nppIncludeUnreviewed: nppIncludeUnreviewed.value,
nppIncludeReviewed: nppIncludeReviewed.value,
nppIncludeNominated: nppIncludeNominated.value,
nppIncludeRedirects: nppIncludeRedirects.value,
nppIncludeOthers: nppIncludeOthers.value,
nppFilter: nppFilter.value,
nppFilterUser: nppFilterUser.value,
nppPredictedRating: toRaw( nppPredictedRating.value ),
nppPossibleIssues: toRaw( nppPossibleIssues.value ),
nppDateFrom: nppDateFrom.value,
nppDateTo: nppDateTo.value,
afcSortDir: afcSortDir.value,
afcSubmissionState: afcSubmissionState.value,
afcPredictedRating: toRaw( afcPredictedRating.value ),
afcPossibleIssues: toRaw( afcPossibleIssues.value ),
afcDateFrom: afcDateFrom.value,
afcDateTo: afcDateTo.value,
emit( 'update-settings', settings );
// manually hide, next time that its opened the start options will
// be updated
controlMenuOpen.value = false;
const toggleControlMenuIndicator = computed(
() => ( controlMenuOpen.value ? '▾' : '▸' )
// On open, restore the start options to account for any prior changes,
// on close, restore them because the current changes are being discarded
const toggleControlMenu = () => {
// note that when closing due to an immediatelly handled change
// (view or sort direction) this method is not called, but rather
// the open status is changed manually, which is why start options
// are also restored on open
controlMenuOpen.value = !controlMenuOpen.value;
// don't trigger watchers when these are reapplied
const currentlyInReset = ref( false );
const reapplyStartOptions = () => {
currentlyInReset.value = true;
currentView.value = props.startOptions.currentView;
nppSortDir.value = props.startOptions.nppSortDir;
nppNamespace.value = props.startOptions.nppNamespace;
nppIncludeUnreviewed.value = props.startOptions.nppIncludeUnreviewed;
nppIncludeReviewed.value = props.startOptions.nppIncludeReviewed;
nppIncludeNominated.value = props.startOptions.nppIncludeNominated;
nppIncludeRedirects.value = props.startOptions.nppIncludeRedirects;
nppIncludeOthers.value = props.startOptions.nppIncludeOthers;
nppFilter.value = props.startOptions.nppFilter;
nppFilterUser.value = props.startOptions.nppFilterUser;
nppPredictedRating.value = { ...props.startOptions.nppPredictedRating };
nppPossibleIssues.value = { ...props.startOptions.nppPossibleIssues };
nppDateFrom.value = props.startOptions.nppDateFrom;
nppDateTo.value = props.startOptions.nppDateTo;
afcSortDir.value = props.startOptions.afcSortDir;
afcSubmissionState.value = props.startOptions.afcSubmissionState;
afcPredictedRating.value = { ...props.startOptions.afcPredictedRating };
afcPossibleIssues.value = { ...props.startOptions.afcPossibleIssues };
afcDateFrom.value = props.startOptions.afcDateFrom;
afcDateTo.value = props.startOptions.afcDateTo;
currentlyInReset.value = false;
// When the sort dir or the view changes, we want to immediately
// update the settings to use that, ignoring any other changes made.
// Close the menu so that when it is reopened, the start options are
// reused, cancelling out the changes in the local state
const handleImmediateChange = function ( changeName, changeVal ) {
if ( currentlyInReset.value ) {
// ignore
// Make a *deep copy* of the start options
const updatedSettings = { ...props.startOptions };
updatedSettings.nppPredictedRating = { ...props.startOptions.nppPredictedRating };
updatedSettings.nppPossibleIssues = { ...props.startOptions.nppPossibleIssues };
updatedSettings.afcPredictedRating = { ...props.startOptions.afcPredictedRating };
updatedSettings.afcPossibleIssues = { ...props.startOptions.afcPossibleIssues };
// changeName should be 'currentView', 'nppSortDir', or 'afcSortDir'
updatedSettings = changeVal;
emit( 'update-settings', updatedSettings );
controlMenuOpen.value = false;
watch( currentView, ( newVal ) => handleImmediateChange( 'currentView', newVal ) );
watch( nppSortDir, ( newVal ) => handleImmediateChange( 'nppSortDir', newVal ) );
watch( afcSortDir, ( newVal ) => handleImmediateChange( 'afcSortDir', newVal ) );
return {
controlMenuOpen, toggleControlMenu, toggleControlMenuIndicator,
// NPP
nppIncludeUnreviewed, nppIncludeReviewed,
nppIncludeNominated, nppIncludeRedirects, nppIncludeOthers,
nppFilter, nppFilterUser,
nppPredictedRating, nppPossibleIssues,
nppDateFrom, nppDateTo,
// AFC
afcSortDir, afcSortUpdated,
afcPredictedRating, afcPossibleIssues,
afcDateFrom, afcDateTo,
// settings
canSaveSettings, doSaveSettings
//#region template
template: `<div id="mwe-vue-pt-menu-heading" class="mwe-vue-pt-control-gradient">
<p v-if="haveDraftNamespace">
<labeled-input type="radio" input-id="mwe-vue-pt-radio-npp" v-model:inputModel="currentView" label-msg="pagetriage-new-page-patrol" value="npp" :no-break="true" />
<labeled-input type="radio" input-id="mwe-vue-pt-radio-afc" v-model:inputModel="currentView" label-msg="pagetriage-articles-for-creation" value="afc" :no-break="true" />
<span class="mwe-vue-pt-control-label"><b>{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-showing' ) }}</b> {{ currentlyShowingText }}</span>
<span class="mwe-vue-pt-control-label-right" v-show="currentFilteredCount !== -1">
{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-stats-filter-page-count', currentFilteredCount ) }}
<span v-show="currentView === 'npp'" class="mwe-vue-pt-control-label-right">
<b>{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-sort-by' ) }}</b>
<span id="mwe-vue-pt-sort-buttons">
<labeled-input type="radio" v-model:inputModel="nppSortDir" label-msg="pagetriage-newest" value="newestfirst" :no-break="true" />
<labeled-input type="radio" v-model:inputModel="nppSortDir" label-msg="pagetriage-oldest" value="oldestfirst" :no-break="true" />
<span v-show="currentView === 'afc'" class="mwe-vue-pt-control-label-right">
<label for="mwe-vue-pt-sort-afc"><b>{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-sort-by' ) }}</b></label>
<select v-model="afcSortDir" id="mwe-vue-pt-sort-afc">
<option value="newestfirst">{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-afc-newest' ) }}</option>
<option value="oldestfirst">{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-afc-oldest' ) }}</option>
'newestreview' and 'oldestreview' are used for both newest/oldest submitted and newest/oldest declined,
PageTriage adds one or the other, we just change the label - only shown when filtering for submitted, under review, or declined
<option v-if="afcSortUpdated" value="newestreview">{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-afc-newest-' + afcSortUpdated ) }}</option>
<option v-if="afcSortUpdated" value="oldestreview">{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-afc-oldest-' + afcSortUpdated ) }}</option>
<div id="mwe-vue-pt-control-menu-toggle">
<b @click="toggleControlMenu">Set filters {{ toggleControlMenuIndicator }}</b>
<!-- Dropdown goes within the toggle with absolute position to overlay the feed -->
<div id="mwe-vue-pt-control-dropdown" class="mwe-vue-pt-control-gradient" v-show="controlMenuOpen">
<div v-show="currentView === 'npp'">
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section__row1">
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section__col1">
<control-section label="pagetriage-filter-namespace-heading">
<select v-model="nppNamespace">
<option value="0">Article</option>
<option value="2">User</option>
<control-section label="pagetriage-filter-show-heading">
<labeled-input type="checkbox" v-model:inputModel="nppIncludeUnreviewed" label-msg="pagetriage-filter-unreviewed-edits" />
<labeled-input type="checkbox" v-model:inputModel="nppIncludeReviewed" label-msg="pagetriage-filter-reviewed-edits" />
<control-section label="pagetriage-filter-type-show-heading">
<labeled-input type="checkbox" v-model:inputModel="nppIncludeNominated" label-msg="pagetriage-filter-nominated-for-deletion" />
<labeled-input type="checkbox" v-model:inputModel="nppIncludeRedirects" label-msg="pagetriage-filter-redirects" />
<labeled-input type="checkbox" v-model:inputModel="nppIncludeOthers" label-msg="pagetriage-filter-others" />
<template v-if="showOresFilters">
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section__col2">
<control-section label="pagetriage-filter-predicted-class-heading">
<labeled-input v-for="(_, ratingName) in nppPredictedRating" :key="ratingName" type="checkbox" v-model:inputModel="nppPredictedRating" :label-msg="'pagetriage-filter-predicted-class-' + ratingName" />
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section__col3">
<control-section label="pagetriage-filter-predicted-issues-heading">
<labeled-input v-for="(_, issueName) in nppPossibleIssues" :key="issueName" type="checkbox" v-model:inputModel="nppPossibleIssues" :label-msg="'pagetriage-filter-predicted-issues-' + issueName" />
<date-control-section type="npp" v-model:fromModel="nppDateFrom" v-model:toModel="nppDateTo"></date-control-section>
<template v-else>
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section__col2">
<date-control-section type="npp" v-model:fromModel="nppDateFrom" v-model:toModel="nppDateTo"></date-control-section>
<control-section label="pagetriage-filter-second-show-heading">
<labeled-input v-for="filter in nppFilters" :key="filter" type="radio" :value="filter" v-model:inputModel="nppFilter" :label-msg="'pagetriage-filter-' + filter" />
<labeled-input type="radio" v-model:inputModel="nppFilter" label-msg="pagetriage-filter-user-heading" value="username" :no-break="true" />
<input type="text" id="mwe-vue-pt-filter-user" :placeholder="$i18n( 'pagetriage-filter-username' )" v-model="nppFilterUser"/> <br/>
<labeled-input type="radio" v-model:inputModel="nppFilter" label-msg="pagetriage-filter-all" value="all" />
<div v-show="currentView === 'afc'">
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section__row1">
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section__col1">
<control-section label="pagetriage-filter-show-heading">
<labeled-input v-for="state in afcSubmissionStates" :key="state" type="radio" :value="state" v-model:inputModel="afcSubmissionState" :label-msg="'pagetriage-afc-state-' + state" />
<template v-if="showOresFilters">
<date-control-section type="afc" v-model:fromModel="afcDateFrom" v-model:toModel="afcDateTo"></date-control-section>
<template v-if="showOresFilters">
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section__col2">
<control-section label="pagetriage-filter-predicted-class-heading">
<labeled-input v-for="(_, ratingName) in afcPredictedRating" :key="ratingName" type="checkbox" v-model:inputModel="afcPredictedRating" :label-msg="'pagetriage-filter-predicted-class-' + ratingName" />
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section__col3">
<control-section label="pagetriage-filter-predicted-issues-heading">
<labeled-input v-for="(_, issueName) in afcPossibleIssues" :key="issueName" type="checkbox" v-model:inputModel="afcPossibleIssues" :label-msg="'pagetriage-filter-predicted-issues-' + issueName" />
<template v-else>
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-section__col2">
<date-control-section type="afc" v-model:fromModel="afcDateFrom" v-model:toModel="afcDateTo"></date-control-section>
<div class="mwe-vue-pt-control-buttons">
<wvui-button class="mwe-vue-pt-button-green" action="progressive" type="primary" :disabled="!canSaveSettings" @click="doSaveSettings">{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-filter-set-button' ) }}</wvui-button>
* Convert the page information retrieved from the api into the properties
* that listItemComponent expects.
VueNPP.listItemPropFormatter = function ( pageInfo ) {
// the `position` prop is handled by the list
const listItemProps = {};
listItemProps.afdStatus = pageInfo.afd_status === '1';
listItemProps.blpProdStatus = pageInfo.blp_prod_status === '1';
listItemProps.csdStatus = pageInfo.csd_status === '1';
listItemProps.prodStatus = pageInfo.prod_status === '1';
listItemProps.patrolStatus = parseInt( pageInfo.patrol_status );
listItemProps.title = pageInfo.title;
listItemProps.isRedirect = pageInfo.is_redirect === '1';
listItemProps.categoryCount = parseInt( pageInfo.category_count );
listItemProps.linkCount = parseInt( pageInfo.linkcount );
listItemProps.referenceCount = parseInt( pageInfo.reference );
listItemProps.recreated = !!pageInfo.recreated;
listItemProps.pageLen = parseInt( pageInfo.page_len );
listItemProps.revCount = parseInt( pageInfo.rev_count );
listItemProps.creationDateUTC = pageInfo.creation_date_utc;
listItemProps.creatorName = pageInfo.user_name;
listItemProps.creatorAutoConfirmed = pageInfo.user_autoconfirmed === '1';
listItemProps.creatorRegistrationUTC = pageInfo.user_creation_date;
listItemProps.creatorUserId = parseInt( pageInfo.user_id );
listItemProps.creatorEditCount = parseInt( pageInfo.user_editcount );
listItemProps.creatorIsBot = pageInfo.user_bot === '1';
listItemProps.creatorBlocked = pageInfo.user_block_status === '1';
listItemProps.creatorUserPageExists = pageInfo.creator_user_page_exist;
listItemProps.creatorTalkPageExists = pageInfo.creator_user_talk_page_exist;
listItemProps.afcState = parseInt( pageInfo.afc_state );
listItemProps.reviewedUpdatedUTC = pageInfo.ptrp_reviewed_updated;
listItemProps.snippet = pageInfo.snippet;
listItemProps.oresArticleQuality = pageInfo.ores_articlequality;
listItemProps.oresDraftQuality = pageInfo.ores_draftquality;
listItemProps.copyvio = pageInfo.copyvio || 0;
return listItemProps;
* Nav bar at the bottom with statistics and a refresh button.
VueNPP.statsBarComponent = {
props: {
currentView: { type: String, default: 'npp' },
apiResult: {
type: Object,
default: () => ( {} )
setup( props, { emit } ) {
const triggerRefresh = () => {
emit( 'refresh-feed' );
const unreviewedCount = VueCompositionAPI.computed( () => {
if ( props.apiResult.result === 'success'
&& props.apiResult.stats
&& props.apiResult.stats.unreviewedarticle
) {
return props.apiResult.stats.unreviewedarticle.count;
// Should not be shown
return -1;
} );
const unreviewedOldest = VueCompositionAPI.computed( () => {
if ( props.apiResult.result === 'success'
&& props.apiResult.stats
&& props.apiResult.stats.unreviewedarticle
) {
const rawOldest = props.apiResult.stats.unreviewedarticle.oldest;
// convert to number of days based on formatDaysFromNow in
// pagetriage
if ( !rawOldest ) {
return '';
var now = new Date();
now = new Date(
var begin = moment.utc( rawOldest, 'YYYYMMDDHHmmss' );
var diff = Math.round( ( now.getTime() - begin.valueOf() ) / ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) );
if ( diff ) {
return mw.msg( 'days', diff );
return mw.msg( 'pagetriage-stats-less-than-a-day', diff );
// Should not be shown
return '?';
} );
const reviewedCount = VueCompositionAPI.computed( () => {
if ( props.apiResult.result === 'success'
&& props.apiResult.stats
&& props.apiResult.stats.reviewedarticle
) {
return props.apiResult.stats.reviewedarticle.reviewed_count;
// Should not be shown
return -1;
} );
const showStats = VueCompositionAPI.computed( () => {
// make sure all the values were computed
return props.currentView === 'npp'
&& unreviewedCount.value !== -1
&& unreviewedOldest.value !== '?'
&& reviewedCount.value !== -1
} );
return {
template: `<div id="mwe-vue-pt-stats-navigation" class="mwe-vue-pt-navigation-bar mwe-vue-pt-control-gradient">
<div id="mwe-vue-pt-stats-navigation-content">
<button id="mwe-vue-pt-refresh-button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only" @click="triggerRefresh">
<span class="ui-button-text">{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-refresh-list' ) }}</span>
<div v-show="showStats">
<div>{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-unreviewed-article-count', unreviewedCount, unreviewedOldest ) }}</div>
<div>{{ $i18n( 'pagetriage-reviewed-article-count-past-week', reviewedCount ) }}</div>
* Component for the bar after the last entry that allows loading more when
* scrolled into view. Whether to show or not is based on a prop instead of
* being controlled in the calling code so that the intersection observer
* does not need to be recreated each time.
VueNPP.loadMoreBarComponent = {
props: {
haveMore: { type: Boolean, required: true }
setup( props, { emit } ) {
const emitLoadMore = function () {
// check that we should try to load
if ( props.haveMore ) {
emit( 'trigger-load' );
const barRef = VueCompositionAPI.ref();
const observerCallback = function ( entries, observer ) {
const observerEntry = entries;
// whether we scrolled to see it or away from it
const nowSeen = observerEntry.isIntersecting;
if ( !nowSeen ) {
// console.log( observerEntry );
const observer = new IntersectionObserver( observerCallback );
Vue.onMounted( () => {
observer.observe( barRef.value );
} );
return {
template: `<div v-show="haveMore" ref="barRef">
<div id="mwe-vue-pt-feed-load-more">
<wvui-button action="progressive" type="quiet" @click="emitLoadMore">Load more</wvui-button>
* Component for the overall list contents, is given the api properties to
* query with and generates the items to show.
VueNPP.feedContentsComponent = {
// wvui components are added separately
components: {
listItem: VueNPP.listItemComponent,
loadMoreBar: VueNPP.loadMoreBarComponent,
statsBar: VueNPP.statsBarComponent
props: {
params: { type: Object, required: true }
data: function () {
return {
// Enable adding by specific page id for debugging
manualDebug: false
setup( props, { emit } ) {
const API_PAGE_LIMIT = 20;
const ref = VueCompositionAPI.ref;
const api = new mw.ForeignApi( '//en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' );
const apiError = ref( false );
const feedEntries = ref( );
// incremented before being used
const latestPosition = ref( 0 );
// 0 is ignored; `offset` and `pageoffset` parameters
const apiOffsets = ref( { normal: 0, page: 0 } );
const haveMoreToLoad = ref( true );
const alreadyLoading = ref( false );
const onApiFailure = function ( res, shouldRender ) {
console.log( res );
if ( shouldRender ) {
apiError.value = true;
alreadyLoading.value = false;
const addPageToFeed = function ( pageInfo ) {
const propData = VueNPP.listItemPropFormatter( pageInfo );
propData.position = ( ++latestPosition.value );
feedEntries.value.push( propData );
const processResult = function ( res ) {
// console.log( res );
if ( !res || !res.pagetriagelist || !res.pagetriagelist.pages
|| !res.pagetriagelist.pages
) {
onApiFailure( res, true );
haveMoreToLoad.value = false;
const allPages = res.pagetriagelist.pages;
if ( allPages.length > API_PAGE_LIMIT ) {
// Have more to load
haveMoreToLoad.value = true;
for ( var iii = 0; iii < allPages.length; iii++ ) {
addPageToFeed( allPages );
// offset with the last
const lastPage = allPages;
apiOffsets.value.normal = lastPage.creation_date_utc;
apiOffsets.value.page = lastPage.pageid;
alreadyLoading.value = false;
const addFromApi = function ( apiParams ) {
apiParams.action = 'pagetriagelist';
apiParams.format = 'json';
apiParams.formatversion = 2;
apiParams.limit = API_PAGE_LIMIT;
apiParams.offset = apiOffsets.value.normal;
apiParams.pageoffset = apiOffsets.value.page;
// console.log( apiParams );
api.get( apiParams ).then(
( res ) => processResult( res ),
( res ) => onApiFailure( res, true )
// Default is ] for now (for manualDebug)
const targetPageId = ref( 70853005 );
const updatePageId = ( newPageId ) => targetPageId.value = newPageId;
const addFromPageId = function () {
addFromApi( { page_id: targetPageId.value } );
const loadFromFilters = function () {
if ( alreadyLoading.value === true ) {
// race condition
alreadyLoading.value = true;
console.log( 'Loading from filters' );
// make a copy, and remove unknown param
const paramsFromProps = { ...props.params };
delete paramsFromProps.mode;
addFromApi( paramsFromProps );
// Passed to stats bar
const currentView = VueCompositionAPI.computed( () => {
return props.params.mode;
} );
const clearCurrentData = function () {
feedEntries.value = ;
latestPosition.value = 0;
haveMoreToLoad.value = true;
apiOffsets.value.normal = 0;
apiOffsets.value.page = 0;
const feedStats = ref( {} );
const processNewStats = function ( newStats ) {
// console.log( newStats );
feedStats.value = newStats.pagetriagestats;
// hack - the number of pages in the filtered list is used in a
// different component (the menu bar at the top) and its easier
// to fetch the stats here than to fetch in the parent, send the
// data up via events
emit( 'new-filtered-count', newStats.pagetriagestats.stats.filteredarticle );
const updateStats = function () {
// make a copy, and remove unknown params
const apiParams = { ...props.params };
delete apiParams.mode;
delete apiParams.dir;
apiParams.action = 'pagetriagestats';
apiParams.format = 'json';
apiParams.formatversion = 2;
// console.log( apiParams );
api.get( apiParams ).then(
( res ) => processNewStats( res ),
( res ) => onApiFailure( res, false )
const refreshFeed = function () {
console.log( 'Should refresh feed' );
VueCompositionAPI.toRef( props, 'params' ),
Vue.onMounted( () => refreshFeed() );
return {
targetPageId, updatePageId,
apiError, feedEntries,
haveMoreToLoad, loadFromFilters,
refreshFeed, currentView, feedStats
template: `<div>
<div v-if="manualDebug">
Specific page entry, by page id: <wvui-input :value="targetPageId" v-on:input="updatePageId"></wvui-input>
<wvui-button action="progressive" type="primary" v-on:click="addFromPageId">Add entry</wvui-button>
<div v-show="apiError">
Api error, see console
<template v-if="feedEntries">
<list-item v-for="feedEntry in feedEntries" :key="feedEntry.position" v-bind="feedEntry"></list-item>
<load-more-bar :have-more="haveMoreToLoad" @trigger-load="loadFromFilters"></load-more-bar>
<stats-bar :current-view="currentView" :api-result="feedStats" @refresh-feed=refreshFeed></stats-bar>
* Interface for user to choose an article
VueNPP.NPPFeedMenu = {
// wvui components are added separately
components: {
feedControlMenu: VueNPP.feedControlMenuComponent,
feedContents: VueNPP.feedContentsComponent
setup( props ) {
const ref = VueCompositionAPI.ref;
const computed = VueCompositionAPI.computed;
const currentSettings = ref ( {
currentView: 'npp',
nppSortDir: 'newestfirst',
nppNamespace: 0,
nppIncludeUnreviewed: true,
nppIncludeReviewed: true,
nppIncludeNominated: true,
nppIncludeRedirects: false,
nppIncludeOthers: true,
nppFilter: 'all',
nppFilterUser: '',
nppPredictedRating: {
stub: false,
start: false,
c: false,
b: false,
good: false,
featured: false
nppPossibleIssues: {
vandalism: false,
spam: false,
attack: false,
copyvio: false,
none: false
nppDateFrom: '',
nppDateTo: '',
afcSortDir: 'newestfirst',
afcSubmissionState: 'all',
afcPredictedRating: {
stub: false,
start: false,
c: false,
b: false,
good: false,
featured: false
afcPossibleIssues: {
vandalism: false,
spam: false,
attack: false,
copyvio: false,
none: false
afcDateFrom: '',
afcDateTo: '',
} );
const updateSettings = function ( newVal ) {
// deep copy
currentSettings.value = newVal;
currentSettings.value.nppPredictedRating = { ...newVal.nppPredictedRating };
currentSettings.value.nppPossibleIssues = { ...newVal.nppPossibleIssues };
currentSettings.value.afcPredictedRating = { ...newVal.afcPredictedRating };
currentSettings.value.afcPossibleIssues = { ...newVal.afcPossibleIssues };
const offset = parseInt( mw.user.options.get( 'timecorrection' ).split( '|' ) );
const apiOptions = computed( () => {
// shortcut
const currentSV = currentSettings.value;
// limit is added by feedContentsComponent
const params = {
mode: currentSV.currentView
const addIfToggled = function ( paramName, optionToggle ) {
if ( optionToggle ) {
params = '1';
const addOresFilters = function ( optionsObj, paramPrefix ) {
for ( var optionName in optionsObj ) {
addIfToggled( paramPrefix + optionName, optionsObj );
const addNppFilter = function () {
const filtersToParams = {
'no-categories': 'no_category',
'unreferenced': 'unreferenced',
'orphan': 'no_inbound_links',
'recreated': 'recreated',
'non-autoconfirmed': 'non_autoconfirmed_users',
'learners': 'learners',
'blocked': 'blocked_users',
'bot-edits': 'showbots'
const chosenFilter = currentSV.nppFilter;
if ( chosenFilter === 'username' && currentSV.nppFilterUser ) {
params.username = currentSV.nppFilterUser;
// if username is chosen with no filter, or 'all'
} else if ( filtersToParams !== undefined ) {
params ] = '1';
const addDateParams = function ( fromVal, toVal ) {
if ( fromVal ) {
const fromDate = moment.utc( fromVal ).subtract( offset, 'minutes' );
params.date_range_from = fromDate.toISOString();
if ( toVal ) {
let toDate = moment.utc( toVal ).subtract( offset, 'minutes' );
// move to the end of the given day
toDate.add( 1, 'day' ).subtract( 1, 'second' );
params.date_range_to = toDate.toISOString();
if ( currentSV.currentView === 'npp' ) {
addIfToggled( 'showreviewed', currentSV.nppIncludeReviewed );
addIfToggled( 'showunreviewed', currentSV.nppIncludeUnreviewed );
addIfToggled( 'showdeleted', currentSV.nppIncludeNominated );
addIfToggled( 'showredirs', currentSV.nppIncludeRedirects );
addIfToggled( 'showothers', currentSV.nppIncludeOthers );
addOresFilters( currentSV.nppPredictedRating, 'show_predicted_class_' );
addOresFilters( currentSV.nppPossibleIssues, 'show_predicted_issues_' );
params.namespace = currentSV.nppNamespace;
params.dir = currentSV.nppSortDir;
addDateParams( currentSV.nppDateFrom, currentSV.nppDateTo );
} else {
addOresFilters( currentSV.afcPredictedRating, 'show_predicted_class_' );
addOresFilters( currentSV.afcPossibleIssues, 'show_predicted_issues_' );
params.showreviewed = '1';
params.showunreviewed = '1';
params.namespace = 118 || mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).draft;
params.dir = currentSV.afcSortDir;
const afcSubmissionStateApi = VueNPP.getAfcStateForApi( currentSV.afcSubmissionState );
if ( afcSubmissionStateApi !== false ) {
params.afc_state = afcSubmissionStateApi;
addDateParams( currentSV.afcDateFrom, currentSV.afcDateTo );
return params;
} );
const showingText = computed( () => {
const showingMessageObj = {
namespace: ,
state: ,
type: ,
'predicted-class': ,
'predicted-issues': ,
top: ,
const addOresShowing = function ( settingsObj, msgPrefix ) {
for ( var settingsOption in settingsObj ) {
if ( settingsObj ) {
mw.msg( `pagetriage-filter-stat-${msgPrefix}-${settingsOption}` )
const addDateShowing = function ( dateFrom, dateTo ) {
if ( dateFrom ) {
const forFormattingFrom = moment( dateFrom );
const formattedFrom = forFormattingFrom.utcOffset( offset )
.format( mw.msg( 'pagetriage-filter-date-range-format-showing' ) );
mw.msg( 'pagetriage-filter-stat-date_range_from', formattedFrom )
if ( dateTo ) {
const forFormattingTo = moment( dateTo );
const formattedTo = forFormattingTo.utcOffset( offset )
.format( mw.msg( 'pagetriage-filter-date-range-format-showing' ) );
mw.msg( 'pagetriage-filter-stat-date_range_to', formattedTo )
const addShowingIf = function ( isApplicable, msgSuffix, msgGroup ) {
if ( isApplicable ) {
mw.msg( `pagetriage-filter-stat-${msgSuffix}` )
const currentSV = currentSettings.value;
if ( currentSV.currentView === 'npp' ) {
currentSV.nppNamespace === 0 ? 'Article' : 'User'
const showingNPPFilter = currentSV.nppFilter;
if ( showingNPPFilter === 'username' ) {
if ( currentSV.nppFilterUser ) {
mw.msg( 'pagetriage-filter-stat-username', currentSV.nppFilterUser )
} else if ( showingNPPFilter === 'bot-edits' ) {
// Need a different message key (not -bot-edits)
showingMessageObj.top.push( mw.msg( 'pagetriage-filter-stat-bots' ) );
} else if ( showingNPPFilter !== 'all' ) {
showingMessageObj.top.push( mw.msg( `pagetriage-filter-stat-${showingNPPFilter}` ) );
addShowingIf( currentSV.nppIncludeReviewed, 'reviewed', 'state' );
addShowingIf( currentSV.nppIncludeUnreviewed, 'unreviewed', 'state' );
addShowingIf( currentSV.nppIncludeNominated, 'nominated-for-deletion', 'type' );
addShowingIf( currentSV.nppIncludeRedirects, 'redirects', 'type' );
addShowingIf( currentSV.nppIncludeOthers, 'others', 'type' );
addOresShowing( currentSV.nppPredictedRating, 'predicted-class' );
addOresShowing( currentSV.nppPossibleIssues, 'predicted-issues' );
addDateShowing( currentSV.nppDateFrom, currentSV.nppDateTo );
} else {
addOresShowing( currentSV.afcPredictedRating, 'predicted-class' );
addOresShowing( currentSV.afcPossibleIssues, 'predicted-issues' );
addDateShowing( currentSV.afcDateFrom, currentSV.afcDateTo );
mw.msg( `pagetriage-afc-state-${currentSV.afcSubmissionState}` )
return Object.keys( showingMessageObj )
.map( function ( group ) {
const groupShowing = showingMessageObj;
if ( groupShowing.length === 0 ) {
return '';
if ( group == 'top' || ( currentSV.currentView === 'afc' && group === 'state' ) ) {
return groupShowing;
return mw.msg( `pagetriage-filter-stat-${group}` ) + ' '
+ mw.msg( 'parentheses', groupShowing.join( mw.msg( 'comma-separator' ) ) );
} )
.filter( ( msg ) => msg !== '' )
.join( mw.msg( 'comma-separator' ) );
} );
// start as -1 until fetched the first time; fetched with the rest of
// the statistics in the nav bar within feed contents, and then
// passed up via an event to all knowing it here to pass to the menu
const currentFilteredCount = ref( -1 );
const updateFilteredCount = function ( val ) {
currentFilteredCount.value = val;
return {
currentSettings, updateSettings,
apiOptions, showingText,
currentFilteredCount, updateFilteredCount
template: `<div>
Settings: {{ apiOptions }}
<feed-control-menu :start-options="currentSettings" @update-settings="updateSettings" :currently-showing-text="showingText" :current-filtered-count="currentFilteredCount"></feed-control-menu>
<feed-contents :params="apiOptions" @new-filtered-count="updateFilteredCount"></feed-contents>
//module.exports = VueNPP.NPPFeedMenu;
* Render VueNPP interface
VueNPP.renderInterface = function () {
Vue.createMwApp( VueNPP.NPPFeedMenu )
.mount( '#mw-content-text' );
$( document ).ready( () => {
if (
mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) === 'Special:BlankPage/VueNPP'
) {
// </nowiki>