The Australian Effects & Animation Festival (AEAF) is an annual international festival of visual effects (VFX), animation games and immersive media. The event, which includes an awards ceremony known as the AEAF Awards, a program of speakers, and technology showcase, is streamed live. The inaugural event was in 2000.
The AEAF Awards are given in a ceremony held in Sydney, New South Wales. There is no charge for entry to the competition. As of 2022, gold, silver and bronze awards are given in the following categories:
- Commercials, animation
- Commercials, VFX
- Feature films, animation
- Feature Films, VFX
- Web Viral
- Titles & Openers for TV and Feature Film
- Idents
- Short film
- TV series and TV series children
- Music video
- TV student
- Games cinematics
- Education & infographics
- Live event
- Augmented reality
- VR360
- VR Experience
Special Merit Awards may be given "to works of outstanding merit that push the boundaries of visual artistry and introduce new techniques".
In 2019, the awards ceremony was held at the Chauvel Cinema in Paddington.
Winners included:
- Godzilla vs. Kong, Weta Digital, Gold, for Feature Film – VFX
- Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey, Framestore, Gold, for Feature Film – Sequence
- His Dark Materials Series 2, Framestore Gold, for TV Series
- "About". AEAF. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- "Sticky Pictures animation wins Gold at Australian Effects & Animation Festival". Mediaweek. 22 August 2017. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ "Entry Form". AEAF. 1 January 2021. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- "AEAF Awards, Winners, AEAF Nominees, Date, Location". Aussie Digest. 28 January 2014. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- Tamayao, Clarisse (21 August 2019). "Melbourne VR Activation wins Silver at AEAF 2019". Chaos Theory. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- "AEAF Awards 2021 Winners announced". AnimationXpress. 23 August 2021. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
External links
- AEAF Awards on IMDb