Fighting Spiders is a drama television program from Singapore that premiered on MediaCorp Channel 5 on 14 April 2009. The series stars Andie Chen, Edwin Goh and Liang Shijie Jason. The show was created by Ngin Chiang Meng and Jenny Lim. The series' second season premiered on Channel 5 on 12 August 2010. The second season was filmed using a Canon EOS 7D DSLR camera.
Fighting Spiders is the story of three boys in the 1960s — Soon Lee (Edwin Goh), Charlie (Liang Shijie Jason) and Peter (Frederick Fielding) — and their adventure to find the legendary King Spider.
- Andie Chen as Tony Lee
- Edwin Goh as Soon Lee
- Liang Shijie Jason as Charlie
- Frederick Fielding as Peter
- Rebecca Lim as Susie
- Ezann Lee as Annie
- Siona Wu Murphy as Sam
- Kimberly Chia as Yi Ling
- Bobby Tonelli as Thomas Livingstone
- Chua, Charlene (16 May 2009). "Spider boys spin web of CHARM / Good friends off-screen too". The New Paper. Singapore.
- "Fighting Spiders 斗蜘蛛". Media Corp. Archived from the original on 16 March 2014. Retrieved 17 September 2013.
- Boon, Rachel (9 August 2010). "New takes on retro". The Straits Times. Singapore.
- Loh, Sherwin (21 April 2010). "Lights, action, DSLR camera". The Straits Times. Singapore.
- Rasul, Juliana June (2 June 2009). "She can hardly sit in her CHEONGSAMS / She was afraid to tell parents". The New Paper. Singapore.
- Twang, Lisa (1 June 2015). "'Mature role, but I've matured too'". The New Paper. Singapore.
- "No personal questions for him". The New Paper. Singapore. 16 May 2009.
External links
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