The Frontline Song and Dance Troupe (Chinese: 前线歌舞团; pinyin: Qiánxiàn Gēwǔtuán) founded 1946 in Nanjing, officially named in 1955, is a dance song and theatre troupe of the East China command of the People's Liberation Army. The troupe was the testing ground and originator of many of the patriotic and revolutionary plays and musicals of the 1960s-1980s. The troupe continues to appear regularly on China Central Television.
- China cultural units directory - Page 392 2003 (对外文化交流时称"中国南京金陵艺术团" )中国人民解放军南京军区政治部前线歌舞团是一文在军内外享有盛誉的专业艺术团体。该团的前身由新四军军部战地服务团和所属部队中的"前线" · "抗敌"、"拂晓"、"淮南大众"等剧团所组成。 1946 年与八路军 的文艺团体山东军区文工团一部分合并组成华东野战军(三野)文艺工作团。 1950 年在南京改编成华东军区解放军艺术剧院, 1955 年由国防部命名为"前线歌舞团 "
- Summary of World Broadcasts: Asia, Pacific - Issues 2744-2757 - Page G-8 1996 "Source: China Central Television, Beijing, in Standard Chinese 1100 gmt 1 7 Oct 96 The Frontline Song and Dance Troupe of the Political Department of the Nanjing Military Region gave performance entitled: "The Long March, Great ..."