This list of monospaced typefaces details standard monospaced fonts used in classical typesetting and printing.
Typeface name | Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 |
Anonymous Pro
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
Cascadia Code | |||
Century Schoolbook Monospace | |||
Comic Mono
Computer Modern Mono/Typewriter
Consolas Class: Humanist |
Cousine | |||
DejaVu Sans Mono | |||
Droid Sans Mono
Envy Code R
Everson Mono
Fantasque Sans | |||
Fira Code
Fira Mono
Fixed | |||
Fixedsys | |||
Go Mono
HyperFont | |||
IBM MDA | |||
IBM Plex Mono
Input | |||
JetBrains Mono
JuliaMono | |||
Letter Gothic
Liberation Mono
Lucida Console
Monospace (Unicode)
Nimbus Mono L | |||
NK57 Monospace
Noto Mono Designer: Google |
OCR-A | |||
Operator Mono | |||
Overpass Mono
Oxygen Mono
Prestige Elite
PT Mono
Recursive Mono | |||
Roboto Mono
SF Mono | |||
Source Code Pro
Terminus Class: Spurless |
Tex Gyre Cursor | |||
Ubuntu Mono
Victor Mono | |||
Wumpus Mono Designer: Vaughan Type |
Since 2008, Liberation Mono had digit zero with dot inside, Red Hat Bugzilla - Bug #252149 (Image). |
Noto Mono was renamed to Noto Sans Mono in 2018 . Since 2023, it had digit zero with slash, GitHub issue #188. |
See also
- List of display typefaces
- List of sans serif typefaces
- List of script typefaces
- List of serif typefaces
- designed by Mark Simonson
- Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is a subset of DejaVu fonts#Sans Mono
- forked from Comic Shanns.
- also known as Latin Modern Mono and UM Typewriter
- designers Howard "Bud" Kettler, Adrian Frutiger
- designed by Steve Matteson
- Envy Code R is a font designed by Damien Guard. While it is free to download, it is under a license which forbids redistribution. The homepage is
- designed by Michael Everson
- based on Fira Mono extended by Nikita Prokopov
- designed by Erik Spiekermann, Ralph du Carrois The Mozilla Foundation, Telefonica S.A.
- designed by Primož Peterlin, Steve White
- designed by Bigelow & Holmes
- a variant of Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
- designed by Mike Abbink
- designed by Raph Levien
- designed by Belleve Invis
- homepage is
- designed by Roger Roberson
- designed by Steve Matteson
- designed by Charles Bigelow and Kris Holmes
- designed by Jim Lyles
- designed by Susan Kare
- designed by Tobias Benjamin Köhler
- designed by George Williams
- designed by Typodermic Fonts, Inc.
- designed by Adrian Frutiger
- designed by Delve Withrington
- designed by Vernon Adams
- designer=Fabrizio Schiavi
- designed by Clayton Smith
- designed by Andrew Welch, Carl Osterwald, Steve Gilardi
- designed by Alexandra Korolkova, Olga Umpelova, Vladimir Yefimov
- designed by Christian Robertson
- designed by Paul D. Hunt
- designed by Frederic Cambus
- designed by Dalton Maag, Vincent Connare