Country or location
Ackerman Island |
United States |
Joseph Ackerman
Agios Efstratios |
Greece |
Saint Eustratius (Όσιος Ευστράτιος ο Θαυματουργός), who lived on the island in the 9th century as an exile, because he was opposed to the iconoclastic policies of the Byzantine Emperor Leo the Armenian
Agios Georgios |
Greece |
Saint George
Alejandro Selkirk Island |
Chile |
Alexander Selkirk
Alexander Island |
Antarctica |
Alexander I of Russia
Allen Island |
Australia |
John Allen
Amherst Island |
Canada |
Jeffery Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst
Amherst Island |
Canada |
Jeffery Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst
Amund Ringnes Island |
Canada |
Amund Ringnes
Annenkov Island |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Mikhail Annenkov
Annette Island |
United States |
Annette Whitney Dall
Axel Heiberg Island |
Canada |
Axel Heiberg
Baffin Island |
Canada |
William Baffin
Bainbridge Island |
United States |
Commodore William Bainbridge
Baker Island |
United States |
Captain Michael Baker
Ball's Pyramid |
Australia |
Lieutenant Henry Ball
Banks Island |
Canada |
Joseph Banks
Baranof Island |
United States |
Alexander Andreyevich Baranov
Barrow Island |
Australia |
Sir John Barrow, 1st Baronet
Bartolomé Island |
Ecuador |
Sir Bartholomew James Sulivan
Bathurst Island |
Australia |
Henry Bathurst, 3rd Earl Bathurst
Bathurst Island |
Canada |
Henry Bathurst, 3rd Earl Bathurst
Beauchene Island |
Falkland Islands |
Jacques Gouin de Beauchêne
Bedford Island |
Antarctica |
Thomas Bedford
Belcher Islands |
Canada |
Edward Belcher
Bellingshausen Island |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Fabian von Bellingshausen
Bentinck Island |
Canada |
Lord George Bentinck (possibly)
Bering Island |
Russia |
Vitus Bering
Berkner Island |
Antarctica |
Lloyd Berkner
Bermuda |
Bermuda |
Juan de Bermúdez
Bernard Island |
Antarctica |
Claude Bernard
Bernier Island |
Australia |
Pierre-François Bernier (presumably)
Bismarck Archipelago |
Papua New Guinea |
Otto von Bismarck
Bjarnason Island |
Canada |
Matt Bjarnason
Blakely Island |
United States |
Johnston Blakeley
Block Island |
United States |
Adriaen Block
Borden Island, Northwest Territories/Nunavut |
Canada |
Robert Borden
Bougainville |
Papua New Guinea |
Louis Antoine de Bougainville
Boularderie Island |
Canada |
Louis-Simon le Poupet de la Boularderie
Bouvet Island |
Norway |
Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier
Bowen Island, British Columbia |
Canada |
James Bowen (Royal Navy officer)
Bowen Island (Jervis Bay) |
Australia |
Richard Bowen RN
Bowyer Island, British Columbia |
Canada |
Sir George Bowyer, 5th Baronet
Brenton Island |
South Africa |
Jahleel Brenton
Bristol Island |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Augustus Hervey, 3rd Earl of Bristol
Brock Island, Northwest Territories |
Canada |
Reginald W. Brock
Brown Island, Northwest Territories |
United States |
John G. Brown
Bruny Island |
Australia |
Bruni d'Entrecasteaux
Burnaby Island |
Canada |
Robert Burnaby
Busta Rhymes Island |
United States |
Busta Rhymes
Bylot Island |
Canada |
Robert Bylot
Camano Island |
United States |
Jacinto Caamaño
Campobello Island |
Canada |
Lord William Campbell (with name Italianized)
Cape Chidley Islands |
Canada |
John Chidley
Carleton Island |
United States |
Guy Carleton, 1st Baron Dorchester
Charles Alexander Island |
Russia |
Charles Alexander
Charles Island |
United States |
Charles Deal
Charlton Island |
Canada |
Charles I of England
Charron Island |
Canada |
François Charron
Cheeseman Island |
New Zealand |
Thomas Frederick Cheeseman
Chichagof Island |
United States |
Vasili Chichagov
Chirikof Island |
United States |
Alexei Chirikov
Choiseul Island |
Solomon Islands |
Étienne François, duc de Choiseul
Churchill Island |
Australia |
John Churchill
Clapperton Island |
Canada |
Hugh Clapperton
Clark Island |
Australia |
Lieutenant Ralph Clark
Clark Island |
United States |
Midshipman John Clark
Clarke Island |
Australia |
William Clarke
Clerke Rocks |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Charles Clerke
Clipperton Island |
France |
John Clipperton
Coats Island |
Canada |
William Coats
Cockburn Island |
Canada |
Francis Cockburn
Colville Island |
United States |
Andrew Colville
Cook Islands |
Cook Islands |
James Cook
Cook Island |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
James Cook
Cooper Island |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Robert Palliser Cooper
Cornwallis Island |
Canada |
William Cornwallis
Cortes Island, British Columbia |
Canada |
Hernán Cortés
Christiansø |
Denmark |
Christian V of Denmark
Crown Prince Frederik Island |
Canada |
Crozier Island |
Greenland |
Francis Crozier
Curtis Island |
Australia |
Roger Curtis
Dall Island |
United States |
William Healey Dall
Darwin Island |
Ecuador |
Charles Darwin
Island Davaar |
Scotland |
Saint Barr
Dawson Island |
Chile |
See Dawson (surname)
Decatur Island |
United States |
Stephen Decatur
Delarof Islands |
United States |
Evstratii Ivanovich Delarov
D'Entrecasteaux Islands |
Papua New Guinea |
Bruni D'Entrecasteaux
Diego Garcia |
British Indian Ocean Territory |
Diego García de Moguer
Diego Ramírez Islands |
Chile |
Diego Ramírez
Digges Islands |
Canada |
Dudley Digges
Diomede Islands |
United States Russia |
Saint Diomedes
Dirk Hartog Island |
Australia |
Dirk Hartog
Dorre Island |
Australia |
Peter Dorre
Douglas Island |
United States |
John Douglas
Douglas Island |
Canada |
James Douglas (presumably)
D'Oyly Carte Island |
England |
Richard D'Oyly Carte
Doumer Island |
Antarctica |
Paul Doumer
Drake's Island |
England |
Francis Drake
Drummond Island |
United States |
Gordon Drummond
Dundas Island |
Canada |
Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville
Dundas Island |
Canada |
Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville
Durell's Island |
Canada |
Captain Thomas Durell
D'Urville Island |
New Zealand |
Jules Dumont d'Urville
Edgell Island |
Canada |
Captain Edgell
Edgeøya |
Norway |
Thomas Edge
Eilean Chaluim Chille |
Scotland |
Saint Columba
Eilean Donan |
Scotland |
Saint Donan
Ellef Ringnes Island |
Canada |
Ellef Ringnes
Ellesmere Island |
Canada |
Francis Egerton, 1st Earl of Ellesmere
Ellis Island |
United States |
Samuel Ellis (colonial New Yorker)
Ernst Thälmann Island |
Cuba |
Ernst Thälmann
Eskilsø |
Denmark |
Eskil of Lund
Faure Island |
Australia |
Pierre Faure
Fergusson Island |
Papua New Guinea |
Sir James Fergusson, 6th Baronet
Fernandina Island |
Ecuador |
Ferdinand II of Aragon
Fernando de Noronha |
Brazil |
Fernão de Loronha
Fisher Island |
United States |
Carl G. Fisher
Flaherty Island |
Canada |
Robert J. Flaherty
Flinders Island |
Australia |
Matthew Flinders
Floreana Island |
Ecuador |
Juan José Flores
Fort Denison |
Australia |
William Denison
Fox Island |
United States |
J.L. Fox
Franklin Island |
Antarctica |
Sir John Franklin
Franklin Island |
Greenland |
Sir John Franklin
Franz Josef Land |
Russia |
Franz Joseph I
Fraser Island |
Australia |
Eliza Fraser
Fraser Island |
Canada |
Robert James Fraser
Freeman Island |
United States |
J.D. Freeman
Frobisher's Farthest |
Canada |
Martin Frobisher
Frost Island |
United States |
Boatswain John Frost
Galiano Island, British Columbia |
Canada |
Dionisio Alcalá Galiano
Gambier Island, British Columbia |
Canada |
James Gambier, 1st Baron Gambier
Gambier Islands |
French Polynesia |
James Gambier, 1st Baron Gambier
Geiger Key |
United States |
Henry Huling Geiger
Graham Island |
Canada |
Sir James Graham, 2nd Baronet
Graham Bell Island |
Russia |
Alexander Graham Bell
Gravina Island |
United States |
Federico Carlos Gravina y Nápoli
Gravina Islands |
United States |
Federico Carlos Gravina y Nápoli
Gribbell Island |
Canada |
Rev. Francis Barrow Gribbell
Grindal Island |
Australia |
Thomas Grindall
Guemes Island |
United States |
Juan Vicente de Güemes, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo
Guido Island |
Antarctica |
Carlos Guido Spano
Guss Island |
United States |
Guss Hoffmaster
Guy Fawkes Island |
Ecuador |
Guy Fawkes
Hall Island |
Russia |
Charles Francis Hall
Hannah Island |
Greenland |
Hannah (Tookoolito)
Hans Island |
Canada or Greenland |
Hans Hendrik
Hantzsch Island |
Canada |
Bernhard Hantzsch
Harstine Island |
United States |
Lt. Henry J. Hartstene
Havelock Island |
India |
Henry Havelock
Hawkesbury Island |
Canada |
Charles Jenkinson, 1st Earl of Liverpool (Lord Hawkesbury)
Heard Island and McDonald Islands |
Australia |
William Heard and John McDonald
Hearst Island |
Antarctica |
William Randolph Hearst
Henderson Island |
Pitcairn Islands |
Captain Henderson EIC
Hendrik Island |
Greenland |
Hendrik Olsen
Henry Island |
United States |
Henry Wilkes
Henry Lawrence Island |
India |
Henry Montgomery Lawrence
Herron Island |
United States |
Lewis Herron
Hooker Island |
Russia |
Joseph Dalton Hooker
Hopkins Island |
Australia |
John Hopkins
Hormuz Island |
Iran |
Hormizd I
Hornby Island, British Columbia |
Canada |
Geoffrey Hornby
Howe Island, Ontario |
Canada |
William Howe, 5th Viscount Howe
Hutt Island, British Columbia |
Canada |
John Hutt (Royal Navy officer)
Île Bizard, Quebec |
Canada |
Jacques Bizard
Île d'Orléans, Quebec |
Canada |
Henri II, Duke of Orléans
Île Jésus, Quebec |
Canada |
Île Perrot |
Canada |
François-Marie Perrot
Île Saint-Louis |
France |
Louis IX of France
Îles Laval |
Canada |
François de Laval
Inchcolm |
Scotland |
Saint Columba
Inch Kenneth |
Scotland |
Saint Kenneth
Inchmarnock |
Scotland |
Saint Mearnag
Inchmurrin |
Scotland |
Saint Meadhran/Mirren
Innis Chonan |
Scotland |
Saint Conan
Isabela Island |
Ecuador |
Isabella I of Spain
Island of Mozambique |
Mozambique |
Mussa Bin Bique
Isle La Motte |
United States |
Pierre La Motte
Isle Martin |
Scotland |
Saint Martin
Jackson Island |
Russia |
Frederick George Jackson
Jahleel Island |
South Africa |
Jahleel Brenton
James Island |
United States |
Reuben James
James Ross Island |
Antarctica |
James Clark Ross
Jan Mayen Island |
Norway |
Jan Jacobs May van Schellinkhout
Jens Munk Island |
Greenland |
Jens Munk
Joe Island |
Greenland |
Joe (Ipiirvik or Ebierbing)
John Lawrence Island |
India |
John Lawrence, 1st Baron Lawrence
Johnston Atoll |
United States |
Captain Charles J. Johnston
Jones Island |
United States |
Jacob Jones
Jorge Montt Island |
Chile |
Jorge Montt
Juan de Nova Island |
French Southern and Antarctic Lands |
João da Nova
Juan Fernández Islands |
Chile |
Juan Fernández (explorer)
Keats Island (British Columbia) |
Canada |
Richard Goodwin Keats
Kennedy Island |
Solomon Islands |
John F. Kennedy
Keppel Island |
Falkland Islands |
Admiral Augustus Keppel
Kerguelen |
French Southern and Antarctic Lands |
Yves-Joseph de Kerguelen de Trémarec
Kermadec Islands |
New Zealand |
Jean-Michel Huon de Kermadec
Ketron Island |
United States |
William Kittson (name badly misspelt by cartographers)
Kilian Island |
Canada |
Bernhard Kilian
King George Island |
Antarctica |
George III of the United Kingdom
King George Islands |
Canada |
George III of the United Kingdom
King George Islands |
French Polynesia |
George III of the United Kingdom
King Island |
Australia |
Philip Gidley King
King William Island |
Canada |
William IV of the United Kingdom
Kirkland Island |
Canada |
John Kirkland
Korovin Island |
United States |
Ivan Korovin (presumably)
Kupreanof Island |
United States |
Ivan Antonovich Kupreianov
Kupriyanov Islands |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Ivan Kupriyanov
Lady Franklin Island |
Canada |
Lady Jane Franklin
Lady Julia Percy Island |
Australia |
Lady Julia Helen Percy
Lanzarote |
Spain |
Lancelotto Malocello
Lemesurier Island |
United States |
Midshipman William Le Mesurier
Lennox Island |
Canada |
Charles Lennox, 4th Duke of Richmond
Lewis Island |
Australia |
George Lewis
Little Island |
Australia |
John Little
Little Wellington Island |
Chile |
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Loks Land |
Canada |
Michael Lok
Lockwood Island |
Greenland |
James Booth Lockwood
Lopez Island |
United States |
Gonzalo López de Haro
Lord Howe Island |
Australia |
Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
Louise Island |
Canada |
Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll
Lulu Island |
Canada |
Lulu Sweet
Macauley Island |
New Zealand |
George Mackenzie Macaulay
MacDonald Island |
Canada |
James F. MacDonald
Mackenzie King Island |
Canada |
William Lyon Mackenzie King
MacKlintok Island |
Russia |
Francis Leopold McClintock
Macquarie Island |
Australia |
Lachlan Macquarie
Magdalen Islands |
Canada |
Madeleine Fontaine, seigneur François Doublet's wife
Malcolm Island |
Canada |
Pulteney Malcolm
Manoel Island |
Malta |
António Manoel de Vilhena
Mansel Island |
Canada |
Robert Mansell
Manuel Rodriguez Island |
Chile |
Manuel Rodríguez Erdoíza
Marchena Island |
Ecuador |
Frey Antonio de Marchena
Margaret Island |
Hungary |
Saint Margaret of Hungary
Mauritius |
Indian Ocean |
Maurice of Nassau
Mayne Island |
Canada |
Richard Mayne
McIntyre Island |
Antarctica |
Robert McIntyre, USN
McNeil Island |
United States |
William Henry McNeill
McNish Island |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Harry McNish
Melville Island |
Australia |
Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville
Melville Island |
Canada |
Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville
Milne Land |
Greenland |
David Milne
Mitkof Island |
United States |
Admiral Prokofy Mitkov
Money Island |
China (claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam) |
William Taylor Money
Montagu Island |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich
Moresby Island |
Canada |
Fairfax Moresby
Moresby Island |
Canada |
Fairfax Moresby
Moreton Island |
Australia |
James Douglas, 14th Earl of Morton
Mornington Island |
Australia |
Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley (also Earl of Mornington)
Moore Island |
Canada |
Elwood S. Moore
Mudge Island |
Canada |
William Fitzwilliam Mudge
Nansen Island |
Antarctica |
Fridtjof Nansen
Nansen Island |
Russia |
Fridtjof Nansen
Necker Island |
British Virgin Islands |
Johannes de Neckere
Necker Island |
United States |
Jacques Necker
Neil Island |
India |
James George Smith Neill
Nicholson Island |
India |
R.T. Nicholson
Normanby Island |
Papua New Guinea |
George Phipps, 2nd Marquess of Normanby
North Rona |
Scotland |
Saint Ronan
North Seymour Island |
Ecuador |
Lord Hugh Seymour
North Tweedsmuir Island |
Canada |
John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir
Ogasawara Islands |
Japan |
Ogasawara Sadayori
Orcas Island |
United States |
Juan Vicente de Güemes, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo, whose full name included the name Horcasitas
Ostrovul Sfintu Gheorghe |
Romania |
Saint George
Palmerston Island |
Cook Islands |
Henry Temple, 2nd Viscount Palmerston
Parker Island |
Canada |
Lieutenant George Ferdinand Hastings Parker
Pavlof Islands |
United States |
Pitka Pavlof
Pearse Island |
Canada |
William Alfred Rombulow Pearse, RN
Pender Island |
Canada |
Daniel Pender
Peter Island |
British Virgin Islands |
Pieter Adriensen
Peter I Island |
Antarctica (claimed by Norway) |
Peter I of Russia
Phillip Island |
Australia |
Arthur Phillip
Pickersgill Islands |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Richard Pickersgill
Picton |
Chile |
Thomas Picton
Pitt Island |
New Zealand |
William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham
Porcher Island |
Canada |
Edwin Augustus Porcher
Pribilof Islands |
United States |
Gavriil Pribilof
Prince Leopold Island |
Canada |
Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
Prince of Wales Island (Alaska) |
United States |
George Augustus Frederick, Prince of Wales
Prince of Wales Island (Nunavut), |
Canada |
Albert Edward, Prince of Wales
Prince of Wales Island (Queensland) |
Australia |
George Augustus Frederick, Prince of Wales
Prince Charles Island |
Canada |
Charles, Prince of Wales
Prince Edward Island |
Canada |
Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, father of Queen Victoria
Prince Patrick Island |
Canada |
Prince Arthur William Patrick, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn
Prinsesse Dagmar Island |
Greenland |
Princess Dagmar of Denmark
Príncipe Island |
São Tomé and Príncipe |
Afonso, Prince of Portugal
Quadra Island, British Columbia |
Canada |
Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra
Queen Adelaide Archipelago |
Chile |
Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen
Queen Elizabeth Islands |
Canada |
Queen Elizabeth II
René-Levasseur Island |
Canada |
René Levasseur
Revillagigedo Island |
United States |
Juan Vicente de Güemes, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo
Revillagigedo Islands |
Mexico |
Juan Vicente de Güemes, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo
Rikers Island |
United States |
Abraham Rycken (Dutch settler)
Robinson Island |
Hong Kong |
Sir Hercules Robinson, former Governor of Hong Kong
Robinson Crusoe Island |
Chile |
Robinson Crusoe (fictional character)
Rob Roy Island |
Solomon Islands |
Rob Roy MacGregor
Roderick Island |
Canada |
Roderick Finlayson
Roosevelt Island |
Antarctica |
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Roosevelt Island |
United States |
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Ross Island |
Antarctica |
James Clark Ross
Rothschild Island |
Antarctica |
Édouard Alphonse de Rothschild
Rudolf Island |
Russia |
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria
Sabine Island |
Greenland |
Edward Sabine
Saint Barthélemy |
France |
Bartholomew Columbus
St Catherine's Island |
Wales |
Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Helena |
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
Helena of Constantinople
St Ignace Island |
Canada |
Ignatius of Loyola
Saint John |
United States Virgin Islands |
John the Apostle
Saint Kitts |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Saint Christopher
St. Lawrence Island, Alaska |
United States |
Lawrence of Rome
Saint Lucia |
Caribbean Sea |
Saint Lucy
Saint Martin |
France Sint Maarten |
Martin of Tours
St Martin's |
England |
Martin of Tours
St Mary's |
England |
Saint Mary
St Michael's Isle |
Isle of Man |
Saint Michael
St Ninian's Isle |
Scotland |
Saint Ninian
St Patrick's Isle |
Isle of Man |
Saint Patrick
St Paul's Island |
Malta |
Saint Paul of Tarsus
Saint Pierre Island |
France |
Saint Peter
St Serf's Inch |
Scotland |
Saint Serf
Saint Tudwal's Islands |
Wales |
Saint Vincent |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Vincent of Saragossa
Salisbury Island |
Russia |
Rollin D. Salisbury
San Andrés Island |
Colombia |
Saint Andrew
San Clemente Island, California |
United States |
Saint Clement
San Cristóbal Island |
Ecuador |
Saint Christopher
San Domino]] |
Italy |
Saint Domnius
San Juan Island, Washington |
United States |
Juan Vicente de Güemes, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo
San Juan Islands, Washington |
United States |
Juan Vicente de Güemes, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo
San Niccolò |
Italy |
Saint Nicholas
San Nicolas Island, California |
United States |
Saint Nicholas
San Pietro Island |
Italy |
Saint Peter
Santa Catalina Island, California |
United States |
Catherine of Alexandria
Santa Isabel Island |
Solomon Islands |
Saint Elizabeth
Santa Luzia |
Cape Verde |
Saint Lucy
Santa Maria Island |
Portugal |
Saint Mary
Sant'Antioco |
Italy |
Saint Antiochus
Santiago Island |
Cape Verde |
Saint James
Santo Antão Island |
Cape Verde |
Saint Anthony
Santorini |
Greece |
Saint Irene
São Jorge Island |
Portugal |
Saint George
São Miguel Island |
Portugal |
Saint Michael
São Nicolau Island |
Cape Verde |
Saint Nicholas
São Tomé Island |
São Tomé and Príncipe |
Saint Thomas
São Vicente Island |
Cape Verde |
Vincent of Saragossa
Saunders Island, South Sandwich Islands |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Charles Saunders (Royal Navy officer)
Saunders Island, Greenland |
Greenland |
James Saunders, RN
Schouten Island |
Australia |
Joost Schouten
Seychelles |
Indian Ocean |
Jean Moreau de Séchelles
Shaw Island |
United States |
John Shaw
Shaw Islands |
Antarctica |
John E. Shaw
Shumagin Islands |
United States |
Nikita Shumagin
Sinclair Island (Washington) |
United States |
Arthur Sinclair
Sint Eustatius |
Caribbean Netherlands |
Saint Eustace
Sir Hugh Rose Island |
India |
Hugh Rose, 1st Baron Strathnairn
Sir William Peel Island |
India |
Sir William Peel
Smith Island |
Australia |
William Smith
Smith Island |
Antarctica |
William Smith (not same as above)
Smith Island |
United States |
John Smith
Solander Islands |
New Zealand |
Daniel Solander
Somerville Island |
Antarctica |
Crichton Somerville
Spieden Island |
United States |
Purser William Speiden
Søren Norby's Island |
Greenland |
Søren Norby
South Georgia |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
George III of the United Kingdom
South Tweedsmuir Island |
Canada |
John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir
Starbuck Island |
Kiribati |
Valentine Starbuck
Stefansson Island |
Canada |
Vilhjalmur Stefansson
Stewart Island |
New Zealand |
William W. Stewart
Stretch Island |
United States |
Samuel Stretch
Stuart Island |
United States |
Frederick D. Stuart
Sverdrup Islands |
Canada |
Otto Sverdrup
Sveti Đorđe |
Montenegro |
Saint George
Sveti Nikola |
Montenegro |
Saint Nicholas
Sveti Stefan |
Montenegro |
Saint Stephen
Sweyn Holm |
Scotland |
Sweyn Asleifsson
Tagg's Island |
England |
Tom Tagg
Tasmania |
Australia |
Abel Tasman
Tanner Island |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
William G. Tanner
Taylor Island |
Australia |
William Taylor
Tennent Islands |
Canada |
James Emerson Tennent
Theodore Roosevelt Island |
United States |
Theodore Roosevelt
Thistle Island |
Australia |
John Thistle
Tobias Island (Tuppiap Qeqertaa) |
Greenland |
Tobias Gabrielsen
Townshend Island |
Australia |
Thomas Townshend, 1st Viscount Sydney
Traill Island |
Greenland |
Thomas Stewart Traill
Traversay Islands |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Jean-Baptiste Prevost de Sansac, Marquis de Traversay
Tristan da Cunha |
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
Tristão da Cunha
Truss's Island |
England |
Charles Truss
U Thant Island |
United States |
U Thant
Valdes Island |
Canada |
Cayetano Valdés y Flores
Vancouver Island |
Canada |
George Vancouver
Vashon Island |
United States |
James Vashon
Vendovi Island |
United States |
Ro Veidovi
Victoria Island |
Canada |
Queen Victoria
Waldron Island |
United States |
Richard Russell Waldron or Thomas Westbrook Waldron
Wales Island |
Canada |
William Wales
Ward Hunt Island |
Canada |
George Ward Hunt
Weddell Island |
Falkland Islands |
James Weddell
Wellesley Islands |
Australia |
Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley
Wellington Island |
Chile |
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Whidbey Island |
United States |
Joseph Whidbey
Wilson Island |
Antarctica |
W. Stanley Wilson
Wilson Island |
India |
Archdale Wilson
Wolf Island |
Ecuador |
Theodor Wolf
Wolfe Island |
Canada |
James Wolfe
Wollaston Islands |
Chile |
William Hyde Wollaston
Woronkofski Island |
United States |
Lieutenant Woronkovski
Wrangel Island |
Russia |
Ferdinand von Wrangel
Yakobi Island |
United States |
Ivan Iakobi
Yos Sudarso Island |
Indonesia |
Yos Sudarso
Zarembo Island |
United States |
Dionizy Zaremba
Zavodovski Island |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Lieutenant Ivan Zavodovski