The meat price refers to the price of meat.
Inexpensive meats
Inexpensive meat or cheap meat include e.g. fatty cuts of lamb or mutton.
Factors influencing the price of meat
Factors influencing the price of meat include supply and demand, subsidies, hidden costs, taxes, quotas or non-material costs ("moral cost") of meat production. Non-material costs can be related to issues such as animal welfare (e.g. treatment of animals, over-breeding). Hidden costs of meat production can be related to the environmental impact of meat production and to the effect on human health (such as resistant antibiotics). Critics of the meat industry often point to these aspects as a problem.
See also
- Livestock price
- Intensive animal farming
- Organic agriculture
- Local food
- Factory farming divestment
- Food vs. feed
- Fodder
- Wagyu
- Slow food
- Draft animal: multi-role animals
- Meat analogue
- Meat-free days
- Lymbery, Philip. Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014. ISBN 1408846446
Further reading
- Should meat be a luxury food ?
- Understanding Markets for Grass-Fed Beef: Consumer Taste, Price, and Purchase Preferences
- Eat less meat, of better quality: don’t do it with sadness. Do it with joy!
- Rethinking agriculture report
- Deborah Gewertz, Frederick Errington, Cheap Meat: Flap Food Nations in the Pacific Islands, University of California Press, 2010. ISBN 0520260937
- Deutsche Welle, Agriculture – The high cost of cheap meat, January, 11 2013
- Meat Atlas 2014 – Facts and figures about the animals we eat, chapter: The hidden cost of steak, page 20, download Meat Atlas as pdf
- The Guardian, Why cheap meat costs the Earth, 4 September 2013
- Huffington Post / RollingStone, Animal Cruelty Is The Price We Pay For Cheap Meat, 12/10/2013
- ABC Australia, How much is cheap meat really costing us?, 21 Jun 2013
- The New York Times, The High Cost of Cheap Meat, June 2 2011
- Chicago tribune, The costs of cheap meat – Critics of factory farms say we pay a high price for low-cost food, September 24, 2010
- The Guardian, Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat by Philip Lymbery – review, 31 January 2014