Opole cuisine is an umbrella term for all dishes with a specific regional identity belonging to the region of Opole. It is a subtype of Polish and German cuisine with many similarities to and signs of the influence of neighbouring cuisines.
List of Opole dishes
Pastry and baked goods
- Anyżki - flat, oval aniseed biscuits
- Chleb mleczny praszkowski (Praszków milk bread) - traditional, slightly sour tasting bread
- Chrust, faworki (angel wings) - traditional sweet crisp pastry, deep-fried, sprinkled with powdered sugar
- Buchty śląskie - unleavened dough pampuchy, traditionally served with berry kompot, powidła, pork, sauerkraut or sugar
- Hałwa sezamowa (sesame halva) - largely unflavoured, sesame based taste
- Kołocz śląski - made from yeast dough with a sweet crumb topping
- Jeż - cake with blackberry cream dollop
- Kretowina - yeast dough cake with chocolate
- Śliszki - bread rolls with poppy-seed filling
- Szpyrek - biscuits with pork fat; light sweet taste
- Germuszka, warmuszka, biermuszka - bread, cumin soup of thick texture
- Ścierka opolska - thick flour-egg, sweet-sour tasting soup
- Siemieniotka - bird seed soup
- Śląski żur na maślance (Silesian buttermilk sour rye soup) - sour rye soup with buttermilk
- Wodzionka - stale bread and fat with water or milk
Fish dishes
- Harynki w cebulowej zołzie (herring in onion sauce) - lightly salted Baltic herring served with sweet-sour onion sauce; may be served with śmietana
- Karp niemodliński (Niemodlin carp) - a slightly sweet-tasting carp
Pork and beef dishes
- Żymlok opolski biały (white Opole żymlok) - kaszanka from pork lung, heart or kidney
- Krupniok śląski (Silesian krupniok) - kaszanka; generally with barley-groat stuffing
- Krupnioki z Górek (Górki krupniok) - originated from Górki; a kaszanka, kasza with garlic
- Leberwurst drobno mielony z Górek (liverwurst from Górki) - a liverwurst produced after pig slaughter, spiced with garlic and pepper
- Opolska rolada wołowa (Opole beef rouladen) - a rouladen with baked beef; generally with pickled cucumber, bacon
- Modziki - a pigeon meat based dish, generally served with fresh vegetables
Stews, vegetable and potato dishes
- Ciapkapusta, pańczkraut, pańćkraut - potato, cabbage pureé dish
- Pierogi postne ze Starych Kolni (Lent pierogi from Stare Kolnie) - originating from the village of Stare Kolnie; resembling a mid-sized cake, stuffed with groat kasza and potato
- Placki kartoflane (potato pancakes) - round, flat potato pancakes
- Oberiba na gęsto - a thick, turnip-based salad
- Biołe kluski - potato dumplings with a small depression in the centre
- Śląskie niebo - bacon with kluski and sauce, generally with vegetables
- Szałot śląski - potato, cucumber and onion salad
See also
- "Anyżki - Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi". www.minrol.gov.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 26 August 2017.
- "Chleb mleczny praszkowski - Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi". www.minrol.gov.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 26 August 2017.
- "Chrust/Chrustek/Chrustki/Faworki - Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi". www.minrol.gov.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 26 August 2017.
- "Buchty śląskie, czyli kluski drożdżowe gotowane na parze - Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi". www.minrol.gov.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 26 August 2017.
- "Chałwy sezamowe - Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi". www.minrol.gov.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 26 August 2017.
- "Kołocz śląski - Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi". www.minrol.gov.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 26 August 2017.
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- "Kretowina – ciasto biszkoptowe o smaku czekoladowym - Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi". www.minrol.gov.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 26 August 2017.
- "Śliszki – potrawa wigilijna - Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi". www.minrol.gov.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 26 August 2017.
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- "Siemieniotka - Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi". www.minrol.gov.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 26 August 2017.
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- "Modziki - Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi". www.minrol.gov.pl (in Polish).
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