Realidades is a PBS TV series of 30 minute documentary and arts programming, showcasing Hispanic artists, which aired on WNET Channel 13 New York from 1975 to 1977. Salsa musician Willie Colón was music director of the series; he included the theme tunes on his 1975 album The Good, the Bad, the Ugly.
- Luis Reyes, Peter Rubie -Hispanics in Hollywood: A Celebration of 100 Years in Film and Television 2000 1580650252 "Realidades featured everything from drama (film and videotaped segments and entire shows) to documentary to news features. It was one of the first shows to present Luis Valdez's El Teatro Campesino and many other prominent Hispanic arts groups and performing artists. Jesus Trevino and ... Willie Colon was..."
External links
- Realidades at IMDb
PBS | |
Documentaries |
Drama |
Music and fine arts |
History |
News and public affairs |
Personalities | |
How-to and special interest |
Science and nature | |
Networks | |
Major stations |
Former |
Related | |