Shōwa nostalgia (Japanese: 昭和ノスタルジア) includes nostalgia for certain aspects of the postwar Shōwa era. Shōwa retro (Japanese: 昭和レトロ) is retro related to the Shōwa era. The Shōwa Retro Boom (Japanese: 昭和レトロブーム) includes increased popularity and sales of Shōwa retro goods and services. (The expression also loosely includes increased popularity of some things from the early part of the Heisei era). The beginnings of periods of increased nostalgia have been dated to 1974, 1986, 2005, 2012 and 2017.
As of 2017, three quarters of the Japanese population were born in the Shōwa era. By 2004, the expression "furuki yoki Shōwa" was in use.
Neo Shōwa (Japanese: ネオ昭和) is a fusion of the culture of Shōwa and Reiwa eras.
Film and television
Manifestations of Shōwa nostalgia include television programmes about the Shōwa era, such as Takeda Tetsuya no Shōwa wa kagayaiteita, broadcast from 2013 onwards.
It has been said that the film Always: Sunset on Third Street (2005) caused a period of increased Shōwa nostalgia. From Up on Poppy Hill (2011) is nostalgic about 1963 Japan. The director said that he was nostalgic about late 1950s to early 1960s Japan.
Television programmes made in the Showa era, that do not care about compliance (Japanese: コンプライアンス), are popular with young people. Extremely Inappropriate! (2024) satirizes excessive compliance in Reiwa era television by contrasting it with Shōwa era television. As of 2023, Takeshi's Castle (1986 to 1990) is popular with young people.
It has been said that the city pop boom began with nostalgic crate digging by Japanese DJs at the end of the 20th century. It has been said that the city pop boom was the beginning of a period of increased interest in Shōwa retro. Older people are nostalgic about the songs Mayonaka no Door (1979) and Plastic Love (1984). It has been said that the interest of young people in Shōwa retro came to public attention around 2017 when, amongst other things, a dance that uses the song Dancing Hero (Eat You Up) (1985) became popular. As of 2024, there is nostalgia for Meiko Nakahara and Saki Kubota as artists in the new music genre in the 1980s. It has been said there is a "Shōwa Kayo Boom" (Japanese: 昭和歌謡ブーム) and that Shōwa era kayōkyoku songs have become popular among young people. Episodes of The Best Ten have been rebroadcast in Japan and the Shōwa era music of Akina Nakamori and Seiko Matsuda, and others, has become popular in South Korea. The 2023 music video for ClariS' cover version of Samishii Nettaigyo is a homage to Wink. As of 2023, Gakuen Tengoku (1974) was popular on TikTok.
It has been said that the publication of Sunset on Third Street in 1974 caused a period of increased nostalgia.
Video games
Shōwa retro includes hand held versions of arcade games such as Pac-Man (1980) and Galaga (1981).
Shōwa retro includes the revival of Shōwa era fashions such as the taiyozoku clothing style. There are Shōwa retro sneakers, and there are shops for clothing produced in the Shōwa era.
Food and drink
Manifestations of Shōwa retro include the revival of kissatens and tableware with floral patterns, and the consumption of dagashi and ice cream soda (kuriimu sōda). McDonald's Japan produced the "Kissa Mac" range of food in 2023.
There are Shōwa retro shōtengai (shopping streets). The Sagamihara Vending Machine Park consists of retro vending machines from the Shōwa era.
Analogue technology
Manifestations of Shōwa retro include the revival of disposable cameras, such as the Fujicolor Utsurundesu (1986), and cassette tapes.
The Mitsuoka M55 is a Shōwa retro car from Mitsuoka. There are collectors of Shōwa era cars.
Second hand goods
As of 2023, the value of some second hand Shōwa retro goods produced in the Shōwa era had doubled. Showa era retro goods have become popular as Christmas gifts.
There is a Shōwa retro museum in Ōme, Tokyo (Shōwaretoro shōhin hakubutsukan). There are Shōwa retro exhibits at the Retorosupēsu-zaka kaikan in Nishi-ku, Sapporo and at the Shōwa Era Lifestyle Museum in Kitanagoya.
As of 2017, there was nostalgia for Kakuei Tanaka.
See also
- Katsuyuki Hidaka (日高勝之). 昭和ノスタルジアとは何か——記憶とラディカル・デモクラシーのメディア学. 世界思想社 (Sekai Shisosha). 2014. Excerpts. NDL.
- Kohei Takano. 昭和ノスタルジー解体 「懐かしさ」はどう作られたのか. 晶文社 (Shobunsha). 2018. Excerpts. Review.
- 世は「昭和レトロブーム」だなんて 湯浅博. Sankei Shimbun. 4/8/2023.
- 「昭和レトロ」が新しい 非日常感、若者ひき付ける. The Nikkei. 20 April 2021.
- 若者なぜ昭和レトロ. The Nikkei.
- 〝大人の遊び場〟に魅了 「逆に新しい」. The Nikkei. 19 December 2021.
- アナログ感満載の個性 温かみに新鮮さ. The Nikkei. 19 December 2021.
- 貯金箱は「眺める」モノへ レトロ人気で落札価格2倍. The Nikkei. 20 September 2023.
- <昭和レトロ探訪> (1) 名古屋の「広小路キッチンマツヤ」. Chunichi Shimbun. 30 April 2023.
- "昭和レトロブーム" で「蚤の市」も若者のトレンドに、『昭和レトロ市』に若年層が集まったワケ. ピンズバNEWS. 29 October 2024.
- 阿部サダヲ『ふてほど』で昭和人気が再燃!10~30代男女「憧れの昭和カルチャー」【第5位以下】. ピンズバNEWS. 18 March 2024.
- ^ Showa Nostalgia. NHK. Broadcast 2 March 2024.
- ^ 「良き時代への懐古」が意味するもの——『昭和ノスタルジアとは何か』. 好書好日. 7/1/2021.
- ^ Japan is nostalgic for a past that was in part worse than its present. The Economist. 22 June 2023.
- New era aside, Showa nostalgia continues to keep rolling along. The Japan Times. 20 July 2019.
- ^ The Showa Revival in Japan: Why It's Happening and Where to Get Your Retro Fix. Tokyo Weekender. 16 June 2017.
- ^ なぜ昭和レトロな商品やサービスがヒットするのか 「写ルンです」や「商店街」など. News ポストセブン. 11/10/2021.
- ^ 昭和レトロはどこへ行く——令和の若者にウケるわけ. Chūō Kōron. 10 May 2024.
- もはや「レトロブーム」自体が懐かしい. Yomiuri Shimbun. 19 April 2024.
- ^ 令和の若者には新鮮「昭和レトロ」...純喫茶のクリームソーダやプリン人気、花柄グラス復刻. Yomiuri Shimbun. 11 April 2024.
- ^ Japan's magazines get misty-eyed over Showa Era brothels. The Japan Times. 4 March 2017.
- The Showa days: Were they really that good?. The Japan Times. 26 August 2004.
- 「ネオ昭和」インフルエンサーの阪田マリンが語る 恋・ファッション・映画. AERA dot. 20 March 2023.
- 【酒井惇一・昔の農村・今の世の中】第40回 「大正は遠くなりにけり」はどこへ?. JAcom. 14 February 2019.
- なぜ今昭和に心惹かれるのか : 映画『ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日』に見る昭和ブーム (2008) 3 表現文化 96. Departmental Bulletin Paper, Osaka City University. CiNii.
- Everyday Life, Washed in the Colors of Memory. The New York Times. 14 March 2013.
- From Up On Poppy Hill is rich in nostalgia. The Georgia Straight. 21 March 2013.
- A Valentine to a Vanished Era. Animation Magazine. 14 December 2012.
- "テレビメディアの過剰なコンプライアンスに警鐘を鳴らす" [A warning about over-excessive compliance in television media]. Mita Hyoron 三田評論. Keio University. 2024-09-02.
- 『不適切にも』TVにとっての"コンプラ"現在地. Toyo Keizai online. 15 February 2024.
- "あやうさ"と"笑顔"がたっぷり、「痛快なりゆき番組 風雲!たけし城」 に見る昭和のテレビが面白かった理由. WEBザテレビジョン. 25 February 2023.
- 昭和の「懐かし番組」まとめて放送 スカパー!で11月開始. Sankei Shimbun. 26 October 2021.
- 日本のシティ・ポップが世界で大ブームのワケを追え!. NHK. 28 July 2023.
- As to nostalgie and city pop, see 日本の「シティポップ」が、香港で新たな音楽ジャンルに姿を変えていた. COURRiER Japon. 24 January 2024.
- 令和に復刻した「昭和レトロ」にZ世代も昭和世代もメロメロ!その理由は?. AERA dot. 21 September 2024.
- ^ 坂本つとむやシティーポップ、「ふてほど」のヒットから再生のキーワードは1980年代?!/芸能ショナイ業務話. Sankei Sports. 4 April 2024.
- Viral dance crazes highlight a generational shift. The Japan Times. 21 October 2017.
- 歌って味わう!昭和レトロポップス (4)シンガーソングライターの時代. NHK. 23 August 2023.
- 80年代ヒット曲がうけるワケ NHKBS「歌える!J-POP」長尾賢治プロデューサーが語る. Nikkan Sports. 15 April 2023.
- ^ 「ザ・ベストテン」まるごと再放送 若者にも昭和歌謡ブーム 「マツコ」で手応え. Sponichi Annex. 29 May 2020.
- 令和に熱い、みんな歌える「昭和歌謡」 若者がネットで拡散・共有. Sankei Shimbun. 22 October 2020.
- 昭和歌謡・ポップスにスポットが当たる理由 当時を知るヒットメーカー「今の若い人たちに響くのは当然かも」. Radio Kansei. 6 June 2023.
- ^ 松田聖子と中森明菜が2トップ...韓国に空前の日本歌謡ブームで商機到来!. Nikkan Gendai. 16 October 2024.
- 韓国で昭和歌謡ブーム!? NewJeansハニ・住田愛子らが歌う80年代ヒット曲に注目. Radio Kansai. 23 July 2024.
- 昭和歌謡ブームを後押しする最旬の4組、 Night Tempo、ClariS、武藤彩未、The Biscats. ENTAME next. 10/9/2023.
- 【ClariS】の『淋しい熱帯魚』は、Winkを敬愛した表現力の結晶だ. アニメージュ+ (Animage Plus). 21 June 2023.
- 「め組のひと」「ダンシングヒーロー」TikTokを中心に、若い世代に支持される昭和歌謡の懐かしソング. Fujin Kōron. 5 February 2023.
- 「少しダサいけど...」昭和レトロが人気"手のひら大"アーケードゲーム機も. 日テレNews NNN. 31 January 2022.
- For other reduced size versions, see 懐かしいぞこの筐体!レトロゲームを3/4スケールのアーケード筐体で遊べる家庭用「ARCADE1UP」発売. Japaaan Magazine.
- Showa Day: Fashion Items That Have Persisted Through Time. Japan Forward. 29 April 2023.
- As to 1950s to 1980s retro fashion, see レトロファッションが流行中! 今っぽいレトロコーディネートのお手本22選とおすすめブランド5選【50/60/70/80年代】. ELLEgirl (Japan). 30 May 2022.
- Japanese Sneakers Making their Presence Known with Innovative Designs; Drawing on Retro Inspiration for New Styles. The Japan News. 31 October 2024.
- Japan's most state-of-the-art vintage Showa clothing shop opens online. Sora News 24. 8 March 2022.
- Millennials and Gen Zers Behind Japan's Latest Kissaten Revival. Tokyo Weekender. 13 April 2022.
- Showa seduction: The unending attraction of retro Japan. The Japan Times. 24 April 2023.
- Tokyo: Revived Showa Era Glasses a Hit with Young People. The Japan News, from the Yomiuri Shimbun. 24 July 2023.
- <昭和レトロ探訪>(8)石塚硝子の復刻したガラス食器(岩倉市). Chunichi Shimbun. 7 May 2023.
- McDonald's Japan goes old-school with new Showa-era Kissa Mac sweets lineup. Japan Today. 21 April 2023.
- ^ いまも現役!全国の「昭和レトロ商店街」を巡る旅 歴史が積み重なった佇まいと人の温もりを感じられる7選. News ポストセブン. 4 March 2024.
- Tokyo: Retro Shopping Street Offers Taste of 1950s Japan. The Japan News. 5 July 2023.
- <昭和レトロ探訪> (4)せと末広町商店街(瀬戸市). Chunichi Shimbun. 3 May 2023.
- Retro Showa Era Vending Machines Given New Life in Kanagawa. The Japan News. 22 January 2024.
- Retro vending machines: Insert coins and relive memories of old. The Asahi Shimbun. 19 November 2024.
- たまごっち、写ルンです... 昭和から平成、レトロを楽しむZ世代. Mainichi Shimbun. 30 October 2021.
- Retro Japan: Disposable Cameras Back in Style - Dig More Japan. NHK World. 2022.
- カセットテープ再ブーム時代に「カセットテープ型2.5インチドライブケース」を衝動買い. ASCII.14 April 2022.
- 昭和レトロな新型車=創業55年記念の「M55」—光岡自動車. Jiji. 21 November 2024.
- 70年代の"GTカー"が令和に復活!? 限定100台のミツオカ「M55ゼロエディション」ついに登場. Vague. 23 November 2024.
- Mitsuoka Motor Launches Limited Run of M55 Concept Car; 100 Retro Inspired Vehicles to be Sold for ¥8.08 Million Each. The Japan News. 22 November 2024.
- <昭和レトロ探訪> (7)クラシックカー収集家・石川昭さん(豊田市). Chunichi Shimbun. 6 May 2023.
- 昭和レトロもはやビンテージ品 古さに価値、値段高騰. The Nikkei. 31 January 2023.
- Showa-era retro items popular as Christmas gifts on flea market app Mercari in Japan. Mainichi Shimbun. 19 December 2022.
- 芸術さんぽ 昭和レトロ商品博物館(東京都青梅市) 「あの頃」を思い出す /東京. Mainichi Shimbun. 26 May 2023.
- 昭和レトログッズいっぱい 札幌の私設博物館「レトロスペース・坂会館」開業30周年. Hokkaido Shimbun. 20 November 2024.
- "昭和レトロ"を感じさせる食器等集めた展示会 1000点以上並ぶ 愛知・北名古屋市 昭和日常博物館. Tōkai Television Broadcasting. 16 May 2024.