Shrimatiji is an Indian comic based on a middle class housewife Sheela, popularly known as Shrimatiji. The series started in magazine Sarita. It was created by Pran Kumar Sharma. Her first appearance was in 1968. She has a husband and two kids.
- "Chacha to the rescue - The Hindu". The Hindu. 15 March 2011. Retrieved 2016-02-10.
- Menon, N.; Nair, B. (1999). Children's literature in India. Children's Book Trust. ISBN 9788170118725. Retrieved 2016-02-10.
- "Bringing the lines alive - The Hindu". The Hindu. 9 February 2014. Retrieved 2016-02-10.
- "Shrimatiji, Billoo, Pinki: Pran Kumar Sharma beyond Chacha Chaudhary | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis". Retrieved 2016-02-10.
- "Cartoonist Pran, Creator of Chacha Chaudhary, Dies". Retrieved 2016-02-10.