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Soling World Championship results (1980–1984)

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(Redirected from Soling World Championship results (1980–89)) Main article: Soling World Championship

This article stated the results of the World Soling Championships from 1980 till 1984. Unfortunately not all crew names are documented in the major sources: United States Soling Association (USSA) bulletin "Leading Edge" and International Soling Association (ISA) magazine "Soling Sailing".

[edit on Wikidata]

1980 Final results

Sailing competition in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Event title
HostClub Náutico de Ponce
Event details
VenuePonce,  Puerto Rico
Dates15-26 January
Opening ceremony19 January
Competing nations14
1st place, gold medalist(s) Gold Canada
Glen Dexter
Andreas Josenhans
Sandy MacMillan
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Silver United States
Robbie Haines
Rod Davis
Ed Trevelyan
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Bronze United States
Buddy Melges
Crew not documented
← 19791981 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s)  CAN Glen Dexter Andreas Josenhans
Sandy MacMillan
KC 149 1 0.0 27 33.0 10 16.0 13 19.0 1 0.0 3 5.7 5 10.0 83.7 50.7
2nd place, silver medalist(s)  USA Robbie Haines Rod Davis
Ed Trevelyan
US 707 5 10.0 11 17.0 4 8.0 1 0.0 16 22.0 25 31.0 1 0.0 88.0 57.0
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)  USA Buddy Melges Not documented US 700 3 5.7 28 34.0 1 0.0 16 22.0 17 23.0 2 3.0 4 8.0 95.7 61.7
4  GER Willi Kuhweide Axel May
Karsten Meyer
G 205 6 11.7 21 27.0 13 19.0 2 3.0 12 18.0 5 10.0 2 3.0 91.7 64.7
5  BRA Vicente Brun Not documented BL 593 18 24.0 5 10.0 3 5.7 4 8.0 2 3.0 DSQ 45.0 8 14.0 109.7 64.7
6  USA Ed Baird Not documented US 693 17 23.0 13 19.0 2 3.0 9 15.0 7 13.0 11 17.0 3 5.7 95.7 72.7
7  CAN Bill Abbott Jr. Bill Abbott Sr.
Phil Bissell
KC 1 7 13.0 24 30.0 9 15.0 8 14.0 5 10.0 1 0.0 15 21.0 103.0 73.0
8  USA Dave Curtis Not documented US 658 10 16.0 4 8.0 5 10.0 10 16.0 14 20.0 9 15.0 9 15.0 100.0 80.0
9  USA Bill Allen Not documented US 712 13 19.0 1 0.0 19 25.0 5 10.0 6 11.7 17 23.0 14 20.0 108.7 83.7
10  USA Peter Isler Not documented US 710 26 32.0 2 3.0 8 14.0 14 20.0 9 15.0 13 19.0 7 13.0 116.0 84.0
11  DEN Poul Richard Høj Jensen Not documented D 75 28 34.0 12 18.0 7 13.0 6 11.7 22 28.0 10 16.0 10 16.0 136.7 102.7
12  CAN Peter Hall Not documented KC 163 11 17.0 7 13.0 15 21.0 12 18.0 25 31.0 12 18.0 12 18.0 136.0 105.0
13  USA Jim Coggan Not documented US 695 2 3.0 26 32.0 30 36.0 7 13.0 28 34.0 7 13.0 6 11.7 142.7 106.7
14  CAN Hans Fogh Not documented KC 161 9 15.0 36 42.0 6 11.7 3 5.7 23 29.0 20 26.0 16 22.0 151.4 109.4
15  GBR Phill Crebbin Tony Blachford
Mark Dowland
K 138 14 20.0 14 20.0 12 18.0 21 27.0 4 8.0 DSQ 45.0 17 23.0 161.0 116.0
16  FRA Patrick Haegeli Not documented F 142 4 8.0 15 21.0 20 26.0 11 17.0 DSQ 45.0 14 20.0 21 27.0 164.0 119.0
17  GER Fritz Geis Not documented G 212 23 29.0 18 24.0 16 22.0 15 21.0 3 5.7 18 24.0 DNF 45.0 170.7 125.7
18  GBR Alan Warren Not documented K 135 8 14.0 6 11.7 26 32.0 22 28.0 8 14.0 26 32.0 23 29.0 160.7 128.7
19  DEN Valdemar Bandolowski Not documented D 77 16 22.0 25 31.0 14 20.0 18 24.0 20 26.0 8 14.0 18 24.0 161.0 130.0
20  NOR Odd Roar Lofterød Not documented N 93 27 33.0 9 15.0 23 29.0 19 25.0 15 21.0 16 22.0 13 19.0 164.0 131.0
21  PUR Eric Tulla Not documented PR 21 32 38.0 10 16.0 YMP 26.0 26 32.0 13 19.0 23 29.0 19 25.0 185.0 147.0
22  USA Robert Mosbacher Not documented US 721 25 31.0 3 5.7 32 38.0 DNF 45.0 10 16.0 21 27.0 26 32.0 194.7 149.7
23  SWE Stig Wennerstrom Not documented S 120 15 21.0 22 28.0 11 17.0 17 23.0 29 35.0 21 27.0 DNS 45.0 196.0 151.0
24  SWE Erik Thorsell Not documented S 102 31 37.0 8 14.0 25 31.0 DNF 45.0 11 17.0 19 25.0 24 30.0 199.0 154.0
25  GER Erich Hirt Not documented G 219 21 27.0 23 29.0 27 33.0 28 34.0 19 25.0 4 8.0 DNF 45.0 201.0 156.0
26  SWE Jörgen Sundelin Not documented S 119 12 18.0 20 26.0 22 28.0 25 31.0 21 27.0 27 33.0 25 31.0 194.0 161.0
27  USA Don Cohan Not documented US 723 22 28.0 29 35.0 21 27.0 23 29.0 26 32.0 15 21.0 22 28.0 200.0 165.0
28  NED Geert Bakker Dick Coster
Steven Bakker
H 22 20 26.0 31 37.0 17 23.0 20 26.0 31 37.0 31 37.0 11 17.0 203.0 166.0
29  SWE Arved von Gruenewald Not documented S 115 24 30.0 32 38.0 28 34.0 24 30.0 18 24.0 6 11.7 DNF 45.0 212.7 167.7
30  USA Glenn Darden Not documented US 715 19 25.0 19 25.0 24 30.0 34 40.0 30 36.0 30 36.0 20 26.0 218.0 178.0
31  ARG C. Fassarfi Not documented A 3 30 36.0 16 22.0 34 40.0 24 30.0 27 33.0 34 40.0 DNF 45.0 246.0 201.0
32  PUR Juan Torruella Not documented PR 1 33 39.0 35 41.0 18 24.0 27 33.0 DNF 45.0 28 34.0 30 36.0 252.0 207.0
33  DEN T. Soerrensen Not documented D 78 35 41.0 33 39.0 31 37.0 31 37.0 24 30.0 24 30.0 DNF 45.0 259.0 214.0
34  BER Alex Cooper Not documented KB 34 29 35.0 30 36.0 29 35.0 29 35.0 32 38.0 29 35.0 DNF 45.0 259.0 214.0
35  ARG Santiago Lange Not documented A 12 DNF 45.0 17 23.0 DNF 45.0 DNF 45.0 36 42.0 33 39.0 28 34.0 273.0 228.0
36  ARG Pedro Ferrero Not documented A 10 36 42.0 37 43.0 33 39.0 32 38.0 35 41.0 DNF 45.0 29 35.0 283.0 238.0
37  PUR A. Nevarez Not documented PR 14 37 43.0 38 44.0 35 41.0 33 39.0 33 39.0 DNF 45.0 27 33.0 284.0 239.0
38  ARG J.A. Zuccoli Not documented A 7 34 40.0 34 40.0 36 42.0 DNF 45.0 34 40.0 32 38.0 DNF 45.0 290.0 245.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified; YMP – Yacht materially prejudiced;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1980 Progress

1981 Final results

Only top 20 teams are documented.

Sailing competition in Anzio, Italy
Vince Brun and Steven Bakker
Event title
Event details
VenueAnzio,  Italy
Dates6-16 May
Opening ceremony9 May
1st place, gold medalist(s) Gold Brazil
Gastão Brun
Vicente Brun
Steven Bakker  Netherlands
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Silver Greece
Tassos Boudouris
Antonios Bountouris
Dimitrios Deligiann
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Bronze Italy
Gianluca Lamaro
Valerio Romano
Aurelio Dalla Vecchia
← 19801982 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s)  USA Vincente Brun Gastão Brun
Steven Bakker
US 593 6 11.7 4 8.0 3 5.7 PMS 66.0 1 0.0 8 14.0 5 10.0 115.4 49.4
2nd place, silver medalist(s)  GRE Tassos Boudouris Antonios Bountouris
Dimitrios Deligiann
GR 30 2 3.0 32 38.0 8 14.0 10 16.0 9 15.0 6 11.7 2 3.0 100.7 62.7
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)  ITA Gianluca Lamaro Aurelio Dalla Vecchia
Valerio Romano
I 154 33 39.0 9 15.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 15 21.0 17 23.0 17 23.0 121.0 82.0
4  FRG Willy Kuhweide Eckhard Löll
G 205 15 21.0 11 17.0 6 11.7.0 6 11.7.0 7 13.0 11 17.0 6 11.7 103.1 82.1
5  FRG Fritz Geis Richard Fricke
Karl Fricke
G 212 3 5.7 7 13.0 3 5.7 PMS 66.0 11 17.0 15 21.0 18 24.0 152.4 86.4
6  URS Boris Budnikov Aleksandr Budnikov
SR 27 16 22.0 6 11.7 2 3.0 17 23.0 4 8.0 20 26.0 15 21.0 114.7 88.7
7  FRG Erich Hirt Obermaier
G 213 20 26.0 12 18.0 19 25.0 12 18.0 2 3.0 4 8.0 12 18.0 116.0 90.0
8  ITA Maurizio Bolens Ernesto Bolens
I 194 30 36.0 4 8.0 26 32.0 11 17.0 3 5.7 DSQ 66.0 1 0.0 164.7 98.7
9  ITA Giuseppe Milone Roberto Mottola di Amato
I 201 5 10.0 26 32.0 9 15.0 DNF 66.0 19 25.0 2 3.0 10 16.0 167.0 101.0
10  SWE Jan Andersson Bertil Larsson
S 118 12 18.0 8 14.0 41 47.0 22 28.0 16 22.0 1 0.0 14 20.0 149.0 102.0
11  AUT Carl Auterried Jr. Mattheis
OE 70 10 16.0 18 24.0 10 16.0 42 48.0 14 20.0 18 24.0 4 8.0 156.0 108.0
12  CAN Peter Hall Toews
KC 168 13 19.0 29 35.0 27 33.0 8 14.0 10 16.0 14 20.0 13 19.0 156.0 121.0
13  CAN Hans Fogh John Kerr
KC 169 1 0.0 5 10.0 24 30.0 3 5.7 5 10.0 DSQ 66.0 PMS 66.0 187.7 121.7
14  DEN Valdemar Bandolowski Erik Hansen
Gelbjerg Hansen
D 83 17 23.0 36 42.0 23 29.0 4 8.0 6 11.7 19 25.0 22 28.0 166.7 124.7
15  CAN Bill Abbott Jr. Bill Abbott Sr.
Larry Abbott
KC 1 25 31.0 2 3.0 7 13.0 33 39.0 23 29.0 22 28.0 20 26.0 169.0 130.0
16  ITA Fabio Albarelli Leopoldo Di Martino
I 198 31 37.0 38 44.0 12 18.0 2 3.0 12 18.0 21 27.0 21 27.0 174.0 130.0
17  DEN Peter Kampmann ?
D 81 34 40.0 1 0.0 34 40.0 25 31.0 24 30.0 7 13.0 11 17.0 171.0 131.0
18  AUS Ahern Peter Gilmour
KA 161 4 8.0 31 37.0 13 19.0 PMS 66.0 18 24.0 16 22.0 16 22.0 198.0 132.0
19  NED Geert Bakker Feico Bakker
Pieter Keijzer
H 22 28 34.0 20 26.0 31 37.0 7 13.0 22 28.0 9 15.0 19 25.0 178.0 141.0
20  NOR Hans Wang Hauff
N 96 9 15.0 19 25.0 17 23.0 21 27.0 RET 66.0 36 42.0 8 14.0 212.0 146.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified; RET – Retired;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1981 Progress

1982 Final results

Sailing competition in Fremantle, Australia
Gybe mark in race 1 of the 1982 Soling Worlds Freemantle
Event title
HostFremantle Sailing Club
Event details
VenueFremantle,  Australia
Dates8–18 March
Key people* Organizing committee: Syd Corser, John Baker
Opened byGeert Bakker  Netherlands
Opening ceremony11 March
Competing nations14
1st place, gold medalist(s) Gold Australia
Mark Bethwaite
Ian McDiarmid
Glen Read
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Silver Australia
William Packer
Ian Campbell
Robert Hardy
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Bronze United States
Dave Perry
Brad Dellenbaugh
Ed Travelyan
← 19811983 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Boat Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s)  AUS Mark Bethwaite Ian McDiarmid
Glen Read
KA 144 Verve 2 3.0 1 0.0 4 8.0 19 25.0 1 0.0 2 3.0 39.0 14.0
2nd place, silver medalist(s)  AUS William Packer Ian Campbell
Robert Hardy
KA 151 Deliverance 4 8.0 2 3.0 1 0.0 5 10.0 18 24.0 5 10.0 55.0 31.0
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)  USA Dave Perry Brad Dellenbaugh
Ed Travelyan
US 710 Shen 3 5.7 7 13.0 5 10.0 2 3.0 7 13.0 4 8.0 52.7 39.7
4  DEN Valdemar Bandolowski Not documented D 85 Nord Jydland 1 0.0 3 5.7 9 15.0 16 22.0 6 11.7 8 14.0 68.4 46.4
5  GER Fritz Geis Richard Fricke
Karl Fricke
G 212 Love Boat for 3 11 17.0 5 10.0 3 5.7 17 23.0 16 22.0 3 5.7 83.4 60.4
6  GER Wilhelm Kuhweide Eckhard Löll
Axel May
G 205 Darling 12 18.0 9 15.0 8 14.0 12 18.0 3 5.7 9 15.0 85.7 67.7
7  AUS Peter Gilmour Lachy Simpson
Lloyd Lissiman
KA 143 Whip It 14 20.0 12 18.0 13 19.0 1 0.0 10 16.0 13 19.0 92.0 72.0
8  SWE Erik Thorsell Not documented S 122 Phillipa 17 23.0 14 20.0 2 3.0 6 11.7 27 33.0 10 16.0 106.7 73.7
9  AUS John Savage Not documented KA 152 Egavas 5 10.0 15 21.0 11 17.0 8 14.0 8 14.0 16 22.0 98.0 76.0
10  CAN Hans Fogh Not documented KC 169 Flying Doctor 6 11.7 DNF 47.0 6 11.7 3 5.7 2 3.0 DSQ 47.0 126.1 79.1
11  NOR Hans Wang Not documented N 96 Klappfot DNF 47.0 13 19.0 7 13.0 11 17.0 15 21.0 7 13.0 130.0 83.0
12  GBR Chris Law Edward Leask
Jeremy Richards
K 139 The Italian Job 16 22.0 17 23.0 15 21.0 18 24.0 21 27.0 1 0.0 117.0 90.0
13  CAN Bill Abbott Jr. Bill Abbott Sr.
Larry Abbott
KC 1 Odds N Ends 13 19.0 19 25.0 29 35.0 4 8.0 17 23.0 11 17.0 127.0 92.0
14  AUS Syd Corser Not documented KA 153 Darkie 7 13.0 6 11.7 28 34.0 22 28.0 13 19.0 20 26.0 131.7 97.7
15  AUS Michael Ahern Not documented KA 158 Lightning strike 22 28.0 10 16.0 18 24.0 9 15.0 31 37.0 15 21.0 141.0 104.0
16  NZL Tom Dodson Simon Daubney
Aran Hansen
KZ 16 NN 18 24.0 11 17.0 12 18.0 23 29.0 23 29.0 12 18.0 135.0 106.0
17  AUS Tony Manford Not documented KA 149 Hopscotch 10 16.0 23 29.0 10 16.0 29 35.0 22 28.0 17 23.0 147.0 112.0
18  ITA Gianluca Lamaro Aurelio Dalla Vecchia
Valerio Romano
I 222 Nirvana 15 21.0 16 22.0 16 22.0 15 21.0 20 26.0 DSQ 47.0 159.0 112.0
19  ITA Giuseppe Bolens Ernesto Bolens
I 194 Lektra 9 15.0 DSQ 47.0 20 26.0 20 26.0 11 17.0 25 31.0 162.0 115.0
20  NOR Odd Roar Lofterød Not documented N 100 NN 21 27.0 26 32.0 DNF 47.0 14 20.0 4 8.0 23 29.0 163.0 116.0
21  AUS Gary Sheard Tim Dorning
Dean Gordon
KA 151 Cobra 26 32.0 8 14.0 19 25.0 38 44.0 19 25.0 14 20.0 160.0 116.0
22  AUS M. Manford Not documented KA 142 Aphrodite 29 35.0 DSQ 47.0 31 37.0 7 13.0 14 20.0 6 11.7 163.7 116.7
23  USA Stuart H. Walker Not documented US 725 Old Glory 23 29.0 4 8.0 17 23.0 32 38.0 33 39.0 24 30.0 167.0 128.0
24   SUI Alain Testuz Not documented Z 258 Odds N Ends 19 25.0 25 31.0 23 29.0 10 16.0 30 36.0 27 33.0 170.0 134.0
25  GER Curt Noel Not documented G 229 NN 27 33.0 21 27.0 24 30.0 31 37.0 5 10.0 32 38.0 175.0 137.0
26  NED Geert Bakker Dick Coster
Rudy den Outer
H 22 Matilda 33 39.0 22 28.0 14 20.0 30 36.0 24 30.0 19 25.0 178.0 139.0
27  AUS R. Waller Not documented KA 159 NN 20 26.0 21 27.0 21 27.0 27 33.0 28 34.0 21 27.0 174.0 140.0
28  AUS G. Dingemann Not documented KA 124 Adios 8 14.0 DNF 47.0 32 38.0 25 31.0 29 35.0 18 24.0 189.0 142.0
29  AUS R. Haldane Not documented KA 161 Merrijig 31 37.0 20 26.0 26 32.0 26 32.0 12 18.0 29 35.0 180.0 143.0
30  AUT Michael Farthofer Christian Holler
Richard Holler
OE 73 Beichara III DSQ 47.0 RET 47.0 22 28.0 24 30.0 9 15.0 31 37.0 204.0 157.0
31  ITA A. Sciolari Not documented I 200 Bounty Four 35 41.0 30 36.0 34 40.0 13 19.0 25 31.0 26 32.0 199.0 158.0
32  NZL R. Roberts Not documented KZ 15 Solong 24 30.0 18 24.0 27 33.0 36 42.0 35 41.0 30 36.0 206.0 164.0
33  AUS J. Baron Hay Not documented KA 155 TEN 32 38.0 28 34.0 30 36.0 21 27.0 26 32.0 33 39.0 206.0 167.0
34  AUS J. Schramm Not documented KA 160 Humble Pie 25 31.0 18 24.0 36 42.0 33 39.0 32 38.0 DSQ 47.0 221.0 174.0
35  AUS Noel Robins Not documented KA 154 Taworri 28 34.0 DNF 47.0 35 41.0 28 34.0 36 42.0 22 28.0 226.0 179.0
36  CAN Jim Beatty Not documented KC 162 Gitana 30 36.0 DSQ 47.0 25 31.0 37 43.0 38 44.0 28 34.0 235.0 188.0
37  FRA A. Forgeot Not documented F 139 Bloody Mayri 36 42.0 29 35.0 33 39.0 33 39.0 34 40.0 34 40.0 235.0 193.0
38  GER R. Persike Not documented G 199 Sundance 37 43.0 31 37.0 37 43.0 35 41.0 37 43.0 36 42.0 249.0 206.0
39  NZL A. Ballintine Not documented KZ 10 Ghost 34 40.0 27 33.0 RET 47.0 39 45.0 DNF 47.0 35 41.0 253.0 206.0
40  NOR O. Otterlei Not documented N 99 Revenge 38 44.0 DNF 47.0 38 44.0 40 46.0 DNS 47.0 DNF 47.0 275.0 228.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified; RET – Retired;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1982 Progress

1983 Final results

Sailing competition in Berkeley Circle, San Francisco, United States
Vince Brun, Robbie Haines and Robert Kinney
Event title
HostSt. Francis Yacht Club
Event details
VenueBerkeley Circle, San Francisco,  United States
Dates10–23 July
Key people* Gerry Price, Chairman of the event
Opening ceremony16 July
Competing nations17
1st place, gold medalist(s) Gold United States
Robbie Haines
Vicente Brun
Robert Kinney
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Silver United States
Dave Curtis
John Engel
Wally Corwin
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Bronze Australia
Peter Gilmour
Lachy Simpson
Lloyd Lissiman
← 19821984 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s)  USA Robbie Haines Vicente Brun
Robert Kinney
US 747 RET 61.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 7 13.0 6 11.7 85.7 24.7
2nd place, silver medalist(s)  USA Dave Curtis John Engel
Wally Corwin
US 727 1 0.0 2 3.0 3 5.7 2 3.0 3 5.7 11 17.0 DNF 61.0 95.4 34.4
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)  AUS Peter Gilmour Lachy Simpson
Lloyd Lissiman
KA 157 3 5.7 6 11.7 13 19.0 10 16.0 12 18.0 1 0.0 13 19.0 89.4 70.4
4  USA Ed Baird Not documented US 745 9 15.0 PMS 61.0 5 10.0 3 5.7 20 26.0 6 11.7 1 0.0 129.4 68.4
5  GER Willy Kuhweide Eckhard Löll
Axel May
G 245 2 3.0 4 8.0 15 21.0 11 17.0 8 14.0 12 18.0 9 15.0 96.0 75.0
6  CAN Hans Fogh Not documented KC 169 10 16.0 12 18.0 6 11.7 9 15.0 11 17.0 5 10.0 3 5.7 93.4 75.4
7  GER Fritz Geis Richard Fricke
Karl Fricke
G 244 5 10.0 7 13.0 8 14.0 5 10.0 9 15.0 4 8.0 DNF 61.0 131.0 70.0
8  BRA Torben Grael Daniel Adler
Ronaldo Senfft
BL 45 12 18.0 14 20.0 7 13.0 4 8.0 23 29.0 8 14.0 11 17.0 119.0 90.0
9  USA Dave Chaplin Not documented US 751 7 13.0 PMS 61.0 2 3.0 7 13.0 10 16.0 18 24.0 17 23.0 153.0 92.0
10  GBR Chris Law Edward Leask
Jeremy Richards
K 140 6 11.7 13 19.0 19 25.0 PMS 61.0 18 24.0 3 5.7 7 13.0 159.4 98.4
11  CAN Bill Abbott Jr. Bill Abbott Sr.
Larry Abbott
KC 1 25 31.0 9 15.0 25 31.0 19 25.0 6 11.7 2 3.0 12 18.0 134.7 103.7
12  AUS Mark Bethwaite Ian McDiarmid
Glen Read
KA 144 4 8.0 8 14.0 PMS 61.0 DSQ 61.0 2 3.0 9 15.0 2 3.0 165.0 104.0
13  USA Jeff Madrigali Not documented US 706 17 23.0 24 30.0 20 26.0 12 18.0 4 8.0 10 16.0 8 14.0 135.0 105.0
14  USA Dave Perry Not documented US 710 11 17.0 22 28.0 12 18.0 15 21.0 7 13.0 17 23.0 15 21.0 141.0 113.0
15  NZL Tom Dodson Simon Daubney
Aran Hansen
KZ 16 5 10.0 5 10.0 4 8.0 DSQ 61.0 DSQ 61.0 15 21.0 5 10.0 181.0 120.0
16  AUS Barry Waller Not documented KA 159 24 30.0 10 16.0 14 20.0 14 20.0 14 20.0 41 47.0 19 25.0 178.0 131.0
17  ITA Giuseppe Milone Not documented I 223 16 22.0 11 17.0 27 33.0 16 22.0 15 21.0 16 22.0 21 27.0 164.0 131.0
18  DEN Jesper Bank Not documented D 83 8 14.0 20 26.0 23 29.0 18 24.0 16 22.0 19 25.0 18 24.0 164.0 135.0
19  ITA Guiseppe Lamaro Not documented I 222 23 29.0 17 23.0 10 16.0 17 23.0 19 25.0 27 33.0 14 20.0 169.0 136.0
20  DEN William Friis-Moller Not documented D 85 21 27.0 16 22.0 16 22.0 13 19.0 22 28.0 13 19.0 26 32.0 169.0 137.0
21  NOR Dag Usterud Not documented N 101 DSQ 61.0 3 5.7 5 10.0 20 26.0 21 27.0 25 31.0 DSQ 61.0 221.7 160.7
22  AUS Gary Sheard Not documented KA 165 20 26.0 PMS 61.0 22 28.0 6 11.7 5 10.0 20 26.0 DSQ 61.0 223.7 162.7
23  DEN Valdemar Bandolowski Not documented D 84 14 20.0 15 21.0 PMS 61.0 DNF 61.0 24 30.0 14 20.0 10 16.0 229.0 168.0
24  USA Don Cohan Not documented US 723 34 40.0 21 27.0 21 27.0 24 30.0 14 20.0 26 32.0 16 22.0 198.0 158.0
25   SUI M. Vuithier Not documented Z 259 26 32.0 35 41.0 24 30.0 8 14.0 29 35.0 31 37.0 25 31.0 220.0 179.0
26  NED Ben Staartjes Kobus Vandenberg
Steven Bakker
H 17 DNF 61.0 19 25.0 18 24.0 PMS 61.0 13 19.0 23 29.0 22 28.0 247.0 186.0
27  SWE Magnus Grävare Not documented S 128 13 19.0 31 37.0 17 23.0 29 35.0 DSQ 61.0 33 39.0 30 36.0 250.0 189.0
28  USA David Franzel Not documented US 704 19 25.0 26 32.0 26 32.0 31 37.0 32 38.0 22 28.0 35 41.0 233.0 192.0
29  USA Scott Easom Not documented US 743 22 28.0 27 33.0 DNF 61.0 26 32.0 26 32.0 DSQ 61.0 4 8.0 255.0 194.0
30  GRE Tassos Boudouris Not documented GR 30 18 24.0 23 29.0 30 36.0 PMS 61.0 17 23.0 21 27.0 DSQ 61.0 261.0 200.0
31  NOR John Petterssen Not documented N 90 33 39.0 18 24.0 DSQ 61.0 28 34.0 24 30.0 36 42.0 27 33.0 263.0 202.0
32  CAN Banford Riley Not documented KC 167 28 34.0 28 34.0 32 38.0 30 36.0 31 37.0 34 40.0 24 30.0 249.0 209.0
33  CAN Jim Beatty Not documented KC 162 YMP 33.0 25 31.0 DSQ 61.0 23 29.0 33 39.0 29 35.0 38 44.0 272.0 211.0
34  SWE Hans Liljeblad Not documented S 132 27 33.0 DNF 61.0 11 17.0 22 28.0 37 43.0 45 51.0 40 46.0 279.0 218.0
35  USA Jim Medley Not documented US 701 29 35.0 PMS 61.0 28 34.0 27 33.0 25 31.0 DNF 61.0 23 29.0 284.0 223.0
36  JPN Shigeki Hidaka Not documented J 20 32 38.0 32 38.0 37 43.0 34 40.0 36 42.0 28 34.0 28 34.0 269.0 226.0
37  SWE Valter Saaristu Not documented S 121 37 43.0 PMS 61.0 31 37.0 21 27.0 40 46.0 40 46.0 33 39.0 299.0 238.0
38  USA Karin Campia - Olsen Not documented US 676 35 41.0 33 39.0 38 44.0 33 39.0 39 45.0 24 30.0 DSQ 61.0 299.0 238.0
39  AUT Michael Farthofer Christian Holler
Richard Holler
OE 73 30 36.0 DNS 61.0 33 39.0 36 42.0 30 36.0 42 48.0 32 38.0 300.0 239.0
40  JPN Takaharu Hirosama Not documented J 25 DNF 61.0 36 42.0 42 48.0 25 31.0 35 41.0 32 38.0 36 42.0 303.0 242.0
41  AUS Colin Lovelady Not documented KA 125 31 37.0 34 40.0 35 41.0 32 38.0 38 44.0 38 44.0 37 43.0 287.0 243.0
42  USA Bob Park Not documented US 736 38 44.0 30 36.0 40 46.0 35 41.0 41 47.0 37 43.0 34 40.0 297.0 250.0
43  USA Joe Hoeksema Rose Hoeksema
Not documented
US 744 39 45.0 DSQ 61.0 DNF 61.0 DNS 61.0 27 33.0 30 36.0 20 26.0 323.0 262.0
44  GER Daniel Diesing Not documented G 225 36 42.0 29 35.0 34 40.0 DNS 61.0 43 49.0 47 53.0 44 50.0 330.0 269.0
45  GER Rudolf Persike Not documented G 199 43 49.0 39 45.0 39 45.0 18 24.0 42 48.0 43 49.0 39 45.0 305.0 256.0
46  USA Robert Berg Not documented US 675 42 48.0 DNF 61.0 36 42.0 DNF 61.0 48 54.0 35 41.0 29 35.0 342.0 281.0
47  USA John Powell Not documented US 686 40 46.0 37 43.0 46 52.0 37 43.0 44 50.0 46 52.0 41 47.0 333.0 281.0
48  USA Brian Pace Not documented US 544 41 47.0 38 44.0 41 47.0 DNF 61.0 47 53.0 44 50.0 42 48.0 350.0 289.0
49  PAK Khalid Akhtan Not documented PK 3 DNF 61.0 DNF 61.0 43 49.0 39 45.0 46 52.0 39 45.0 43 49.0 362.0 301.0
50  ISV Jean Braure Not documented VI 3 45 51.0 40 46.0 47 53.0 41 47.0 DNF 61.0 48 54.0 45 51.0 363.0 302.0
51   SUI Alain Testuz Not documented Z 258 PMS 61.0 DNS 61.0 29 35.0 PMS 61.0 45 51.0 DNS 61.0 31 37.0 367.0 306.0
52  USA Martha Keys Not documented US 733 44 50.0 DNS 61.0 44 50.0 42 48.0 49 55.0 49 55.0 46 52.0 371.0 310.0
53  USA Tom Kenefick Not documented US 660 DNF 61.0 41 47.0 45 51.0 40 46.0 DNS 61.0 50 56.0 47 53.0 375.0 314.0
54  BRA José Paulo Dias Not documented BL 34 DSQ 61.0 DSQ 61.0 DSQ 61.0 DSQ 61.0 DSQ 61.0 DSQ 61.0 DSQ 61.0 427.0 366.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1983 Progress

1984 Final results

Sailing competition in Torbole, Italy
Theis Palm, Valdemar Bandolowski and Steve Calder
Event title
HostCircolo Vela Torbole
Event details
VenueTorbole,  Italy
Dates15–25 September
Opening ceremony18 September
Competing nations18
1st place, gold medalist(s) Gold Denmark
Valdemar Bandolowski
Steve Calder
Theis Palm
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Silver Soviet Union
Boris Budnikov
Gennadi Strakh
Oleg Miron
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Bronze East Germany
Helmar Nauck
Norbert Hellriegel
Sven Diedering
← 19831984 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s)  DEN Valdemar Bandolowski Theis Palm
Steve Calder
D 84 6 11.7 11 17.0 6 11.7 2 3.0 6 11.7 4 8.0 1 0.0 63.1 46.1
2nd place, silver medalist(s)  URS Boris Budnikov Gennedi Strakh
Oleg Miron
SR 33 1 0.0 19 25.0 7 13.0 5 10.0 9 15.0 2 3.0 8 14.0 80.0 55.0
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)  GDR Helmar Nauck Sven Diedering
Norbert Hellriegel
DDR 4 10 16.0 2 3.0 23 29.0 12 18.0 3 5.7 7 13.0 2 3.0 87.7 58.7
4  CAN Bill Abbott Jr. Larry Abbott
Don Beatty
KC 1 2 3.0 8 14.0 20 26.0 DSQ 71.0 11 17.0 1 0.0 5 10.0 141.0 70.0
5  AUS Peter Gilmour Murray
KA 157 11 17.0 17 23.0 1 0.0 4 8.0 DSQ 71.0 9 15.0 7 13.0 147.0 76.0
6  USA Don Cohan John Engel
Andreas Josenhans
US 723 12 18.0 21 27.0 3 5.7 11 17.0 2 3.0 5 10.0 39 45.0 125.7 80.7
7  AUT Michael Farthofer Christian Holler
Richard Holler
OE 73 30 36.0 1 0.0 18 24.0 6 11.7 7 13.0 14 20.0 13 19.0 123.7 87.7
8  FRG Thomas Jungblut Matthias Adamczewski
Not documented
G 232 8 14.0 7 13.0 17 23.0 10 16.0 12 18.0 22 28.0 9 15.0 127.0 99.0
9  FRG Roman Koch Maxl Koch
G 242 19 25.0 3 5.7 22 28.0 13 19.0 5 10.0 DSQ 71.0 12 18.0 176.7 105.7
10  GDR Wolf Richter Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
DDR 1 PMS 71.0 5 10.0 14 20.0 7 13.0 13 19.0 26 32.0 6 11.7 176.7 105.7
11  FRG Fritz Geis Moeckl
G 244 3 5.7 20 26.0 8 14.0 9 15.0 15 21.0 27 33.0 20 26.0 140.7 107.7
12  NOR Terje Wang Malm
N 96 7 13.0 15 21.0 16 22.0 24 30.0 1 0.0 21 27.0 18 24.0 137.0 107.0
13  DEN Jerper Bank Jan Mathiasen
D 83 14 20.0 10 16.0 4 8.0 19 25.0 14 20.0 25 31.0 14 20.0 140.0 109.0
14  ITA Flavio Favini Marco di Natale
Roberto Passoni
I 154 13 19.0 18 24.0 29 35.0 9 15.0 32 38.0 12 18.0 4 8.0 157.0 119.0
15  FIN Tom Jungell Mannstrom
L 47 4 8.0 12 18.0 26 32.0 20 26.0 19 25.0 19 25.0 11 17.0 151.0 119.0
16  FRG Erich Hirt Jr. Neufink
G 219 18 24.0 6 11.7 15 21.0 16 22.0 16 22.0 13 19.0 28 34.0 153.7 119.7
17  GRE Tassos Boudouris Dimitrios Deligiannis
Antonios Bountouris
GR 30 DSQ 71.0 13 19.0 DSQ 71.0 3 5.7 10 16.0 3 5.7 3 5.7 194.1 123.1
18  DEN William Frits Moller Nilsen
D 85 16 22.0 22 28.0 28 34.0 14 20.0 4 8.0 8 14.0 26 32.0 158.0 124.0
19  NOR Dag Usterud Børre Skui
Stein Lund Halvorsen
N 101 PMS 71.0 DSQ 71.0 2 3.0 1 0.0 8 14.0 16 22.0 19 25.0 206.0 135.0
20  FRG Karl Haist Anderson
S. Nikolaus
G 252 5 10.0 RET 71.0 5 10.0 18 24.0 RET 71.0 11 17.0 17 23.0 226.0 155.0
21  FRG Daniel Diesing Schritter
G 251 15 21.0 24 30.0 10 16.0 34 40.0 24 30.0 RET 71.0 15 21.0 229.0 158.0
22  ITA S. Santoni F. Toccoli
A. Ansaldi
I 220 25 31.0 40 46.0 32 38.0 15 21.0 20 26.0 10 16.0 21 27.0 205.0 159.0
23  AUT Carl Auteried Jr. Martin Zeileis
George Zeileis
OE 90 35 41.0 4 8.0 45 51.0 23 29.0 18 24.0 15 21.0 40 46.0 220.0 169.0
24  NOR Kalle Nergaard Hauff
N 87 24 30.0 14 20.0 25 31.0 29 35.0 23 29.0 20 26.0 DNC 71.0 242.0 171.0
25  HUN György Wossala L. Vajtai
László Kovácsi
M 77 22 28.0 16 22.0 34 40.0 28 34.0 21 27.0 36 42.0 24 30.0 223.0 181.0
26  HUN György Fináczy Tibor Izsak
Andras Toronyi
M 26 20 26.0 30 36.0 24 30.0 22 28.0 YMP 31.0 31 37.0 RET 71.0 259.0 188.0
27  FRG Schmid Müller
G 211 17 23.0 29 35.0 9 15.0 43 49.0 30 36.0 48 54.0 32 38.0 250.0 196.0
28  FRG Puppe Winter
G 228 26 32.0 46 52.0 36 42.0 30 36.0 YMP 33.0 18 24.0 25 31.0 250.0 198.0
29  NED Steven Bakker Guus de Groot
Rolf Heemskerk
H 22 9 15.0 9 15.0 37 43.0 26 32.0 DSQ 71.0 17 23.0 DNC 71.0 270.0 199.0
30  SWE Arwed von Gruenewaldt Schibbye
S 127 54 60.0 26 32.0 40 46.0 31 37.0 27 33.0 24 30.0 16 22.0 260.0 200.0
31  ITA Torboli Baldo
I 225 33 39.0 37 43.0 11 17.0 44 50.0 28 34.0 29 35.0 30 36.0 254.0 204.0
32  DEN Jens Ranlov J. Hemmingsen
M. Bache
D 80 37 43.0 25 31.0 39 45.0 21 27.0 31 37.0 28 34.0 DNC 71.0 288.0 217.0
33  ITA Bertamini Matteotti
I 221 42 28.0 31 37.0 35 41.0 17 23.0 29 35.0 RET 71.0 35 41.0 276.0 205.0
34   SUI Heiki Blok Andreas Keller
Z 249 44 50.0 28 34.0 52 58.0 42 48.0 25 31.0 32 38.0 23 29.0 288.0 230.0
35  FIN Heikki Hohtari J. Majander
L 41 50 56.0 58 64.0 49 55.0 38 44.0 17 23.0 6 11.7 37 43.0 296.7 232.7
36  USA Stuart H. Walker Stöllinger
US 725 40 46.0 44 50.0 53 59.0 33 39.0 RET 71.0 23 29.0 10 16.0 310.0 239.0
37  FRG Hans Heitmann Martin Heitmann
Mathias Heitmann
G 215 41 47.0 43 49.0 30 36.0 40 46.0 22 28.0 37 43.0 33 39.0 288.0 239.0
38  ITA Modena Bernardi
I 212 PMS 71.0 32 38.0 54 60.0 25 31.0 33 39.0 43 49.0 22 28.0 316.0 245.0
39  FRG Andy Vincon Doersch
G 240 PMS 71.0 27 33.0 33 39.0 41 47.0 26 32.0 52 58.0 31 37.0 317.0 246.0
40  ITA Rossi Sgorbati
I 188 38 44.0 33 39.0 13 19.0 RET 71.0 43 49.0 30 36.0 DNC 71.0 329.0 258.0
41  AUT Kloiber Brandstätter
Not documented
OE 80 36 42.0 45 51.0 31 37.0 39 45.0 34 40.0 38 44.0 DNC 71.0 330.0 259.0
42  FRG Gärsch Müller
G 213 31 37.0 51 57.0 41 47.0 32 38.0 42 48.0 44 50.0 34 40.0 317.0 260.0
43  FRG Blombach Merlevede
G 241 29 35.0 41 47.0 27 33.0 52 58.0 41 47.0 41 47.0 36 42.0 309.0 251.0
44  AUT Uli Strohschneider Hannes Blaschke
Andreas Blaschke
OE 78 34 40.0 34 40.0 56 62.0 RET 71.0 YMP 44.0 34 40.0 29 35.0 332.0 261.0
45  ITA Marzari Infanti
I 198 39 45.0 48 54.0 57 63.0 35 41.0 40 46.0 40 46.0 27 33.0 328.0 265.0
46   SUI Jorg Menzi Christen
Z 250 27 33.0 39 45.0 46 52.0 49 55.0 37 43.0 42 48.0 38 44.0 320.0 265.0
47  FRG Huber Rocholl
G 236 48 54.0 36 42.0 21 27.0 45 51.0 39 45.0 46 52.0 44 50.0 321.0 267.0
48  FRG Rudolf Persike Mathias Dulce
G 199 45 51.0 23 29.0 60 66.0 36 42.0 DSQ 71.0 35 41.0 48 54.0 354.0 283.0
49  ITA Chemolli Girolamo
Di Giro
I 199 49 55.0 55 61.0 38 44.0 37 43.0 36 42.0 33 39.0 DNC 71.0 355.0 284.0
50  FRG Jakob Jakob
G 220 21 27.0 42 48.0 43 49.0 RET 71.0 38 44.0 45 51.0 DNC 71.0 361.0 290.0
51  USA Roll Bergstrom
US 724 28 34.0 53 59.0 47 53.0 48 54.0 RET 71.0 39 45.0 41 47.0 363.0 292.0
52  ITA Veronesi Vangelista
I 187 46 52.0 49 55.0 12 18.0 RET 71.0 RET 71.0 47 53.0 42 48.0 368.0 297.0
53  FRG Achim Kadelbach Pochammer
G 224 5 10.0 56 62.0 19 25.0 47 53.0 45 51.0 55 61.0 DNC 71.0 333.0 262.0
54  ITA Rosa Guidotti
I 195 23 29.0 35 41.0 42 48.0 46 52.0 RET 71.0 RET 71.0 DNC 71.0 383.0 312.0
55  FRG Sauer Wolf
G 189 55 61.0 38 44.0 48 54.0 50 56.0 46 52.0 53 59.0 45 51.0 377.0 316.0
56  ITA Terzi Terzi
I 214 56 62.0 DSQ 71.0 44 50.0 27 33.0 35 41.0 PMS 71.0 DNC 71.0 399.0 328.0
57   SUI Ami Blanc Jean-Pierre Marmier
Z 234 43 49.0 52 58.0 51 57.0 53 59.0 44 50.0 50 56.0 DNC 71.0 400.0 329.0
58  FRA Olivaux Bougard
F 138 58 64.0 47 53.0 55 61.0 54 60.0 47 53.0 49 55.0 47 53.0 399.0 335.0
59  ITA Rolli Lo Masto
I 207 52 58.0 RET 71.0 61 67.0 51 57.0 48 54.0 51 57.0 43 49.0 413.0 342.0
60  FRA De Pimodan Fonteneau
Not documented
F 139 47 53.0 50 56.0 59 65.0 RET 71.0 50 56.0 DSQ 71.0 36 42.0 414.0 343.0
61  LIE Seemann Seemann
FL 1 53 59.0 57 63.0 58 64.0 56 62.0 51 57.0 54 60.0 49 55.0 420.0 356.0
62  NED Ton Koot Job Westening
Ton Donker
H 20 57 63.0 RET 71.0 50 56.0 55 61.0 49 55.0 56 62.0 DNC 71.0 439.0 368.0
63  FRA Yves Steff Gaden
F 126 PMS 71.0 54 60.0 DSQ 71.0 RET 71.0 RET 71.0 57 63.0 50 56.0 463.0 392.0
64  ITA Marino Cristaldini
I 209 32 38.0 RET 71.0 DNC 71.0 DNC 71.0 DNC 71.0 DNC 71.0 DNC 71.0 464.0 393.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1984 Progress

Further results

For further results see:


  1. "1980 Soling World Championship" (ASCII). site-isaf.soticcloud.net. World Sailing. 1 January 1980 . Retrieved 18 February 2020.
  2. ^ Reed, Dinny (ed.). "Soling Champions/World Events/World Champions". The International Soling Association GUIDE 1996 - 2000. Vol. 1996–2000, no. 1. International Soling Association. p. 8.
  3. Walker, Stuart (ed.). "Glen Dexter and the Americans - 1980 Worlds" (PDF). Soling Sailing. Vol. 7, no. 1. International Soling Association. pp. 1, 2. Retrieved 18 February 2020.
  4. "1981 Soling World Championship" (ASCII). site-isaf.soticcloud.net. World Sailing. 6 May 1981 . Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  5. "World Championship at Anzio" (PDF). soling.com. International Soling Association. June 1981 . Retrieved 22 March 2020.
  6. "Zeilen" (PDF). www.delpher.nl (in Dutch). De Volkskrant. 18 May 1981 . Retrieved 22 March 2020.
  7. "1982 Soling World Championship" (ASCII). site-isaf.soticcloud.net. World Sailing. 8 March 1982 . Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  8. "Mark Bethwaite wins 1982 Soling Worlds" (PDF). soling.com. International Soling Association. March 1982 . Retrieved 25 March 2020.
  9. "WK Perth" (PDF). www.delpher.nl (in Dutch). NRC Handelsblad. 23 March 1982 . Retrieved 23 March 2020.
  10. "1983 Soling World Championship" (ASCII). site-isaf.soticcloud.net. World Sailing. 10 July 1983 . Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  11. ^ "Robbie Haines World Champion Again" (PDF). soling.com. International Soling Association. September 1983 . Retrieved 25 March 2020.
  12. "WK Fan Francisco" (PDF). www.delpher.nl (in Dutch). Volkskrant. 23 July 1983 . Retrieved 25 March 2020.
  13. "1984 Soling World Championship" (ASCII). site-isaf.soticcloud.net. World Sailing. 15 September 1984 . Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  14. "Val Bandalowski Wins the Worlds at Garda" (PDF). soling.com. International Soling Association. December 1984 . Retrieved 26 March 2020.
  15. "Torbole" (PDF). www.delpher.nl (in Dutch). Volkskrant. 1 October 1984 . Retrieved 26 March 2020.