The New Quiz Kids was a short-lived television series, based on the 1950s game show Quiz Kids. Two separate seasons were produced in Canada in 1978-1979 by the Global Television Network in association with RKO Television and Columbia Pictures.
Episodes were rebroadcast several times in the following seasons. The host was a young Terry David Mulligan. Five high school students competed in each episode, with the top three earning the right to continue. Michael Mullerbeck of University of Toronto Schools earned the most appearances (33), followed by Bettina Weber (22) of Silverthorn CI, and John Chew (11), also of UTS.
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- 1970s Canadian game shows
- Global Television Network original programming
- Student quiz television series
- 1978 Canadian television series debuts
- 1979 Canadian television series endings
- 1970s high school television series
- Canadian high school television series
- Canadian television series about teenagers
- Television series by Sony Pictures Television
- Canadian non-fiction television series stubs