The Simpsons is an American animated television sitcom created by Matt Groening for Fox. It is a satirical depiction of a middle class American lifestyle epitomized by its eponymous family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield, and lampoons American culture, society, and television, as well as many aspects of the human condition. The family was conceived by Groening shortly before a pitch for a series of animated shorts with producer James L. Brooks. Groening created a dysfunctional family and named the characters after members of his own family, substituting Bart for his own name. The shorts became a part of the Fox series The Tracey Ullman Show on April 19, 1987. After a three-season run, the sketch was developed into a half-hour prime-time show that was an early hit for Fox.
Throughout the years, many episodes of the show have been released on VHS, DVD and Blu-ray. When the first season DVD was released in 2001, it quickly became the best-selling television DVD set in history, although it was later overtaken by the first season of Chappelle's Show. The first twenty seasons are available on DVD in Regions 1, 2, and 4, with the twentieth season released on DVD and Blu-ray in 2010 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the series. But, only the first seventeen seasons were released in Region 3. The Simpsons Movie, a feature-length film, was released in theaters worldwide on July 27, 2007, and was later available on DVD and Blu-ray worldwide on December 3, 2007 and on December 18, 2007 in the U.S.
On April 8, 2015, show runner Al Jean announced that there would be no more DVD or Blu-ray releases, shifting focus to digital distribution. Two years later, following fan protest, season 18 was released on December 5, 2017 on DVD with the possibility of further seasons if sales were strong enough. Two years later, season 19 was released on DVD on December 3, 2019. Also on December 3, 2019, a limited-edition DVD collection consisting of seasons 1-20, limited to 1,000 units, was released.
Season | Episodes | DVD release dates | Formats | DVD Discs | |||
Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4 | ||||
1 | 13 | September 25, 2001 (2001-09-25) | September 24, 2001 (2001-09-24) | December 17, 2004 | October 3, 2001 (2001-10-03) | DVD | 3 |
2 | 22 | August 6, 2002 (2002-08-06) | July 8, 2002 (2002-07-08) | August 9, 2004 | July 24, 2002 (2002-07-24) | 4 | |
3 | 24 | August 26, 2003 (2003-08-26) | October 6, 2003 (2003-10-06) | August 9, 2004 | November 12, 2003 (2003-11-12) | ||
4 | 22 | June 15, 2004 (2004-06-15) | August 2, 2004 (2004-08-02) | June 2, 2005 | August 25, 2004 (2004-08-25) | ||
5 | 22 | December 21, 2004 (2004-12-21) | March 21, 2005 (2005-03-21) | June 2, 2005 | March 23, 2005 (2005-03-23) | ||
6 | 25 | August 16, 2005 (2005-08-16) | October 17, 2005 (2005-10-17) | November 9, 2005 | March 29, 2006 (2006-03-29) | ||
7 | 25 | December 13, 2005 (2005-12-13) | January 30, 2006 (2006-01-30) | April 18, 2006 | May 10, 2006 (2006-05-10) | ||
8 | 25 | August 15, 2006 (2006-08-15) | October 2, 2006 (2006-10-02) | August 3, 2007 | October 11, 2006 (2006-10-11) | ||
9 | 25 | December 19, 2006 (2006-12-19) | January 29, 2007 (2007-01-29) | February 16, 2007 | March 21, 2007 (2007-03-21) | ||
10 | 23 | August 7, 2007 (2007-08-07) | September 10, 2007 (2007-09-10) | August 16, 2007 | September 26, 2007 (2007-09-26) | ||
11 | 22 | October 7, 2008 (2008-10-07) | October 6, 2008 (2008-10-06) | November 6, 2008 | November 5, 2008 (2008-11-05) | ||
12 | 21 | August 18, 2009 (2009-08-18) | September 28, 2009 (2009-09-28) | August 27, 2009 | September 2, 2009 (2009-09-02) | ||
13 | 22 | August 24, 2010 (2010-08-24) | September 20, 2010 (2010-09-20) | September 29, 2010 | December 1, 2010 (2010-12-01) | DVD & Blu-ray | |
14 | 22 | December 6, 2011 (2011-12-06) | October 10, 2011 (2011-10-10) | January 10, 2013 | November 2, 2011 (2011-11-02) | ||
15 | 22 | December 4, 2012 (2012-12-04) | December 3, 2012 (2012-12-03) | January 10, 2013 | December 12, 2012 (2012-12-12) | ||
16 | 21 | December 3, 2013 (2013-12-03) | December 2, 2013 (2013-12-02) | December 5, 2013 | December 11, 2013 (2013-12-11) | ||
17 | 22 | December 2, 2014 (2014-12-02) | December 1, 2014 (2014-12-01) | January 5, 2015 | December 3, 2014 (2014-12-03) | ||
18 | 22 | December 5, 2017 (2017-12-05) | December 11, 2017 (2017-12-11) | December 13, 2017 (2017-12-13) | DVD | ||
Movie | December 18, 2007 (2007-12-18) | December 3, 2007 (2007-12-03) | December 5, 2007 | December 5, 2007 (2007-12-05) | DVD, VCD and Blu-ray | 1 | |
19 | 20 | December 3, 2019 (2019-12-03) | December 2, 2019 (2019-12-02) | December 11, 2019 (2019-12-11) | DVD | 4 | |
20 | 21 | January 12, 2010 (2010-01-12) | September 17, 2010 (2010-09-17) | January 20, 2010 (2010-01-20) | DVD & Blu-ray | 3 |
Full season sets
Season | Set details | DVD release dates | Special features | |
Region 1 | Region 2 | |||
1 |
September 25, 2001 | September 24, 2001 |
2 |
August 6, 2002 | July 8, 2002 |
3 |
August 26, 2003 | October 6, 2003 |
4 |
June 15, 2004 | August 2, 2004 |
5 |
December 21, 2004 | March 21, 2005 |
6 | August 16, 2005 | October 17, 2005 |
| |
7 | December 13, 2005 | January 30, 2006 |
| |
8 | August 15, 2006 | October 2, 2006 |
| |
9 | December 19, 2006 | January 29, 2007 |
| |
10 | August 7, 2007 | September 10, 2007 |
| |
11 | October 7, 2008 | October 6, 2008 |
| |
12 |
August 18, 2009 | September 28, 2009 |
13 | August 24, 2010 | September 20, 2010 |
| |
14 | December 6, 2011 | October 10, 2011 |
| |
15 | December 4, 2012 | December 3, 2012 |
| |
16 |
December 3, 2013 (2013-12-03) | December 2, 2013 |
17 |
December 2, 2014 (2014-12-02) | December 1, 2014 (2014-12-01) |
18 | December 5, 2017 (2017-12-05) | December 11, 2017 (2017-12-11) |
| |
The Simpsons Movie | December 18, 2007 | December 3, 2007 |
| |
19 | December 3, 2019 (2019-12-03) | December 2, 2019 |
| |
20 | January 12, 2010 | September 17, 2010 |
Season | Set details | Blu-ray release dates | Special features | |
Region A | Region B | |||
13 |
August 24, 2010 | September 20, 2010 |
14 |
December 6, 2011 | October 10, 2011 |
15 |
December 4, 2012 | December 3, 2012 |
16 |
December 3, 2013 | December 2, 2013 |
17 |
December 2, 2014 | December 1, 2014 |
The Simpsons Movie |
December 18, 2007 | December 3, 2007 |
20 | January 12, 2010 | September 17, 2010 |
Title | VHS release dates | Episode(s) | |
Region 1 | Region 2 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Bart the General | October 1, 1991 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Call of the Simpsons | October 1, 1991 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Life in the Fast Lane | October 1, 1991 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Moaning Lisa | October 1, 1991 | ||
The Simpsons Christmas Special | October 24, 1991 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Homer's Night Out | October 12, 1992 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Krusty Gets Busted | October 12, 1992 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: The Simpsons Christmas Special | October 12, 1992 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Treehouse of Horror | October 12, 1992 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Two Cars in Every Garage | October 11, 1993 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: War of the Simpsons | October 11, 1993 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Dancin' Homer | March 1, 1994 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: 3 Men And A Comic Book | March 1, 1994 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Dead Putting Society | May 1, 1995 | ||
The Simpsons Collection: Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington | May 1, 1995 | ||
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 1 | September 16, 1997 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 2 | September 16, 1997 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 3 | September 16, 1997 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 4 | February 3, 1998 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 5 | February 3, 1998 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 6 | February 3, 1998 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 7 | May 26, 1998 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 8 | May 26, 1998 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 9 | May 26, 1998 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 10 | April 13, 1999 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 11 | April 13, 1999 |
| |
The Best of The Simpsons: Volume 12 | April 13, 1999 |
Title | DVD release dates | Episode(s) | |
Region 1 | Region 2 | ||
Film Festival | April 1, 2002 | ||
Backstage Pass | May 20, 2002 | ||
Treehouse of Horror | September 2, 2003 | October 28, 2002 | |
Risky Business | April 7, 2003 | ||
Bart Wars | May 17, 2005 | September 8, 2003 | |
The Dark Secrets of The Simpsons | September 8, 2003 |
| |
Greatest Hits | September 8, 2003 | ||
The Simpsons Go to Hollywood | September 8, 2003 |
| |
Too Hot for TV | September 8, 2003 | ||
Christmas | October 14, 2003 | November 3, 2003 | |
Gone Wild | September 14, 2004 | June 4, 2004 | |
The Simpsons Against the World | August 16, 2004 | ||
Heaven and Hell | August 16, 2004 | ||
On Your Marks, Get Set, D'oh! | August 16, 2004 | ||
Sex, Lies and The Simpsons | August 16, 2004 | ||
The | August 16, 2004 | ||
Christmas 2 | November 2, 2004 | October 25, 2004 | |
Crime and Punishment | April 18, 2005 | ||
Springfield Murder Mysteries | April 18, 2005 |
| |
Raiders of the Lost Fridge | April 18, 2005 | ||
Viva Los Simpsons | April 18, 2005 | ||
The Last Temptation of Homer | April 18, 2005 | ||
Around the World in 80 D'ohs | May 23, 2005 | ||
Kiss and Tell: The Story of Their Love | February 7, 2006 | February 6, 2006 |
- ^ The Simpsons: America's First Family (television documentary). BBC. 2000. Later released on the 2001 DVD The Simpsons – The Complete First Season by 20th Century Fox.
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- "The Simpsons: The Fourteenth Season Blu-ray". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: The Complete Twentieth Season Blu-ray". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- Region B Blu-ray box sets:
- "The Simpsons: The Thirteenth Season Blu-ray (Australia)". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: The Fourteenth Season Blu-ray (Australia)". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: The Complete Twentieth Season Blu-ray (Australia)". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- Region 1 DVD compilation:
- "The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror". Amazon. Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Bart Wars". Amazon. Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Christmas". Amazon. Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Gone Wild". Amazon. Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Christmas 2". Amazon. Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons – Kiss and Tell: The Story of Their Love". Amazon. Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- Region 2 DVD compilations:
- "The Simpsons: Film Festival". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Backstage Pass". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Risky Business". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Bart Wars". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Dark Secrets". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Greatest Hits". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons Go to Hollywood". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Too Hot for TV". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Christmas". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Gone Wild". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Against the World". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Heaven and Hell". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: On Your Marks, Get Set, D'Oh". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Sex, Lies and the Simpsons". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: The". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Christmas 2". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Crime & Punishment". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Springfield Murder Mysteries". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Raiders of the Lost Fridge". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Viva Los Simpsons". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Last Temptation of Homer". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons: Around the World in 80 D'ohs". Retrieved 2012-03-22.
- "The Simpsons – Kiss and Tell: The Story of Their Love". Retrieved 2012-03-22.