À-à È-è Ì-ì Ò-ò Ù-ù Ć-ć
Ö-ö Ü-ü
Ğ-ğ Ž-ž
Ironic idolator gleaming knee-deep in philosophy and poetry,
smoking the crack-pipe of Consumer Capitalism,
coughing relentless, blissfully drowning in rivers
of free thought and Thinking About It.
A left-lean debate-machine. Capitalism's unruly tenant,
fuck rent. Ironyball in your society's side pocket,
poetic prophet, watching philosophy's sun set.
When will it rise again? Unknown. Your mind's
blown, I'm Christ's clone, and a Social hard-sell
and morality's motherfucking death knell.
walls of dust — ¡muhammad! (talk) 13:05, 19 June 2009 (UTC)