´´´Experimenteel proza´'´ or ´´´Experimental prose´´´ was a literary genre in the Dutch literature practised mainly in the 50s and 60s in THE Netherlands (the name of this country is not just ¨Netherlands¨, maybe perhaps in experimental English prose?).
Experimental prose is the designation for a form of literary text that deviates from traditional prose through experiments with form and content. Deviating from conventions often creates an alienating effect for the reader.
A well-known Dutch work that is regarded as a form of experimental prose is ´Het Boek Ik´ by Bert SchierbeekBert Schierbeek (1951). T
One form of experimental prose in Anglophone literature is the cut-up method, a collage form conceived by Bryon Gison and developed by William S. Burroughs and Alexander Trocchi.
Also see
Fifties in The The Netherlands
Lemma experimental prose in the General Literary Lexicon, G.J. van Bork, D. Delabastita, H. van Gorp, P.J. Vercruijsse and G.J. Vis, 2012,